ThreSpect – A Program for the Determination of the Appearance Energies of Neutral and Ionized Species - Publication - Bridge of Knowledge


ThreSpect – A Program for the Determination of the Appearance Energies of Neutral and Ionized Species


Collisions of photons and charged particles with molecules lead to their excitation, ionization, and dissociation into neutral and ionized fragments. Accurately determining thresholds of the formation of particular products plays a vital role in analyzing processes occurring during these interactions. Therefore, we present a computer program, “ThreSpect,” that allows calculating threshold energies of various species generated in these collisions irrespective of whether they are recorded with mass spectrometric or emission spectroscopic techniques.

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Copyright (2023 Romanian Academy Publishing House)



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Published in:
Romanian Journal of Physics no. 68,
ISSN: 1221-146X
Publication year:
Bibliographic description:
Jurkowski M., Głowienka D., Wąsowicz T.: ThreSpect – A Program for the Determination of the Appearance Energies of Neutral and Ionized Species// Romanian Journal of Physics -Vol. 68,iss. 5-6 (2023), s.203-
Sources of funding:
  • This article is based upon work from COST Action CA20129. DG thanks National Science Centre, grant M-ERA.NET 3 Call 2021 with project number 2021/03/Y/ST5/00233.
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Gdańsk University of Technology

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