Architektura a dekonstrukcja. Przypadek Petera Eisenmana i Bernarda Tschumiego - Publication - Bridge of Knowledge


Architektura a dekonstrukcja. Przypadek Petera Eisenmana i Bernarda Tschumiego


Architecture and Deconstruction

Case of Peter Eisenman and Bernard Tschumi



Towards deconstruction in architecture

Intensive relations between philosophical deconstruction and architecture, which were present in the late 1980s and early 1990s, belong to the past and therefore may be described from a greater than before distance. Within these relations three basic variations can be distinguished:

the first one, in which philosophy of deconstruction deals with architectural terms but does not interfere with real architecture,

the second one, in which a collaboration between Jacques Derrida and a group of architects interested in his concepts is commenced,

and the third one, in which completed or only designed objects or new concepts of deconstruction created by architects gain their supremacy over philosophy.

The following book analyses these three possible ways, first of all with the reference to Peter Eisenman and Bernard Tschumi.


Peter Eisenman


Misreading…  and Other Errors


The issue of relations between Peter Eisenman’s work and philosophy of deconstruction may be referred to his activity more than ten years preceding his direct collaboration with Jacques Derrida (in 1985) and organisation of the exhibition Deconstructivist Architecture at Museum of Modern Art in New York (in 1988). As soon as at the stage of designing the first houses (House I-III, 1967-1970), which almost entirely inscribed in formalistic aesthetics of Modernism, the architect analysed the problem of architecture dependence on its assumptions. All his later designs may be treated as consequence of this initial interest in relations between practice and theory, and at the same time as an introduction to manipulations later on led at the level of metaphysics of architecture. Beginning with the issue of presence, considered in comments to House VI (1972), the number of ideas having their analogies in philosophy of deconstruction increased. The text entitled The End of the Classical: The End of the Beginning, The End of the End (1984), in which Eisenman criticised questions of representation in architecture, its delusive strive for truth and comparably unattainable attempts at ultimate definition of elementary rules, should be acclaimed the breaking point. This attitude was extended by numerous strategies disturbing architecture rules defined at metaphysical level in an essay Moving Arrows, Eros, and Other Errors: an Architecture of Absence (1986). The issue of Eisenman’s passage from formalism to deconstruction has already been much discussed in the literature (Rosalind Krauss, Thomas Patin among others), still it should be mentioned that the threads similar to Derrida’s concept included in Eisenman’s writing reveal untranslatability of architecture and philosophy.


Choral Works or Separate tricks


In 1985-1986 a series of seven disputes between Jacques Derrida and Peter Eisenman took place. The pretext for them were designs concerning Parc de la Villette in Paris. The situation of many months of collaboration between a notable philosopher of the second half of the 20th c. and an architect that already had a huge theoretical oeuvre, ended up with a publication of a large volume entitled Chora L Works and it became at the same time a vast study area for historians of contemporary architecture and philosophers. Derrida’s contribution to concept works were his considerations over the idea of chôra, the properties related to this concept were about to be reflected in shapes of the park. Therefore, Chora L Works became an example of the abilities of contemporary art, both in its capability of translation from philosophical ideas to artistic forms and its resistance to tradition of representing in architecture some phenomena and values originating outside this discipline. In the final period of their collaboration both interlocutors started to polemicise with each other more decidedly, what became a separate part of their thought exchange. The exchange of letters between Derrida and Eisenman at the turn of 1989 ended up the period of their direct contacts, nevertheless, at this time precisely a large group of experts in issues of deconstruction joined the discussion and extended the revealed in the former dispute problems into more than ten years of further considerations and publications. Except for a long text by Jeffrey Kipnis, who had participated in the meetings of the philosopher and the architect, there appeared also comments of researchers of artistic theories (K. Michael Hays, Thomas Patin), philosophers (Andrew Benjamin), and even experts in Greek literature (Maria Theodorou or Ann Bergren). Following these debates a contemporary reflection on architecture has saturated with indeed numerous concepts originating in philosophy of deconstruction.


Architecture which imitates mute philosophy


The series of Jacques Derrida and Peter Eisenman meetings, which took place in the period of 1985-1987, induced many authors to make comments. Some of them (Jeffrey Kipnis, Ann Bergren, Maria Theodorou) developed the subject of chôra which was introduced to the discussion by Derrida. The problem that was about to be solved was the question of tying up the concept of chôra with architecture, including Eisenman’s architecture and the series of meetings within frames of Chora L Works project. Kipnis on this occasion paid attention to chôra and its character of anachronia which infects any being created within chôra. In other words any event has its counterpart (analogon) in another, earlier event. He demonstrated the similarity of structure of many events and statements from the times of Derrida and Eisenman’s meetings to the almost identical behaviour of figures in Plato’s dialogue Timaeus. The loss of beginning present in this phenomenon was appropriate to both features of chôra and the effects of typical analyses of philosophy of deconstruction. Bergren’s analyses focused on accentuating gender of chôra, which, according to this author, had been neglected hitherto in discussions. She collated chôra descriptions with characteristics of women in myths, early Greek epic and philosophy and she arrived at a conclusion that chôra has features of a single woman and a married one at the same time. And yet Theodorou’s studies showed that in the Homeric epics chôra is not treated as an idea but is related with single things and events. The other part of the comments (represented by Andrew Benjamin and K. Michael Hays’ utterances) concerns Eisenman’s attitude to tradition which was treated as a variety of iteration understood philosophically. Benjamin commenced his considerations at the point of closeness between a definition of tradition and a concept of chôra understood as perpetuation (placement). A problematic issue was for him Eisenman’s complex relation to tradition based on its contest and affirmation at the same time. Overcoming the simple subordination to tradition – according to Benjamin – was based on awareness of the role of repetition in culture not known before. Hays made an attempt to explain the pleasure and torment of repetition with the support of Sigmund Freud and Roland Barthes’ concepts. According to Hays repetitions are attempts of a single being to a certain primal state perceived as free of any tension. In a similar way Rosalind Krauss explained a motif of a grate present in Modernistic art and also exceptionally frequent in Eisenman’s work.



Architecture is still writing Balzac novels.

