Emilia Miszewska - Biographical note - Bridge of Knowledge



Emilia Miszewska was born in 1986 in Gdańsk. She graduated from Primary School No. 17 in Gdańsk with sports classes specializing in swimming and Janusz Kusociński Sports Secondary School No. 11 in Gdańsk. In 2005, she started uniform master's studies at the Faculty of Civil and Environmental Engineering, which she completed in 2011, defending her diploma thesis entitled "Analysis and development of fire protection guidelines and an evacuation plan for a selected property", carried out under the supervision of Radosław Wiśniewski, PhD Eng.

          During her studies, she represented the University Club of the Gdańsk University of Technology at the Polish Higher Education Championships and the Polish Academic Championships in swimming, rowing ergometer and rowing, winning over 20 individual and 8 team medals. Emilia Miszewska actively worked for the Gdańsk University of Technology and the Faculty of Civil and Environmental Engineering as part of the Faculty Student Council of WLiŚ and the Student Government of the Gdańsk University of Technology. For two terms she served as the President of the University Club of the Academic Sports Association of the Gdańsk University of Technology. She was also the founder of the WLiŚ Athletes' Circle and the originator and organizer of the Games for children from orphanages as part of Sports Days and the ILiŚ Faculty Festival. In 2011 she received Karol Pomianowski Award from the foundation of the Faculty of Civil and Environmental Engineering for the organizational activities during her studies.

         Emilia Miszewska started her professional career in 2011 when she was employed as a specialist for hydrotechnical facilities at the Municipal Sports and Recreation Center in Gdańsk. In December 2013, the doctoral student obtained a professional license in the field of Real Estate Management No. 26505 pursuant to Art. 192 of the Act of August 21, 1997 on real estate management (Journal of Laws of 2010, No. 102, item 651, as amended) issued by the Minister of Infrastructure and Development.

         Then, in 2014, she was employed as a Management Representative and Project Manager at NAVPRO Hydrotechnika Sp. z o. o., where she worked until March 2016. At the same time, in 2011, she started doctoral studies organized by the Faculty of Civil and Environmental Engineering, which she completed in September 2015. During her doctoral studies, the doctoral student's scientific supervisors and her future Supervisors were Prof. PG Adam Bolt, PhD and Prof. AEH Radosław Wiśniewski, PhD. The doctoral student started her doctoral thesis in September 2013. The original title of her doctoral thesis was "Assessment of technical possibilities and formal and legal conditions for the development of housing on vessels in Polish waters." Due to the death of Prof. Adam Bolt in 2018, the Supervisor has been Prof. PG Maciej Niedostatkiewicz, PhD. Eng.

         Since February 2013, Emilia Miszewska has been working as an assistant, initially at the Department of Metal Structures and Construction Management, and since September 2020 at the Department of Geodesy. Emilia Miszewska is the Secretary of the Economics Section of the Polish Association of Construction Engineers and Technicians and a member of the Real Estate Scientific Society.

          Emilia Miszewska obtained a PhD in engineering and technical sciences in the scientific discipline: civil engineering, geodesy and transport. Emilia Miszewska's doctoral dissertation entitled "Contemporary trends and strategies for the development of Residential Floating Facilities in Poland" was intended to collect and systematize knowledge in the field of marine construction and to define a potential vision of the future in order to develop a strategy for the development of Residential Floating Facilities taking into account all spheres of the external environment, which filled the research gap shown in the work. The dissertation presents the complexity of the problem of water construction, reviews the literature and describes the history and current situation of water housing in Germany, Great Britain and the Netherlands. Then, the author's nomenclature was proposed along with the classification of residential buildings located on water bodies.

          The use of the Environmental Scenarios method to determine potential directions for development of marine construction in the future required conducting extensive survey research. Then, thanks to the collected data, the development of an optimistic, pessimistic, most probable and surprise scenario regarding the development of Residential Floating Facilities in Poland began. The doctoral student described and proposed determining potential directions for development of marine construction in Poland, which, however, would not be fully useful without developing an action strategy. The appropriate action strategy was developed and selected using the SWOT-TOWS method.

          Emilia Miszewska's own contribution was to propose the development of a description of the Environmental State Scenarios method using mathematical formulas and tables in order to improve the transparency of calculations. Additionally, proposing a method for selecting data collected for the Environmental Scenarios method and using it in the SWOT-TOWS method in order to minimize the need to conduct surveys using the Delphi method and/or brainstorming. The work constitutes the basis for conducting foresight research at the national level regarding water housing in Poland.

