The dataset of coupling coefficients for rotating receiver of multicoil dynamic wireless power transfer system - Open Research Data - Bridge of Knowledge


The dataset of coupling coefficients for rotating receiver of multicoil dynamic wireless power transfer system


The provided dataset is part of the simulation results shown in related journal paper "Optimal Rotating Receiver Angles Estimation for Multicoil Dynamic Wireless Power Transfer".

The simulation is being performed for the rotating receiver and 3 transmitting coils. The data is formed as a vertical concatenation of 3 matrixes of coupling coefficients between receiver and each transmitter


File structure:

The simulation is being listed in one file


+-- Simulation_RotatingInductance_DifferentDisplacement.csv


First column denotes angular values of receiver rotation, the header denotes the linear displacement of receiver.

_____ | 00 09 .. 81 90 | 00 09 .. 81 90 | 00 09 .. 81 90 |

125.0 | kk kk kk kk kk | kk kk kk kk kk | kk kk kk kk kk |

137.5 | kk kk kk kk kk | kk kk kk kk kk | kk kk kk kk kk |

..... | .. .. .. .. .. | .. .. .. .. .. | .. .. .. .. .. |

237.5 | kk kk kk kk kk | kk kk kk kk kk | kk kk kk kk kk |

250.0 | kk kk kk kk kk | kk kk kk kk kk | kk kk kk kk kk |


Used equipment:

The results are being obtained from FEM simulation of dynamic wireless charging system as descripted in a paper.

The simulation was performed in ANSYS MAXWELL

This work was funded by the NCN (National Science Centre, Poland) Preludium BIS-2 project Nr 2020/39/O/ST7/01568

Dataset file

4.4 kB, S3 ETag d29ec42fa6c6967c75ab3bbd31385d42-1, downloads: 60
The file hash is calculated from the formula
hexmd5(md5(part1)+md5(part2)+...)-{parts_count} where a single part of the file is 512 MB in size.

Example script for calculation:

File details

Creative Commons: 0 1.0 open in new tab
CC 0
Public Domain Dedication
Raw data:
Data contained in dataset was not processed.


Year of publication:
Related location:
Gdansk, Pomeranian Voivodeship, Poland (54° 22′ 7″ N, 18° 36′ 46″ E)
Verification date:
Creation date:
Dataset language:
DOI ID 10.34808/jcak-rm35 open in new tab
Verified by:
Gdańsk University of Technology



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