Peter Eisenman and literature


Architecture’s approach to writing, script or literature, present within Peter Eisenman’s work, is an exceptional phenomenon, furthermore a complex one. The article considers four possible relations. The first one relates to Eisenman’s characteristics as a person extremely gifted with the ability to wordplay, which very ‘play’ reveals skills to create architectural images. In the second approach the attention has been paid to Eisenman’s interests – in the first period of his oeuvre – in linguistic works by Noam Chomsky and his transformational-generative grammar. The third kind of relations applied to overcoming the need for autonomy of architecture (and of modernist aesthetics at the same time) and renew interests in questions of meaning in architecture. The fourth sort of relations occurred when Eisenman started to create reflections of historic or literary narrations in architecture – ‘stone stories’ and architectural fictions of their kind.



Bernard Tschumi


From perversion to deconstruction

In Bernard Tschumi’s writings from the 1970s and 1980s we can find a transposition of important threads of post-structuralist ideas deriving from Georges Bataille, Roland Barthes and Jacques Derrida’s works. The analysis of the architect’s writings also shows roots in Phillippe Sollers, Michel Foucault and Denis Hollier’s works. The analysis of borrowed elements from the beginnings of Tschumi’s theoretical activity may be helpful in explaining the contents of his later writings motre inspired by philosophy of deconstruction. 

The set of his earliest views was inspired by Marxism, Neo Marxism and French Structuralism, mainly by the writings of Henri Levebre and Guy Debord. From the thought of Levebre Tschumi took interest for city as not only a question of urbanistics but also a political issue. From Debord’s concepts he borrowed a conviction about the role of situational violation for changes in the society structure. Some of these beliefs were preserved in his own concepts of architecture as an event. From this period derived also his will to change conservative elements of social structure not by means of political revolution but of theoretical and creative activity. Tschumi acknowledged that the effective way of the proceedings towards achieving his aims would be accepting the role of both a critical intellectualist and architecture expert who would not hide away his left-wing orientation. The speculations defined by the architect as ‘revolting analyses’ were about to characterise contradictions which tear the society apart, penetrate architecture and constitute the basis of culture. Spreading away of the conscience of false assumptions hidden away in various disciplines could have weakened cohesion of a conservative society and influence the will to change among the elites. This way the beginnings of political revolution were rooted in philosophy of architecture.

In 1977 Tschumi published his text entitled The Pleasure of Architecture inspired by Roland Barthes’s The Pleasure of the Text, it also included some concepts derived from Georges Bataille and Jacques Derrida. First of all the author used Barthes’s concept which made an assumption that literary activity is pervaded by the spirit of resistance towards social rules, and Tschudi transferred this remark onto architecture. From the ideas of Bataille, acquainted via Holier’s work, he derived his belief that two concepts of space, a conceptual one (defined as Pyramid) and a sensual one (defined as Labirynth), not losing their distinct features, they join in the concept of experienced space which exceeds contradictions. The exceeding itself was defined as the basic rule of architecture and it was referred to situations in which architecture not only negates social needs, but also disavows its own tradition. Crossing the borders applies not only to political issues or permanent rules of the very discipline but also interfering with other fields (especially literature and film). The fact that architecture is associated with organising events turned Tschumi’s attention to questions of violence that result from upsetting architectural order of a given building by its users and the one hand, and on the other from forcing the users to specific acts imposed by this very order. The analysis of the concepts used by Tschumi in his early writings indicates that they are close to definitions that would occur in his reflection in the following years influenced by philosophy of deconstruction.


Approaching deconstruction

Tschumi in his theories developed in the 1980s presumed that the current social world had undergone a deep process of decay, and the reaction against which ought to be based on ordering-up actions, and also preserving the main outline of disintegration of the whole and its elements in the state of conflict. The statements concerning the nature of the contemporary to Tschumi social relations were applied by him to the world of architecture, this led him to coming up with designing strategies that took into consideration the destabilised character of conditions in which works of architecture were created.

New ways of conduct invented by Tschumi drew their inspiration from literature and research on literature, psychoanalysis, structural linguistics, structuralism and post structuralism, and eventually also deconstruction philosophy. The proposed methods were opposed by their author both to functionalism continuity trends and postmodern architecture. Tschumi’s proposals contradicted any forms of conservatism or traditionalism in political sphere as well as in reference to tendencies in architecture. They were not simple contradictions of social or architectural rules, they intrude them from the inside, weaken or escalate the already existing incongruities, they move the boundaries between the areas. Revolutionary illusions about the possibility of radical changes were replaced with strategies which completed, tainted or test former rules in the series of formal games of permutation and combination. Quite different from avant-garde formalism Tschumi’s games were not about maintaining the autonomy of a given area, but on the contrary – polluting it with other areas’ influences.

Tschumi enjoyed demonstrating illusions of architecture concerning simple relations between form and function, or between form and meaning. Making use of Freud, Lacan and Foucault’s research he introduced a category of “madness” into architecture allowing an observation that the recognised norms are nothing but merely ones of many possible principles of behaviour, and their recognised status resulted from unjustified hindering innovativeness which is crucial for architecture. To reborn architecture’s capability of changing Tschumi also made use of Barthes’s discoveries concerning rules of narration and works by writers who applied in their writing knowledge on linguistics. Making a work’s author unclear by various mechanical transformations of its elements was however apparent only, and formal rigours imposed on the process of designing liberated possibilities difficult to obtain in more traditional creative action.

Another mode of acting introduced by Tschumi was combining his work of elements deriving from outside architecture; joining space records with notation of motion and events accompanying architectural objects among others. These architectural and extra-architectural elements were not unified, on the contrary their heterogenous and conflictual character was stressed. This is how shock, anxiety and instability, typical for live in great metropolises, infiltrated architecture. Taking some ideas of deconstruction philosophy as a pattern Tschumi also took into critical consideration in his essays traditional in architecture oppositions between form and figuration, or theory and practice.

By combining various inspirations he eventually worked out an idea of architectural event, which he understood as a series of actions contesting its own field, redefining its sources, principles and elements. An event, understood in this way, was not so much producing works as rather creating conditions of their production and at the same time designing the society different from a hierarchic one.


