dr hab. inż. Jerzy Balicki
Prizes and awards
The Best Paper Award
Awarded by International Conference Committee on Human System Interaction - 2013
Plenary Lecture at International Multi-Conference on Environment, Economics, Energy, Devices, Systems, Communications, Computers, Pure and Applied Mathematics
Awarded by The World Scientific and Engineering Academy and Society - 2011
Plenary Lecture at International Conference on Artificial Intelligence, Knowledge Engineering and Data Bases
Awarded by The World Scientific and Engineering Academy and Society - 2009
Nagroda "Złote Pióro Za Publikacje Naukowe"
Awarded by Rektor AMW - 2007
Plenary Lecture at International Conference on Applied Mathematics
Awarded by The World Scientific and Engineering Academy and Society - 2004
Nagroda "Złote Pióro Za Publikacje Naukowe"
Awarded by Rektor AMW - 2001
seen 2566 times