dr Jakub Golik
total: 8
Catalog Publications
Year 2024
What makes them dream big? Determinants of business growth aspirations among Polish students
PublicationThe objective of the article is to explore the concept of business growth aspirations and identify its determinants at an early stage of the entrepreneurial process. In this exploratory study, I focused on the underexplored approach to entrepreneurial process i.e. to study the growth aspirations and its determinants alongside entrepreneurial intentions. Studying growth aspirations and their determinants provides valuable insights...
Year 2020
Including the Dark Side of Entrepreneurship in the Entrepreneurship Education
PublicationPursuing an entrepreneurial career is often rewarding in terms of both economic and psychological outcomes. However, becoming an entrepreneur also has its darker side that affects professional and personal life. Meanwhile, the positivity bias is prevalent in entrepreneurial education and research. It is recognized as emphasizing the advantages of becoming an entrepreneur and giving considerably less attention to potential downsides....
Year 2019
Determinants of Business Growth Aspirations among Polish Students: An Empirical Analysis
PublicationThis paper aims to discuss the concept of growth aspirations and growth intentions, as well as to identify factors that influence growth aspirations expressed by students with regard to their future businesses. On the basis of a literature review potential determinants of growth aspirations have been identified and tested empirically using data obtained from 223 students from the Pomeranian region in Poland. The authors...
Year 2018
Analysis and improvement attempt of prof. Alan Fowler’s negotiation game
PublicationThe main goal of the following article is to design an improved version of the negotiation game created by prof. Alan Fowler (Fowler, 1997). I have tried to achieve this by constructing four separate versions of the game which represent different approaches while preserving rules, chosen basic technical assumptions and the simplicity of the base game. Each version of the game is supposed to i.a. make it less obvious, create new...
Testing Question Order Effects of Self-perception of Risk Propensity on Simple Lottery Choices as Measures of the Actual Risk Propensity
PublicationUncertainty together with the necessity of making choices inevitably results in risky decisions. For many years now, scientists have been studying notions connected with risk such as risk management, risk perception or risk propensity. While many sophisticated methods regarding measurement of risk propensity have been developed so far, it seems that little attention has been paid to checking whether they are not inherently flawed....
Testing Students’ Entrepreneurial Self-Efficacy as an Early Predictor of Entrepreneurial Activities. Evidence From the SEAS Project
PublicationOver the last forty years, since Bandura (1977) introduced the concept of self-efficacy, there have been a constantly growing number of research publications using this concept. Its early development resulted in the creation of a new construct of entrepreneurial self-efficacy (ESE) proposed for the first time by (Chen et al. 1998). Since then, many different groups of research concerning ESE have emerged - one of them is the study...
Year 2017
Managerial Education and Entrepreneurial Attitudes of Students: Is There a Link?
PublicationThe role of entrepreneurship over the last few decades has constantly been growing for a number of reasons. This is accompanied by a growing number of students choosing fields of study where entrepreneurship education is an indispensable part of the curriculum, such as business studies or management. Efficiency of entrepreneurship education, often measured by entrepreneurship intentions revealed by students, is examined in numerous...
Year 2016
Krótka historia paradoksu petersburskiego i jego wczesnych rozwiązań
PublicationCzym tak naprawdę jest paradoks petersburski? Z pozoru proste zagadnienie mające już ponad 300 lat było przedmiotem rozważań wielu wybitnych matematyków. Jednak jego geneza i wpływ na rozwój różnych dziedzin matematyki nie są szeroko znane. Niniejszy referat ma na celu przybliżenie historii oraz pierwszych prób rozwiązania tego ciekawego zagadnienia, które na zawsze zmieniło postrzeganie świata nie tylko przez matematyków, ale...
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