Park of deconstruction

Among numerous philosophical strategies of deconstruction most frequently used was questioning the practice of strong opposition of two reasons. In many cases Bernard Tschumi’s writings just consider functioning of the conflict juxtaposition of the ideas of structure and ornament or theory and practice in history of architecture. Violation of traditional relations between terms of this kind, both old and modern, raised Jacques Derrida’s objections, when he was induced for the first time to co-operate with architects’ milieu. During this long lasting thought exchange the philosopher eventually acknowledged Bernard Tschumi’s arguments for reasoning the encroachment of architecture’s fundamental rules. Deconstruction applied in architecture was not a simple transposition or analogy of practices that had been applied by philosophy of deconstruction. We may even say that considering architectural terms became an important formula of deconstruction. Architecture understood in philosophical way became something beyond the practice and theory of its own discipline, a sort of metaphysics of both philosophy and architecture.

            The deliberate encroachment of simplicity of dividing architecture into theory and practice, for the first time became a clear aim for Tschumi in his drawings and texts entitled The Manhattan Transcripts. The contents of this series of works was a record of characteristic features of this New York district in such a way that not only objects were the subject of the record but also relations between objects, people and events. The record was about to take into consideration a conflict character of elements of this representation and at the same time to avoid applying to them the rule of mimetism. The record became a form of reflection over the very record by an increased control over the ways of representation. Architecture which was considered in the The Manhattan Transcripts was not directed to fulfill the needs of inhabitation or production, it was rather related with hitherto usually marginalised liminal situations: building ostentatiously big monuments, religious cult, war etc. Architecture operating in these relations focused also the attention on the included in it continuous tendency to overpass its own restrictions, the role of violence as its not recognised factor, or the meaning of excess and shock in its operation.

            Architecture moving from reason towards madness became even more visible in the design of Parisian Parc de la Villette, whose pavilions were defined as folies (in French it means both small park buildings and follies). The park was supposed to be on the one hand a reflection of traditional society disintegration while on the other it questioned basic rules of producing a work of architecture. The traditional rules of designing, based on ordering up, were replaced with the strategies of dysfunction and dissociation. In Tschumi’s opinion methods of this kind may be equivalent of what Derrida named différance. Instead of aiming at mergence, any diversity, plays or variations were strengthen. Tschumi’s texts, in which he explained his attitude, were completed by Derrida’s extent statement entitled Point de folie – Maintenant l’architecture. Derrida’s article is the most significant of all his statements on architecture as a form of thinking and activity. According to the philosopher, architecture should divide space (in French defined as espacement), what enables both thinking and action – it arranges the space of an event. Tschumi’s buildings, defined as folies, in an essential way destabilise any created order, and at the same time they refresh it. Derrida’s statement suggests that architecture may become both metaphor of an order merging a language or a society but also of inner forces which deconstruct and reconstruct it. Therefore architecture is at the same time a construction, a deconstruction and a reconstruction. Parc de la Villette stands out in this system with its attempt to step beyond the scheme of an easy repetition and its heading for chances of achieving more radical otherness.



Destruction as construction. Paradoxes of deconstruction in architecture


Scepticism about persistence and common importance of fundamental values of human culture evinced in philosophers and writers’ works as early as in Greek antiquity, nevertheless it was not expressed so strongly as in the second half of the 20th century. Especially in Heidegger’s work Being and Time (although originated in 1927, still influential in all later philosophy) the following states were characterised: the state of losing the ground (Abgrund), of being out of sight (Unheimlichkeit) and of being out of dwelling (Un-zuhause-sein) – as the basis of self-confidence of conscious being there (Dasein). The entire criticism of philosophy of home and dwelling draws the inspiration from this early writing of the German philosopher, it combines crisis of basic terms of metaphysics with social conditions which are dictated by living in large metropolis. The crisis of both metaphysical foundation and home appears to be similar to the situation of weakening the relations between a man and his dwelling in extensively expanding cities. Whereas philosophy, as well as many disciplines of social sciences, have diagnosed for a long time the destabilisation of fundamental ideas of Western culture and crucial changes in the ways of dwelling, architecture itself occurred to be “the last fortress of metaphysics” (J. Derrida).

            Among contemporary architects, Peter Eisenman and Bernard Tschumi were the ones who engaged most decidedly in the issues of critical analysis of architecture foundation and its social role. Both the architects noticed new formulas of contemporary social and individual existence, tremendously different from the entire history, and at the same time they affirmed lack of adequacy of architecture concepts to new situations. Both Eisenman and Tschumi used to describe the existing architecture as a tool for consolidation of highly integrated and hierarchised societies, and also as a discipline extremely uncoincidental with the current character of social life based on ideas of freedom and diversity. The means to transform architecture and make a factor of further social changes out of it, was a concept that accentuated revealing the inner contradictions of this discipline, and considering them in designing strategies.

            Eisenman’s activity, in regard of what has just been noticed, was focused on questioning the basic rules of traditionally comprehended architecture, especially the rule of purpose. The American architect noticed that the concept of architecture as fulfilment the need of location, hides away the fact that the location has to be constantly reconsidered, and hence it is overtaken by change (dislocation). Therefore new concept of architecture propounded architectural activity to translocate the concept of location – more than before – but also to change its status perpetually. Such comprehended architecture should claim, as its main purpose, the constant revision of this purpose and create itself anew permanently. Even Eisenman’s earliest designs of houses nos. I-IV broke with such values as the sense of safety, closeness and familiarity, and just on the contrary they accentuated senses of strangeness, homelessness and loss of confidence.

            The contradictions within architecture noticed by Tschumi referred to combination of intellectual and sensual values in architecture, when their non-appropriation was defeated by an additional condition, namely the way of experience based on pleasure of excess, marked by insanity. The features of folly were especially visible in his designs of gardens, where the order of planning was mixed with sensual experience introduced by particular elements (both the ones created by nature, and the buildings defined as folies). Parc de la Villette designed by the French architect in Paris put in question not only the common understanding of purpose in architecture but also the ideas of order and integrity, as its plan was based on the combination of independent layers with records of grids of points, various lines and planes. The architecture that collides inadequate elements with each other was supposed to be a kind of an event with no beginning and no end. The architecture treated as an event became a form of a space weakened articulation that maintains its diversity and lack of accordance of the elements building it up.

The analyses of Eisenman and Tschumi’s theoretical writings indicate how much the aims of architecture have actually changed; instead of supporting social persistence, the architecture is rather intensifying contradictions, and instead of providing people with the sense of safety, it sublimes danger. From simple acts of defamiliarisation, increasing the distance to itself and enhancing the role of theory, through discomfort, anxiety, not feeling someone at home, weirdness, excess, shock and violence, architecture reached the edge of stability and uncertainty, only to make an attempt at penetrating what is impossible and unutterable, and recording what cannot become the subject of any records.





