Justyna Szostak - Biographical note - Bridge of Knowledge



I Gdańsk University of Technology:

  • Chair of the Rector’s Internationalization Committee (October 2020 - Present)
  • Erasmus + Coordinator for students and staff members, Faculty of Applied Physics and Mathematics (Mar 2017 - Present)
  • Dean's Proxy for Internationalization, Faculty of Applied Physics and Mathematics (October 2020 - Present)
  • Coordinator of the International Relations Office of the Faculty of Applied Physics and Mathematics (Jun 2019 - Present)
  • Member of the Faculty of Applied Physics and Mathematics Promotion Team (January 2022 – Present, January 2010 - 2014)
  • Member of the Scholarship Competition Committee for foreigners applying for admission to 1st and 2nd cycle (BSc and MSc) studies at Gdańsk University of Technology (September 2020 – Present)
  • Assistant professor, Division of Computational Chemical Physics, Institute of Physics and Applied Computer Science, Faculty of Applied Physics and Mathematics (October 2021 - Present)
  • Assistant professor, Department of Physics of Electronic Phenomena, Faculty of Applied Physics and Mathematics (October 2007 – September 2021)


I International HEI consortia, alliances, and organizations:

  • Director, CESAER (2023 - 2025)
  • Co-Chair of the Task Force Learning & Teaching, CESAER (August 2022 - Present)
  • Educational Officer of Gdańsk Tech, ENHANCE Alliance (European Universities) (July 2022 - Present)
  • Mentor for a Fulbright Scholar Polish-U.S. Fulbright Commission (June 2022 – Present)
  • Member of the Joint InterMaths-MathMods-RealMaths Internal Quality Board (September 2022 - Present)
  • Local coordinator, Consortium for the International Double MSc Degree in Mathematics for Real World Applications (RealMaths) (May 2022 - Present)
  • Member of the Committee for the international interdisciplinary double degree Master program in Physics and Nanotechnology - Functional Nanomaterials and Advanced Technologies (May 2020 -present)
  • Member of the Program Committee for the international interdisciplinary double degree Master program in Physics and Nanotechnology - Condensed Matter Physics and Nanotechnology (May 2020 -present)
  • Local assistant coordinator within the Consortium for an International Joint Master’s Programme in Applied and Interdisciplinary Mathematics (InterMaths) (June 2018 – April 2022)

I received my M.Sc. and Ph.D. degrees in Physics at Gdańsk University of Technology (Gdańsk Tech), where I worked on the theoretical modelling of physical phenomena observed in organic solar cells and other organic electronic devices. I have been an academic teacher for 15 years, running lectures, tutorials, project and laboratory classes ranging from mechanics to molecular and quantum physics. I have been involved in several research and numerous educational projects sponsored by national funds, EU programs or the private sector, regarding all levels of education. I have co-authored books for students of physics and related fields, as well as 30+ educational play sets promoting applied sciences among children and their parents. I have delivered dozens of open lectures and experiments for primary schools, gymnasiums, high schools, and adults to bring STEM to society. I have coordinated and participated in many programs aimed at attracting more candidates to universities of technology, including the 'Girls as Engineers' national campaign. Since 2017, I am directing my educational and organizational efforts toward the internationalization of Gdańsk Tech. I am organizing and supporting long- and short-term mobility of students, interns, and staff members of the Faculty of Applied Physics and Mathematics as an Erasmus+ coordinator, Dean's Proxy for Internationalization and the Coordinator of the International Relations Office. I specialize in international agreements for educational and scientific collaboration, international staff and student admissions and legalization of stay. I am active in drafting and optimisation of procedures related to internationalization. I am a co-author and coordinator of several joint international interdisciplinary double-degree Master programs in Physics, Nanotechnology, Mathematics, and Space Systems - run either within the frame of European bilateral collaboration or within large consortia of global outreach. I am a member of the Program Committees and Quality Assurance Boards of these alliances. Since 2020, I have been leading a university team supporting all existing and newly created international joint multiple-degree programs run at Gdańsk Tech. I have participated in and led EU-sponsored projects of the Polish National Agency for Academic Exchange within Welcome to Poland, KATAMARAN, and SPINNAKER programs aiming at the internationalization of Gdańsk Tech and other Polish HEIs. I am cochairing and organizing international scientific conferences and intensive courses related to micro-credentials for students and lifelong learners. I support visiting professors delivering classes at the Faculty of Applied Physics and Mathematics and mentor a Fulbright Scholar. I am an Educational Officer of Gdańsk Tech within the ENHANCE European Universities Alliance. I am engaged in the Joint European Degree Label actions, staff and student mobility, career and talent development, educational offer, and the transformation of engineering education. I am the Chair of the Rector's Internationalization Committee of Gdańsk Tech, a member of the Board of Directors of CESAER (an association of 58 universities of science and technology in Europe), and a Co-Chair of the CESAER's Task Force Learning & Teaching. 

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