         Emilia Miszewska's scientific achievements include 58 publications: 34 scientific and scientific-technical publications in periodical publishing, 21 conference publications, 1 competition project and co-editing 2 monographs. The doctoral student has a Hirsch index of 3.

10 publications are indexed on Web of Science. In journals from the JCR Web of Science list, she is a co-author of 2 scientific publications:

  • Miszewska E., Niedostatkiewicz M., Wiśniewski R.: The Selection of Anchoring System for Floating Houses by Means of AHP Method// Buildings -Vol. 10, iss. 4 (2020), pp.1-17 – 70 points, (IF=3.324),
  • Miszewska E., Niedostatkiewicz M., Wiśniewski R.: Sustainable development of water housing using the example of Poland: the analysis of scenarios// Sustainability – in the review – 100 points, (IF=3.889),

          The most important publications related to the topic of the PhD thesis also include publications from the list of scientific journals and reviewed materials from international conferences:

  • Miszewska, E. (2013). Analysis of the possibilities of DNW location on the example of the Gdańsk Commune. In M. Kuczera (Ed.), Young Scientists for Polish Science (pp.75-83). CREATIVETIME,
  • Miszewska, E. (2014). Identification of MJP mooring systems and the consequences of their     use. In M. Kuczera and K. Piech (Eds.), Achievements of Young Scientists, (pp. 579 – 582). CREATIVETIME,


    Miszewska, E., Niedostatkiewicz, M., Wiśniewski, R. (2022). "Analysis of the development possibilities of Floating Residential Facilities (MOP) in terms of environmental factors." Przegląd Budowlany (Construction Review), 1, 50-55
  • Miszewska, E. (2016). Modern Management Challenges of Floating Housing Development. Real Estate Management and Valuation, 24(1), 31-40. https://doi.org/10.1515/remav-2016-0003,
  • Miszewska, E. and Niedostatkiewicz, M. (2019a). Formal and legal conditions for the development of housing on water in the aspect of residential vessels. In N. Książek (Ed.), Conference materials of the national conference - Technical and legal problems in the maintenance of building structures, (pp. 129-139). General Office of Construction Supervision,
  • Miszewska, E. i Niedostatkiewicz, M. (2019b). Application of multi-criteria method to assess the usefulness of a hydrotechnical object for floating housing. IOP Conf. Ser.: Mater. Sci. Eng., 660, 1-9. https://dx.doi.org/10.1088/1757-899X/660/1/012015,
  • Miszewska, E. and Niedostatkiewicz, M. (2020b). Selection of strategic analysis of construction projects in the aspect of sustainable development. Przegląd Budowlany (Construction Review), 91(6), 21-25
  • ,Miszewska, E, Niedostatkiewicz M. and Wiśniewski, R. (2021). Environmental factors as the elements determining the development of floating homes. Safety Engineering of Anthropogenic Objects, 4, 41-51. https://doi.org/10.37105/iboa.124,
  • Miszewska, E., Niedostatkiewicz, M., Wiśniewski, R. (2022). "Analysis of the development possibilities of Floating Residential Facilities (MOP) in terms of environmental factors." Przegląd Budowlany (Construction Review), 1, 50-55.

          Emilia Miszewska is the originator and Chairwoman of the Organizing Committee of the International BalCon Conference (Baltic Conference for Students and Young Researchers) in 2017 and 2018, held in Poland and Sweden. She was a member of the Steering Committee of the 64th Scientific Conference Krynica-2018, serving as the Chief Editor of the Conference. Emilia Miszewska is the winner of the 3rd degree Team Award of the Rector of the Gdańsk University of Technology for outstanding organizational activities in 2017 and 2018.

            She is a member of the ERASMUS+ project team entitled "High Performance Hybrid Timber Building Construction", working under the leadership of Ms Justyna Borucka, PhD, Eng. from the Faculty of Architecture of the Gdańsk University of Technology and a member of the Team of the architectural competition for a Model Single-Family House under the Mieszkanie Plus Program (Home Plus Program) entitled "Multi-sector conceptual design of a single-family house in 4 variants: 1. detached house, 2. detached house for rural communes, 3. semi-detached house, 4. terraced house" organized by the Ministry of Science and Higher Education.

            While working at the Gdańsk University of Technology, Emilia Miszewska taught engineering and master's studies, both full and part-time, at the Faculty of ILiŚ and at the Faculty of Management and Economics in postgraduate studies in the field of Real Estate Management and Real Estate Valuation.

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