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Title of issue:
Architektura a dekonstrukcja. Przypadek Petera Eisenmana i Bernarda Tschumiego
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ISBN 978-83-941518-0-5
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Bibliography: test
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  43. za: M. Gandelsonas, From Structure to Subject: The Formation of an Architectural Language, "Oppositions" 1979, nr 17, s. 10, rys. 5. 11. Spis ilustracji
  44. P. Eisenman, House VI, 1973 za: Eisenman Architects. Selected and Current Works, red. S. Dobney, Mulgrave 1995, s. 42.
  45. P. Eisenman, House X, 1975 za: P. Eisenman, House X, New York 1982, s. 6. open in new tab
  46. P. Eisenman, Guardiola House, Kadyks, 1989
  47. P. Eisenman, Parc de la Villette, Paryż, 1986 za: Eisenman Architects. Selected and Current Works, red. S. Dobney, Mulgrave 1995, s. 102.
  48. P. Eisenman, Moving Arrows, Eros, and Other Errors, Werona, 1995 za: Auf dem Spuren von Eisenman, red. C. Davidson, Zürich 2006, s. 119.
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  50. P. Eisenman, Guardiola House, Kadyks, 1988 za: "Architecture and Urbanism" 1989, nr 1, s. 21.
  51. P. Eisenman, Carnegie Mellon Research Institute, Pittsburg, Pensylwania, 1987-1988 za: Peter Eisenman. Bauten und Projekte, red. P. Ciorra, Stuttgart 1995, s. 119. open in new tab
  52. P. Eisenman, Parc de la Villette, Paryż, 1986 za: P. Eisenman, Diagram Diaries, London 1999, s. 170.
  53. P. Eisenman, Parc de La Villette, plan, 1986 za: Eisenman Architects: Selected and Current Works, red. S. Dobney, Mulgrave 1995, s. 101, il. 3.
  54. B. Tschumi, Advertisements for Architecture, 1976 za: B. Tschumi, Architectural Manifestoes, New York 1978 [bp].
  55. B. Tschumi, kadr z filmu The Brasher Doubloon reż. J. Brahm, 1947, na podstawie powieści The High Window R. Chandlera;
  56. za: B. Tschumi, Advertisements for Architecture, 1976-1977 [bp]. open in new tab
  57. B. Tschumi, Superposition, Lines, Planes. La Villette, 1982 za: Tschumi on Architecture. Conversations with Enrique Walker, New York 2006, il. 27.
  58. B. Tschumi, MT 4, The Block za: B. Tschumi, The Manhattan Transcripts, London 1994, s. 48. open in new tab
  59. Bernard Tschumi, Mark Wigley i Peter Eisenman podczas spotkania w MoMa, John Hill/World-Architects za: J. Hill, Deconstructivist Architecture, 25 Years Later, "World-Architects. eMagazine" 2013 z dn. 29 I, (data dostępu: 18 XI 2014) open in new tab
  60. Piśmiennictwo dotyczące Eisenmana i Tschumiego jest obfite i poniższe zestawienie obejmuje jedynie najważniejsze pozycje. Wybór literatury dokonany przez A. Smith dotyczący Eisenmana liczy 24 strony, zaś w odniesieniu do Tschumiego -17 stron. Konkurują z nimi spisy publikacji zawarte w monografiach obu architektów.
  61. Articles in Periodical, Books, and Catalogues by Peter Eisenman, "A+U" 1988, Extra Edition: Eisenmanamnesie, s. 166-169. open in new tab
  62. Articles On Peter Eisenman in Books, Catalogues, and Periodicals, "A+U" 1988, Extra Edition: Eisenmanamnesie, s. 170-178. open in new tab
  63. Auswahlbibliographie [w:] P. Eisenman, Aura und Exze. Zur Überwindung der Metaphysik der Architektur, przeł. M. Kögl, U. Schwarz, Wien 1995, s. 345-381.
  64. Bibliographie, [w:] Auf dem Spuren von Eisenman, red. C. Davidson, Zürich 2006, s. 398. open in new tab
  65. Bibliographie/ Bibliography, [w:] Barfuss auf Weiss Glühenden Mauern / Barefoot on White-Hot Walls, red. P. Noever, Wien 2004, s. 172-173. open in new tab
  66. Bibliographie, [w:] Peter Eisenman. Bauten und Projekte, red. P. Ciorra, tłum. P. Schiller, Stuttgart 1995, s. 219-222. open in new tab
  67. Bibliography, [w:] Bernard Tschumi. Zénith de Rouen, Rouen, France, red. T. Gannon, L.A. Gunzelman, New York 2003, s. 159. Bibliography, [w:] Peter Eisenman -Recente projecten/Recent Projects, red. A. Graafland, Nijmegen 1989, s. 183-191. open in new tab
  68. Bibliography, [w:] Eisenman Architects. Selected and Current Works, red. S. Dobney, Mulgrave 1995, s. 245-254. Books by or on Bernard Tschumi, [w:] Bernard Tschumi, red. G. Damiani, London 2003, s. 173. Books by Peter Eisenman, "A+U" 1988, Extra Edition: Eisenmanamnesie, s. 169.
  69. Books, Catalogues, and Selected Articles by Bernard Tschumi, [w:] Bernard Tschumi, Event-cities 3. Concept vs. Context vs. Content, Cambridge (Mass.)-London 2004, s. 628-636.
  70. Books writen by Bernard Tschumi, "GA Document Extra" 1997, nr 10, s. 156.
  71. G. de Bure, Bernard Tschumi -Publications, [w:] G. de Bure, Bernard Tschumi, tłum. J. Banyamin, L. Palmer, Basel-Boston-Berlin 2008, s. 238.
  72. F. Ghersi, Bibliografia selezionata, [w:] F. Ghersi, Eisenman 1960/1990. Dall'architettura concettuale all'architettura testuale, Cannitelo 2006, s. 197-202. open in new tab
  73. Interviews by and with Peter Eisenman, "A+U" 1988, Extra Edition: Eisenmanamnesie, s. 169-170.
  74. Selected Bibliography, [w:] Cities of Artificial Excavation. The Work of Peter Eisenman 1978-1988, red. J.-F. Bédard, Montréal 1994. s. 232-236.
