The study was conducted on a group of 259 entrepreneurs from various regions of Poland. Tha analysis is concerned on aspects related to the level of use of tax incentives in companies. The results contain the following aspects: how often entrepreneurs benefit from tax breaks and exemptions and why are they reluctant to take economic and business advantage from the tax incentives system in Poland?
Dataset file
Use of tax incentives and exemptions - study results.xlsx
34.5 kB,
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File details
- License:
open in new tabCC BYAttribution
- Year of publication:
- 2020
- Verification date:
- 2020-12-17
- Dataset language:
- Polish
- Fields of science:
- economics and finance (Social studies)
- DOI:
- DOI ID 10.34808/ahy6-1986 open in new tab
- Verified by:
- Gdańsk University of Technology
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