dr hab. Jan Domaradzki
- assistant professor at Poznan University of Medical Sciences
- 2003 - present assistant professor at Chair of Social Sciences and Humanities
Research fields
- sociology of medicine
- sociology of genetics
- biotechnology elsi
- social aspects of gentics
- spiritual care
- rare genetic disease
- family caregivers
- social represeantations of biotechnology
- Rare genetic diseases
- social implications of a new genetics
- social aspects of biotechnology
- representations of biotechnology in the media
- medical sociology
Dr Jan Domaradzki is an assistant professor of sociology and Head of the Laboratory of Health Sociology and Social Pathology at the Department of Social Sciences and Humanities, Poznan University of Medical Sciences, Poznań, Poland.
He is a sociologist with an interest in medical sociology; sociology of genetics; social implications of a new genetics, medicalization and geneticization, social representations of biotechnology, social aspects of rare genetic disease and spiritual care.
He obtained habilitation in 2019 from the Department of Sociology, Adam Mickiewicz University, Poznan, Polnad (Social construction of genetics. Representations of biotechnology in Polish print news media between 2000-2014), PhD in 2008 from the Department of Sociology, Cardinal Stefan Wyszynski University, Warsaw (Ethos of work in the doctrine and practice of Opus Dei) and master degree in 2003 from the Department of Sociology, Adam Mickiewicz University, Poznan, Poland (Master thesis: Sociology of religion and religion of Humanity of August Comte).
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