  75. Selected Bibliography. Writings of Peter Eisenman 1990-2004, [w:] Peter Eisenman. Written Into The Void: Selected Writtings, 1990-2004, wstęp: J. Kipnis, New Haven-London 2007, s. 170-172. open in new tab
  76. Selected Bibliography, [w:] Re:Working Eisenman, red. M. Toy, London 1993, s. 200-208. open in new tab
  77. A. Smith, Peter Eisenman: A Selective Bibliography, London 2010,
  78. A. Smith, Bernard Tschumi: A Selective Bibliography, London 2007,
  79. Wykaz cytowanej literatury T. Adams, The Eisenman-Deleuze Fold [praca licencjacka], The University of Auckland 1993.
  80. T.W. Adorno, Charakterystyka Waltera Benjamina, [w:] idem, Sztuka i sztuki. Wybór esejów, przeł. K. Krzemień-Ojak, Poznań 1990.
  81. E. Apter, En-Chôra, "Grey Room. Architecture -Art -Media -Politics" 2005, nr 20. open in new tab
  82. M. Augé, Nie-miejsca. Wprowadzenie do antropologii hipernowoczesności, przeł. R. Chymkowski, Warszawa 2013.
  83. B. Banasiak, Filozofia "końca filozofii". Dekonstrukcja Jacquesa Derridy, Warszawa 1995, 1997.
  84. B. Banasiak, Na tropach dekonstrukcji, [w:] J. Derrida, Pismo filozofii, red. B. Banasiak, Kraków 1992. open in new tab
  85. B. Banasiak, Róż(ni(c)oś)ć, [w:] J. Derrida, O gramatologii, przeł. B. Banasiak, Warszawa 1999. open in new tab
  86. B. Banasiak, Zachodnia metafizyka, albo pragnienie obecności, [w:] Derrida/Adirred, red. D. Ulicka, Ł. Wróbel, Pułtusk 2006.
  87. R. Barthes, Przyjemność tekstu, przeł. A. Lewańska, Warszawa 1997.
  88. R. Barthes, Sade, Fourier, Loyola, przeł. R. Miller, Berkeley-Los Angeles 1989; tekst w języku polskim: R. Barthes, Sade, Fourier, Loyola, przeł. R. Lis, Warszawa 1996.
  89. R. Barthes, Sémiologie et urbanisme, "L'Architecture d'Aujourd'hui" déc. 1970/ jan. 1971, nr 153.
  90. R. Barthes, L. Duisit, An Introduction to the Structural Analysis of Narrative, "New Literary History" 1975, nr 2: On Narrative and Narratives; open in new tab
  91. tekst w języku polskim: R. Barthes, Wstęp do analizy strukturalnej opowiadań, "Pamiętnik Literacki" 1968, z. 4, przedruk w: Studia z teorii literatury. Archiwum przekładów Pamiętnika Literackiego, t. I, red. M. Głowiński, H. Markiewicz, Wrocław 1977.
  92. G. Bataille, La notion de dépense, "La Critique Sociale" 1933, nr 7; tekst w języku angielskim: idem, The Notion of Expenditure, [w:] idem, Vision of Excess. Selected Writings, 1927-1939, red. A. Stoekl, przeł. C. Lovitt, D.M. Leslie, Jr., Minneapolis 1985.
  93. G. Bataille, Erotism. Death and Sexuality, przeł. M. Dalwood, San Francisco 1986. open in new tab
  94. J. Baudrillard, The Transparency of Evil: Essays on Extreme Phenomena, przeł. J. Benedict, London 1993. open in new tab
  95. Z. Bauman, Płynna nowoczesność, przeł. T. Kunz, Kraków 2006.
  96. J.-F. Bédard, Introduction, [w:] Cities of Artificial Excavation. The Work of Peter Eisenman 1978-1988, red. idem, Montreal 1994.
  97. A. Benjamin, Dekonstruktion und Kunst/Die Kunst der Dekonstruktion, [w:] Ch. Norris, W. Benjamin, Was ist Dekonstruktion?, Zürich-München 1990. open in new tab
  98. A. Benjamin, Derrida, Architecture and Philosophy, [w:] Deconstruction in Architecture, "An Architectural Design Profile" 1988, nr 72. open in new tab
  99. A. Benjamin, Eisenman and the Housing of Tradition, "Oxford Art Journal" 1989, nr 1. open in new tab
  100. A. Benjamin, Resisting Ambivalence: Form and Function in Eisenman's Architecture, [w:] idem, Architectural Philosophy. Repetition, Function, Alterity, London 2000. open in new tab
  101. W. Benjamin, O pojęciu historii, przeł. K. Krzemieniowa, [w:] idem, Anioł historii. Eseje, szkice, fragmenty, Poznań 1996.
  102. W. Benjamin, Ursprung des deutschen Trauerspiels, Berlin 1928; tekst w języku angielskim: W. Benjamin, The Origin of German Tragic Drama, New York-London 1977; tekst w języku polskim: W. Benjamin, Źródła dramatu żałobnego w Niemczech, przeł. A. Kopacki, 2013 open in new tab
  103. W. Benjamin, Zentralpark, [w:] idem, Gesammelte Schriften, t. 1, red. R. Tiedemann, H. Schweppenhäuser, Frankfurt a. Main 1991.
  104. G. Bennington, Complexity Without Contradiction in Architecture, "AA Files" 1987, nr 15. open in new tab
  105. G. Bennington, Deconstruction and Postmodernism, [w:] Deconstruction. Omnibus Volume, red. A. Papadakis, C. Cooke, A. Benjamin, New York 1989. open in new tab
  106. G. Bennington, Deconstruction Is not What You Think, [w:] Deconstruction. Omnibus Volume, red. A. Papadakis, C. Cooke, A. Benjamin, New York 1989; przedruk w: G. Bennington, Deconstruction Is not What You Think… and Other Short Pieces and Interviews, ebook, www., 2005.
  107. G. Bennington, J. Derrida, Jacques Derrida, przeł. V. Szydłowska-Hmissi, Warszawa 2009. open in new tab
  108. A. Bergren, Architecture Gender Philosophy, [w:] Strategies in Architectural Thinking, red. J. Whiteman, J. Kipnis, R. Burdett, Cambridge [Mass.] 1992. open in new tab
  109. Bernard Tschumi, red. G. Damiani, London 2003.
