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Search results for: VEGETATIVE STATE
Zespół Systemów Multimedialnych
Research Potential* technologie archiwizacji, rekonstrukcji i dostępu do nagrań archiwalnych * technologie inteligentnego monitoringu wizyjnego i akustycznego * multimedialne technologie telemedyczne * multimodalne interfejsy komputerowe
Zespół Systemów Multimedialnych
Research Potential* technologie archiwizacji, rekonstrukcji i dostępu do nagrań archiwalnych * technologie inteligentnego monitoringu wizyjnego i akustycznego * multimedialne technologie telemedyczne * multimodalne interfejsy komputerowe
Katedra Technologii Wody i Ścieków
Research PotentialAktywność naukowo-badawcza pracowników katedry koncentruje się wokół zagadnień dotyczących technologii ochrony środowiska, w szczególności zagadnienia oczyszczania wód i ścieków, gospodarki osadowej jak również gospodarki odpadami. Prowadzone badania poświęcone są ocenie zagrożeń środowiska wynikających z dopływu zanieczyszczeń ze źródeł punktowych (zanieczyszczonych wód i ścieków ) i powierzchniowych (ścieków opadowych) oraz...
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Search results for: VEGETATIVE STATE
Brain and Mind Electrophysiology lab
Business OfferNeurofizjologia pamięci i funkcji poznawczych mózgu
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Search results for: VEGETATIVE STATE
Awareness evaluation of patients in vegetative state employing eye-gaze tracking system
PublicationApplication of eye-gaze tracking system to awareness evaluation is demonstrated. Hitherto awareness evaluation methods are presented. The assumptions of proposed method based on analysis of visual activity of patients in vegetative state are demonstrated. The eye-gaze tracking system ''Cyber-Eye'' developed at the Multimedia Systems Department employed to conducted experiments is presented. Research described in the paper indicates...
Human Computer Interface for Tracking Eye Movements Improves Assessment and Diagnosis of Patients With Acquired Brain Injuries
PublicationOne of the first clinical signs differentiating the minimally conscious state from the vegetative state is the presence of smooth pursuit eye movements occurring in direct response to moving salient stimuli. Glasgow Coma Scale (GCS) is one of the most commonly used diagnostic tools for acute phase assessment of the level of consciousness, together with a neurological examination. These classic measures are limited to qualitative...
Consciousness Study of Subjects with Unresponsive Wakefulness Syndrome Employing Multimodal Interfaces
PublicationThe paper presents a novel multimodal-based methodology for consciousness study of individuals with unresponsive wakefulness syndrome. Two interfaces were employed in the experiments: eye gaze tracking system – CyberEye developed at the Multimedia Systems Department, and EEG device with electrode placement in the international 10-20 standard. It was a pilot study for checking if it is possible to determine objective methods based...
Cross-domain applications of multimodal human-computer interfaces
PublicationDeveloped multimodal interfaces for education applications and for disabled people are presented, including interactive electronic whiteboard based on video image analysis, application for controlling computers with mouth gestures and audio interface for speech stretching for hearing impaired and stuttering people and intelligent pen allowing for diagnosing and ameliorating developmental dyslexia. The eye-gaze tracking system named...
New methods for assessment and stimulation of non-communicative patients employing advanced multimodal HCI . Nowe metody oceny i stymulacji pacjentów niekomunikatywnych z wykorzystaniem zaawansowanych interfejsów multimodalnych człowiek-komputer
PublicationIn most cases of patients with locomotor system damage it is possible to find a solution to the medical problems originating from the injury. However, it is much more difficult to prevent cognitive and emotional impairments. Therefore, we believe that the technological support of therapists working with such patients on an everyday basis may be essential. We have acquired experience in designing and providing diagnostic and therapeutic...