Power of the low alpha brainwaves in the mental imagery experiment in sport: the "Start in High Level Championship" scenario. - Open Research Data - Bridge of Knowledge


Power of the low alpha brainwaves in the mental imagery experiment in sport: the "Start in High Level Championship" scenario.


The data were collected to perform research on the neural oscillation during mental imagery in sport. The main aim of the study was to examine the cortical correlates of imagery depending on instructional modality (guided vs self-produced) using various sport-related scripts. The research was based on the EEG signals recorded during the session with the experienced Olympic sailor athlete. The raw electroencephalographic data were collected using the 32-channels (incl. ground and reference) g. Nautilus wearable EEG headset with 24-bit ADC accuracy at 250 Hz sampling rate. All signals were properly preprocessed to remove any artifacts and filter unnecessary frequencies. At the processing stage, the Fast Fourier Transform (FFT) with Kaiser windowing, bandpass filters, and the inverse FFT were applied to obtain the pure low alpha brainwaves. Finally, the power of the low alpha brainwaves was calculated.

The dataset is arranged in 30 columns. Each column corresponds to one EEG electrode. The first 33 seconds (i.e. 8250 samples) of the power of the low alpha brainwaves are related to the guided imagery part of the "Start in High Level Championship" situation. Then, there is 2 seconds break (500 samples), after which the self-produced imagery part of the "Start in High Level Championship" situation is presented with a duration of 60 seconds (i.e. 15000 samples).

Dataset file

13.0 MB, S3 ETag d38ee7566e911239c7a24ea6400aa1cb-1, downloads: 71
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hexmd5(md5(part1)+md5(part2)+...)-{parts_count} where a single part of the file is 512 MB in size.

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File details

Creative Commons: by-nc-sa 4.0 open in new tab
Non-commercial - Share-alike


Year of publication:
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Dataset language:
Fields of science:
  • health sciences (Medical and Health Sciences )
DOI ID 10.34808/zyzx-d322 open in new tab
Verified by:
Gdańsk University of Technology


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