  110. A. Bielik-Robson, Inna nowoczesność. Pytania o współczesną formułę duchowości, Kraków 2000. open in new tab
  111. M. Blanchot, La Folie par excellence, "Critique" 1951, nr 45; tekst w języku angielskim:idem, Madness par excellence [w:] idem, The Step Not Beyond. Translation of Le Pas Au-delà, przeł. L. Nelson, New York 1992. open in new tab
  112. A. Breton, Second Manifeste du surréalisme, [w:] idem, Manifestes du surréalisme, Paris 1965; tekst w języku angielskim: A. Breton, Second Manifesto of Surrealism, [w:] idem, Manifestoes of Surrealism, przeł. R. Seaver, H.R. Lane, Ann Arbor 1972; tekst w języku polskim: A. Breton, Drugi manifest surrealizmu, [w:] Surrealizm. Teoria i praktyka literacka, przeł. A. Ważyk, Warszawa 1973.
  113. G. Broadbent, Emerging Concepts in Urban Space Design, London 1990. open in new tab
  114. P. Brunette, D. Wills, The Spatial Arts: An Interview with Jacques Derrida, [w:] Deconstruction and the Visual Arts. Art, Media, Architecture, red. P. Brunette, D. Wills, Cambridge [Mass.] 1994. open in new tab
  115. A. von Buggenhagen, Philosophische Autobiographie, Meisenheim am Glan 1975.
  116. P. Bürger, Dekonstruktion und Architektur, [w:] Dekonstrktion? Dekonstruktivismus? Aufbruch ins Chaos oder Neues Bild der Welt?, red. G. Kähler, Braunschweig-Wiesbaden 1990. open in new tab
  117. A. Burzyńska, Dekonstrukcja i interpretacja, Kraków 2001. open in new tab
  118. A. Burzyńska, Dekonstrukcja, polityka i performatyka, Kraków 2013. open in new tab
  119. Chora L Works: Jacques Derrida and Peter Eisenman, red. J. Kipnis, T. Leeser, New York 1997. open in new tab
  120. J.-L. Cohen, The Architect in the Philosophers Garden: Eisenman at la Villette, [w:] Cities of Artificial Excavation. The Work of Peter Eisenman 1978-1988, red. J.-F. Bédard, Montreal 1994.
  121. Contrasting Concepts of Harmony in Architecture: Debate Between Christopher Alexander and Peter Eisenman, "Lotus International" 1983, nr 40. open in new tab
  122. E. Corrasable, Press Release: The Language to Be Looked and/or Things to Be Read (1967), [w:] The Writings of Robert Smithson, red. N. Holt, New York 1979.
  123. M. Cousins, Introduction, [w:] M. Theodorou, Space as Experience: Chore/Choros, "AA Files" 1997, nr 34. open in new tab
  124. R. Coyne, Derrida for Architects, London 2011. open in new tab
  125. L. Cruickshank, The Case for Re-evaluation of Deconstruction and Design; Against Derrida, Eisenman and their Choral Works, "The Radical Designist" 2007, nr 3, _ 07.html (data dostępu: 23 IX 2011).
  126. J. Culler, On Deconstruction. Theory and Criticism after Structuralism, New York 2007. open in new tab
  127. Deconstruction and the Visual Arts, red. P. Brunette, D. Wills, Cambridge [Mass.] 1994. open in new tab
  128. G. Deleuze, Le Pli. Leibniz et le baroque, Paris 1988; tekst w języku angielskim: idem, Fold: Leibniz and the Baroque, przeł. T. Conley, Minneapolis 1993; tekst w języku polskim: idem, Fałda. Leibniz a barok, przeł. M. Janik, S. Królak, Warszawa 2014. open in new tab
  129. J. Derrida, A letter to Peter Eisenman, "Assemblage" 1990, nr 12. open in new tab
  130. J. Derrida, D'un ton apocalyptique adopté naguère en philosophie, [w:] Les fins de l'homme: A partir du travail de Jacques Derrida, red. Ph. Lacoue-Labarthe, J.-L. Nancy, Paris 1981; tekst w języku angielskim: idem, Of An Apocaliptic Tone Recently Adopted in Philosophy, tum. J.P. Leavey, Jr., "Oxford Literary Review" 1984, nr 2. open in new tab
  131. J. Derrida, Différence sexuelle, différence ontologique (Geschlecht I), [w:] idem, De l'esprit, Heidegger et la question, Paris 1987; tekst w języku polskim : idem, Różnica płci, różnica ontologiczna (Geschlecht I), przeł. M. Kwietniewska, "Nowa Krytyka" 2010, php?article80 (data dostępu: 20 IX 2012). open in new tab
  132. J. Derrida, Faxitexture, "Anywhere" 1992, June, red. C. Davidson, New York 1992. open in new tab
  133. J. Derrida, Glas, Paris 1974; tekst w języku angielskim: idem, Glas, przeł. J. P. Leavey Jr., R. Rand, Lincoln-London 1986.
  134. J. Derrida, Implikacje. Rozmowa z Henri Ronsem, [w:] idem, Pozycje. Rozmowy z Henri Ronsem, Julią Kristevą, Jean-Louis Houdebinem i Guy Scarpettą, przeł. A. Dziadek, Katowice 2007.
  135. J. Derrida, In Discussion with Christopher Norris, [w:] Deconstruction II, "An Architectural Design Profile" 77, London 1989; przedruk w: Deconstruction. Omnibus Volume, red. A. Papadakis, C. Cooke, A. Benjamin, New York 1989.
  136. J. Derrida, Introduction, [w:] E. Husserl, L'origine de la géométrie, Paris 1962.
  137. J. Derrida, La dissémination, Paris 1972.
  138. J. Derrida, Lettre à un ami japonais, "Le Promeneur" 1985, nr XLII; przedruk w: J. Derrida, Psyché. Inventions de l'autre, Paris 1987; tekst w języku polskim: J. Derrida, List do jednego z japońskich przyjaciół, przeł. J.M. Godzimirski, przejrzał S. Cichowicz, "Konteksty. Polska Sztuka Ludowa" 1994, nr 1-2.; J. Derrida, List do japońskiego przyjaciela [fragmenty], przeł. M.P. Markowski, w: M.P. Markowski, Efekt inskrypcji. Jacques Derrida i literatura, Kraków 2003.
