Search results for: 2d space feature, speech analysis, deep learning, spectrogram, cepstrogram, chromagram - Bridge of Knowledge


Search results for: 2d space feature, speech analysis, deep learning, spectrogram, cepstrogram, chromagram

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Search results for: 2d space feature, speech analysis, deep learning, spectrogram, cepstrogram, chromagram

  • Zespół Systemów Multimedialnych

    * technologie archiwizacji, rekonstrukcji i dostępu do nagrań archiwalnych * technologie inteligentnego monitoringu wizyjnego i akustycznego * multimedialne technologie telemedyczne * multimodalne interfejsy komputerowe

  • Zespół Systemów Multimedialnych

    * technologie archiwizacji, rekonstrukcji i dostępu do nagrań archiwalnych * technologie inteligentnego monitoringu wizyjnego i akustycznego * multimedialne technologie telemedyczne * multimodalne interfejsy komputerowe

  • Inteligentne Systemy Interaktywne

    Naturalne interfejsy, umożliwiające inteligentną interakcję człowiek-maszyna z możliwością oddziaływania na możliwie wszystkie zmysły człowieka równocześnie i bez potrzeby jego wcześniejszego szkolenia w zakresie używania typowych urządzeń zewnętrznych komputera, w tym z wykorzystaniem metod automatycznego rozpoznawania i syntezy mowy, biometrii, proaktywnych (samo-wykonywalnych) dokumentów elektronicznych, rozpoznawania emocji...

Best results in : Business Offer Pokaż wszystkie wyniki (20)

Search results for: 2d space feature, speech analysis, deep learning, spectrogram, cepstrogram, chromagram

Other results Pokaż wszystkie wyniki (125)

Search results for: 2d space feature, speech analysis, deep learning, spectrogram, cepstrogram, chromagram

  • Analysis of 2D Feature Spaces for Deep Learning-based Speech Recognition



    convolutional neural network (CNN) which is a class of deep, feed-forward artificial neural network. We decided to analyze audio signal feature maps, namely spectrograms, linear and Mel-scale cepstrograms, and chromagrams. The choice was made upon the fact that CNN performs well in 2D data-oriented processing contexts. Feature maps were employed in the Lithuanian word recognition task. The spectral analysis led to the highest word...

  • Speech Analytics Based on Machine Learning


    In this chapter, the process of speech data preparation for machine learning is discussed in detail. Examples of speech analytics methods applied to phonemes and allophones are shown. Further, an approach to automatic phoneme recognition involving optimized parametrization and a classifier belonging to machine learning algorithms is discussed. Feature vectors are built on the basis of descriptors coming from the music information...

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  • Analysis-by-synthesis paradigm evolved into a new concept

    This work aims at showing how the well-known analysis-by-synthesis paradigm has recently been evolved into a new concept. However, in contrast to the original idea stating that the created sound should not fail to pass the foolproof synthesis test, the recent development is a consequence of the need to create new data. Deep learning models are greedy algorithms requiring a vast amount of data that, in addition, should be correctly...

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  • Interpretable Deep Learning Model for the Detection and Reconstruction of Dysarthric Speech

    • D. Korzekwa
    • R. Barra-Chicote
    • B. Kostek
    • T. Drugman
    • M. Łajszczak

    - Year 2019

    We present a novel deep learning model for the detection and reconstruction of dysarthric speech. We train the model with a multi-task learning technique to jointly solve dysarthria detection and speech reconstruction tasks. The model key feature is a low-dimensional latent space that is meant to encode the properties of dysarthric speech. It is commonly believed that neural networks are black boxes that solve problems but do not...

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  • Detecting Lombard Speech Using Deep Learning Approach

    • K. Kąkol
    • G. Korvel
    • G. Tamulevicius
    • B. Kostek

    - SENSORS - Year 2023

    Robust Lombard speech-in-noise detecting is challenging. This study proposes a strategy to detect Lombard speech using a machine learning approach for applications such as public address systems that work in near real time. The paper starts with the background concerning the Lombard effect. Then, assumptions of the work performed for Lombard speech detection are outlined. The framework proposed combines convolutional neural networks...

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