Exploring perceptions of pro environmental educational mobile applications based on semantic field analysis - Publication - Bridge of Knowledge


Exploring perceptions of pro environmental educational mobile applications based on semantic field analysis


The paper aims to identify multidimensional perceptions of mobile apps by their users. Special attention has been paid to pro-environmental educational apps. Semantic field analysis and measurement of emotional temperatures were performed to achieve this goal. Transcripts from seven focus group interviews were used as research material. The results indicate that functionality based on a reward or benefit system reinforces environmentally friendly behavior. However, the reward system does not have to be based only on individual financial aspects, it can concern environmental actions, but it must nevertheless be measurable and noticeable. The findings also suggest that users place a high value on the app's utilitarian features and that respondents perceive aspects of the activities related to user behavior monitoring negatively. The novelty of the research stems from the methodology adopted. Research findings are significant from the point of view of both the developers of modern apps and the educators who could use them in the teaching-learning process.

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AMCIS 2023 Proceedings. 1. https://aisel.aisnet.org/amcis2023/sig_ccris/sig_ccris/1
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Bibliographic description:
Duda, Ewa, "Exploring perceptions of pro-environmental educational mobile applications based on semantic field analysis" (2023). AMCIS 2023 Proceedings. 1. https://aisel.aisnet.org/amcis2023/sig_ccris/sig_ccris/1
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