  139. J. Derrida, Marges de la philosophie, Paris 1972; tekst w języku polskim: J. Derrida, Marginesy filozofii, przeł. A. Dziadek, J. Margański, P. Pieniążek, Warszawa 2002, J. Derrida, Negotiations: Interventions and Interviews, 1971-2001, red., przeł. E.G. Rottenberg, Stanford 2002. open in new tab
  140. J. Derrida, O gramatologii, przeł. B. Banasiak, Warszawa 1999.
  141. J. Derrida, Ostrogi. Style Nietzschego, przeł. B. Banasiak, Łódź 2012.
  142. J. Derrida, Parergon, [w:] idem, Prawda w malarstwie, przeł. M. Kwietniewska, Gdańsk 2003.
  143. J. Derrida, Pismo filozofii, przeł. B. Banasiak, Kraków 1992.
  144. J. Derrida, Point de folie -Maintenant l'architecture, [w:] B. Tschumi, La Case Vide: La Villette, London 1986; przedruk w: "AA Files" 1986, nr 12; przedruk w: Architecture. Theory Since 1968, red. K.M. Hays, przeł. K. Linker, Cambridge [Mass.]-London 1998; tekst w języku niemieckim: J. Derrida, Am Nullpunkt der Verrücktheit -Jetzt der Architektur, [w:] Wege aus der Moderne. Schlüsseltexte der Postmoderne-Diskussion, red. W. Welsch, przeł. M. Wetzel, Weinheim 1988; tekst w języku francuskim: J. Derrida, Psyché: Inventions de l'autre, t. 2, Paris 2003. J. Derrida, Positions, przeł. A. Bass, Chicago 1981.
  145. J. Derrida, Prawda w malarstwie, przeł. M. Kwietniewska, Gdańsk 2003.
  146. J. Derrida, Psyché. Inventions de l'autre, Paris 1987, tekst artykułu tytułowego w języku polskim, fragmenty: idem, Psyché. Odkrywanie innego, przeł. M.P. Markowski, [w:] Postmodernizm. Antologia przekładów, red. R. Nycz, Kraków 1996.
  147. J. Derrida, Rhétorique de la drogue, [w:] idem, Points de suspension: Entretiens, red. E. Weber, Paris 1992
  148. J. Derrida, Różnia, [w:] idem, Marginesy filozofii, Warszawa 2002.
  149. J. Derrida, Semiologia i gramatologia. Rozmowa z Julią Kristevą, [w:] idem, Pozycje. Rozmowy z Henri Ronsem, Julią Kristevą oraz Jean-Louis Houdebinem i Guy Scarpettą, przeł. A. Dziadek, Katowice 2007. open in new tab
  150. J. Derrida, Sygnatura zdarzenie kontekst, przeł. B. Banasiak, [w:] idem, Pismo filozofii, przeł. B. Banasiak, Kraków 1992.
  151. J. Derrida, Tympanum, przeł. J. Margański, w: idem, Marginesy filozofii, Warszawa 2002.
  152. J. Derrida, Why Peter Eisenman Writes Such Good Books/Pourquoi Peter Eisenman ecrit de si bons livres, [w:] Chora L Works: Jacques Derrida and Peter Eisenman, red. J. Kipnis, T. Leeser, New York 1997. open in new tab
  153. J. Derrida, Χωρα/Chora, przeł. M. Gołębiewska, Warszawa 1999. Discussion and Comments, [w:] Deconstruction. Omnibus Volume, red. A. Papadakis, C. Cooke, A. Benjamin, New York 1989.
  154. G. Dziamski, Michel Foucault: z ducha sztuki, [w:] "Nie pytajcie mnie kim jestem…". Michel Foucault dzisiaj, red. M. Kwiek, Poznań 1998. open in new tab
  155. Z. Dziuban, Obcość, bezdomność, utrata. Wymiary atopii współczesnego doświadczenia kulturowego, Poznań 2009.
  156. P. Eisenman, [niezatytułowana wypowiedź], [w:] "Yale Seminars in Architecture" 2, red. C. Pelli, New Haven 1982. open in new tab
  157. P. Eisenman, An Architectural Design. Interview by Charles Jencks, [w:] Deconstruction. Omnibus Volume, red. A. Papadakis, C. Cooke, A. Benjamin, New York 1989.
  158. P. Eisenman, Architecture and the Problem of the Rhetorical Figure, "A+U" [Architecture and Urbanism] 1987, nr 202; tekst w języku włoskim: Architettura e figura retorica; "Eidos" 1987, nr 1; zmieniona wersja w: Re:Working Eisenman, red. M. Toy, London 1993; tekst w języku niemieckim: idem, Aura und Exzeß. Zur Überwindung der Metaphysik der Architektur, przeł. M. Kögl, U. Schwarz, Wien 1995.
  159. P. Eisenman, Aspects of Modernism: Maison Dom'ino and the Self-Referential Sign, "Oppositions" 1979, nr 15/16. open in new tab
  160. P. Eisenman, Aura und Exzeß. Zur Überwindung der Metaphysik der Architektur, przeł. M. Kögl, U. Schwarz, Wien 1995.
  161. P. Eisenman, Blue Line Text, [w:] Deconstruction. Omnibus Volume, red. A. Papadakis, C. Cooke, A. Benjamin, New York 1989; pierwodruk w: "Architectural Design" 1988, nr 7/8. open in new tab
  162. P. Eisenman, The Formal Basis of Modern Architecture [rozprawa doktorska], Cambridge 1963; tekst w języku niemieckim: P. Eisenman Die Formale Grundlegung der Modernen Architektur, przeł. Ch. Schläppi, Zürich-Berlin 2005; faksymile oryginału rozprawy: idem, The Formal Basis of Modern Architecture, Baden 2006. open in new tab
  163. P. Eisenman, Feints, red. S. Cassarà, Milan 2006. open in new tab
  164. P. Eisenman, Houses of Cards, New York 1987. open in new tab
  165. P. Eisenman, Ins Leere geschrieben. Schriften & Interviews, Wien 2005. open in new tab
  166. P. Eisenman, Introduction, [w:] Aldo Rossi in America: 1976 to 1979, red. K. Frampton, New York 1979.
  167. P. Eisenman, Misreading, [w:] idem, Houses of Cards, New York 1987. open in new tab
  168. P. Eisenman, Moving Arrows, Eros, and Other Errors: An Architecture of Absence, London 1986; przedruk w: "AA Files" 1986, nr 12.
  169. P. Eisenman, Post/El cards. A Reply to Derrida, "Assemblage" 1990, nr 12. open in new tab
