The DataSet contains the results of the mechanical behaviour of concrete beams with dimensions 40 x 40 x 160 cm3under the 3-point bending. The beams were made of concrete with the following ingredients: cement CEM I 42.5R (330 kg/m3), aggregate 0/2 mm (710 kg/m3), aggregate 2/8 mm (664 kg/m3), aggregate 8/16 mm (500 kg/m3), water (165 kg/m3) and super-plasticizer (0.7 % of the cement content). The beams had notches with a width of 4 mm and a depth of 7 mm, in the middle of the span. The bending test was performed using a Zwick/Roell Z10 universal testing machine (UTM). The parameters of the test were: a preload of 20 N, a constant mid-span displacement increment of 0.05 mm/min. The tests were stopped after 360 s. The distance between the supports was 120 mm.
During the bending test, acoustic emission (AE) measurements were carried out. Acoustic emission signals were recorded using the Vallen AE system with a threshold of 30.1 dB and a sampling rate of 10 MHz. Four multilayer piezoelectric transducers were used for wave sensing. The arrangement of the sensors (numbered from S1 to S4) is shown in the figure below.

The experimental analysis was performed on three beams (denoted as beams #1–#3) made of the same concrete. The UTM file has (file extension *.txt) extension and contains the time of the test (in s, 2nd column), force (in N, 3rd column) and displacement of traverse (in mm, 4th column). The AE data are contained in two types of files: the primary data file (file extension *.pridb) contains the AE feature data; the transient data file (file extension *.tradb) contains the sampled signal. Pridb-files and tradb-files can be opened in any program that supports the SQLite3 standard.
Dataset file
where a single part of the file is 512 MB in size.Example script for calculation:
File details
- License:
open in new tab
CC BYAttribution - Raw data:
- Data contained in dataset was not processed.
- Year of publication:
- 2024
- Verification date:
- 2024-05-20
- Dataset language:
- English
- Fields of science:
- Civil engineering and transport (Engineering and Technology)
- mechanical engineering (Engineering and Technology)
- DOI:
- DOI ID 10.34808/ct07-1703 open in new tab
- Funding:
- Verified by:
- Gdańsk University of Technology
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