Topological and numerical methods in dynamical systems - Project - Bridge of Knowledge


Topological and numerical methods in dynamical systems

In the framework of the project, new mathematical methods for algorithmic analysis of dynamical systems will be developed, based on computational topology and rigorous numerical methods. Publications in high quality academic journals are planned, as well as active participation in national and international conferences, collaboration with domestic and foreign scientists (Spain, Italy, Japan), short-term visits of the participants of the project in other academic centers in Poland and abroad, as well as visits of invited scientists at Gdańsk Tech. A few months long scholarships for students are planned. It is expected that the scope of the undertaken activities will have positive influence on the image of Gdańsk Tech as a Research Institute.


Financial Program Name:
Narodowe Centrum Nauki (NCN) (National Science Centre)
UMO-2021/41/B/ST1/00405 z dnia 2021-11-26
Realisation period:
2021-11-26 - 2025-10-12
Project manager:
dr hab. Paweł Pilarczyk
Realised in:
Department of Differential Equations and Mathematical Applications
Project's value:
376 370.00 PLN
Request type:
National Research Programmes
Domestic project
Verified by:
Gdańsk University of Technology


total: 3

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Catalog Projects

Year 2024

  • An absorbing set for the Chialvo map

    The classical Chialvo model, introduced in 1995, is one of the most important models that describe single neuron dynamics. In order to conduct effective numerical analysis of this model, it is necessary to obtain a rigorous estimate for the maximal bounded invariant set. We discuss this problem, and we correct and improve the results obtained by Courbage and Nekorkin (2010). In particular, we provide an explicit formula for an...

    Full text to download in external service

Year 2023

seen 829 times