The concentration-dependence of emission anisotropy r/r0 and quantum yield eta/eta0 of the photoluminescence of glycerol-water solutions of rhodamine B in two systems of viscosities 7.4 P and 0.72 P is investigated. The experimental data are compared with the new theory of concentraticn depolarization (J. Lumin., 5, 413 (1972)) and concentration quenching of photoluminescence (Acta Phys. Hungar., 30, 145 (1972)), which takes account of excitation energy remigration and concentration quenching by non-luminescing dimers. The theory is found to agree well with the experimental data within a wide range of concentrations, and an additional mechanism of external quenching (apart from the quenching by dimers) independent of concentration is revealed. The dimerization constants, concentrations and critical distances are determined for each particular system.
Authors (5)
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- Category:
- Magazine publication
- Type:
- Magazine publication
- Published in:
no. 45,
edition 1,
pages 71 - 84,
ISSN: 0587-4246 - Publication year:
- 1974
- Verified by:
- No verification
seen 72 times
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