Search results for: HEAT EXCHANGERS - Bridge of Knowledge


Search results for: HEAT EXCHANGERS

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Search results for: HEAT EXCHANGERS

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Search results for: HEAT EXCHANGERS

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Search results for: HEAT EXCHANGERS

  • Thermohydraulic maldistribution reduction in mini heat exchangers


    A detailed numerical investigation has been carried out to analyze the flow maldistribution in 50 parallel 1 mm × 1 mm rectangular minichannels and 1 mm depth minigap section with rectangular, trapezoidal, triangular or concave manifolds in Z-type flow configuration. The working medium was ethanol and the mass flow rate was 5 × 10−4 kg/s. Both sections were heated from the bottom side. Heat flux of 10 000 W/m2 and 5000 W/m2 was...

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  • Possibilities of heat transfer augmentation in heat exchangers with minichannels for marine applications


    In the paper, new trends in development of microchannel heat exchangers are presented. The exchangers developed in this way can be applied in marine applications. Main attention was focused on heat exchangers design with reduced size of passages namely based on microchannels. In our opinion future development of high power heat exchangers will be based on networks micro heat exchangers.

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  • New trends in development of micro heat exchangers for ORC's


    - Year 2014

    In the paper, new trends in development of micro heat exchangers for CHP are presented. Main attention is concentrated on the question, how channels size and thermal development lenght affect the heat transfer. New types of micro heat exchangers developed at the Institute of Fluid-Flow Machinery PAS and the methoda of their design are presented. The new experimental testing methods of the micro-channel heat exchangers, new algorithms...

  • Flow maldistribution and its mitigation in mini heat exchangers


    In the present paper, a detailed numerical investigation has been carried out to analyze the flow maldistribution in 50 parallel 1 mm x 1 mm rectangular minichannels and 1 mm depth minigap section with rectangular, trapezoidal, triangular or concave mani-folds in Z-type flow configuration (16 different cases). The working medium was ethanol and the mass flow rate was 5×10-4 kg/s. Both sections was heated from the bottom side. Heat...

  • Applicability of arrays of microjets heat transfer correlations to design compact heat exchangers

    The article presents experimental studies on a compact heat exchanger with heat transfer intensification by means of impinging microjets. The pursuit to provide high performance of heat exchangers is a response to the demand both in economics and in the universal tendency to miniaturization of industrial equipment. This paper presents the design and tests of a prototype, microjet heat exchanger. The modular design of the heat exchanger...

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