  170. P. Eisenman, Post-Functionalism, "Opposition" 1976, 6; tekst w języku niemieckim: idem, Postfunktionalismus, [w:] idem, Aura und Exzeß.
  171. P. Eisenman, Separate Tricks, [w:] Chora L Works: Jacques Derrida and Peter Eisenman, red. J. Kipnis, T. Leeser, New York 1997.
  172. P. Eisenman, The End of the Classical: The End of the Beginning, The End of the End, "Perspecta: The Yale Architectural Journal" 1984, nr 21. open in new tab
  173. P. Eisenman, The Futility of Object. Decomposition and the Processes of Difference, "Harvard Architecture Review" 1984, nr 3.
  174. P. Eisenman, The Graves of Modernism, "Oppositions" 1978, nr 12.
  175. P. Eisenman, To Adolf Loos and Bertolt Brecht, "Progressive Architecture" 1974, nr 55.
  176. R. Evans, Not to be Used for Wrapping Purposes. Peter Eisenman: Fin d'Ou T Hou S, 20 February -23 March 1985, "AA Files" 1985, nr 10. open in new tab
  177. I.M. Fehér, Heideggers ontologische Neuinterpretation und Aufwertung der Stimmungen im Zusammenhang seiner phänomenologischen Radikalisierung der Lebensphilosophie und der hermeneutischen Destruktion der abendländischen Metaphysik, "Daseinsanalyse. Jahrbuch für phänomenologische Anthropologie und Psychoterapie" 2005, nr 21, 2005. Five Architects: Eisenman, Graves, Gwathmey, Hejduk, Meier, red. A. Drexler, C. Rowe, New York 1975.
  178. K.W. Forster, Eisenman/Robertson's City of Artificial Excavation, [w:] Cities of Artificial Excavation. The Work of Peter Eisenman 1978-1988, red. J.-F. Bédard, Montreal 1994.
  179. M. Foucault, Folie et déraison. Histoire de la folie à l'âge classique, Paris 1961; tekst w języku angielskim: M. Foucault, Madness and Civilization. A History of Insanity in the Age of Reason, przeł. R. Howard, London-New York 2001; tekst w języku polskim: M. Foucault, Historia szaleństwa w dobie klasycyzmu, przeł. H. Kęszycka, Warszawa 1987.
  180. M. Foucault, Inne przestrzenie, przeł. A. Rejniak-Majewska, "Teksty Drugie" 2005, nr 3.
  181. M. Foucault, Space, Knowledge, and Power (Interview with Michel Foucault), "Skyline" 1982, March. open in new tab
  182. M. Foucault, Szaleństwo, nieobecność dzieła, przeł. T. Komendant, [w:] idem, Powiedziane, napisane. Szaleństwo i literatura, red. T. Komendant, Warszawa 1999.
  183. K. Frampton, Eisenman Revisited: Running Interference, "A+U" [Architecture and Urbanism] 1988, nr 8: extra edition: Peter Eisenman, Eisenmanamnesie.
  184. S. Freud, Das Unheimliche, "Imago. Zeitschrift für Anwendung der Psychoanalyse auf die Geisteswissenschaften" 1919, nr 5; tekst w języku angielskim: idem, The Uncanny, [w:] The Standard Edition of the Complete Psychological Works of Sigmund Freud, red. i tłum. J. Strachey, t. 17, London 1995, tekst w języku polskim: idem, Niesamowite, [w:] idem, Pisma psychologiczne, tłum. R. Reszke, Warszawa 1997.
  185. M. Fried, Art and Objecthood, [w:] Minimal Art. Critical Anthology, red. G. Battcock, New York 1968; pierwodruk: "Artforum" 1967, nr 6.
  186. H. Friedrich, Die Struktur der modernen Lyrik. Von Baudelaire bis zur Gegenwart, Hamburg 1956.
  187. B. Frydryczak, Świat jako kolekcja. Próba analizy estetycznej natury nowoczesności, Poznań 2002. open in new tab
  188. G. Genette, Palimpsestes: la littérature au second degré, Paris 1982; tekst w języku angielskim: G. Genette, Palimpsests. Literature in the Second Degree, przeł. Ch. Newman, C. Doubinsky, Lincoln 1997; tekst w języku niemieckim: G. Genette, Palimpseste. Die Literatur auf zweiter Stufe, przeł. W. Bayer, D. Hornig, Frankfurt am Main 1993; tekst w języku polskim, fragmenty: G. Genette, Palimpsesty. Literatura drugiego stopnia, przeł. A. Milecki, [w:] Współczesna teoria badań literackich za granicą. Antologia, t. 4, cz. 2, red. H. Markiewicz, Kraków 1992; pełne polskie tłumaczenie: G. Genette, Palimpsesty. Literatura drugiego stopnia, przeł. A. Milecki, T. Stróżyński, Gdańsk 2014.
  189. D. Ghirardo, Diane Ghirardo's Exposé of MOMA's Deconstructivist Show, "Architectural Review" 1988, nr 183.
  190. D. Ghirardo, Eisenman's Bogus Avant-Garde, "Progressive Architecture" 1994, nr 75. open in new tab
  191. D. Ghirardo, The Grid and the Grain. Extension to University, Columbus, Ohio, "The Architectural Review" 1990, nr 1120. open in new tab
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  347. W. Welsch, Nasza postmodernistyczna moderna, przeł. R. Kubicki, A. Zeidler-Janiszewska, Warszawa 1998.
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  355. O. Wilde, The Decay of Lying, "The Nineteenth Century" 1891, nr 2. open in new tab
  356. B. Willms, Revolution und Protest oder Glanz und Elend des bürgerlichen Subiekts, Stuttgart 1969.
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  358. L. Wittgenstein, Culture and Value, przeł. P. Winch, Oxford 1980. open in new tab
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  361. C. Wodziński, Heidegger i problem zła, Warszawa 1994. open in new tab
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  382. Adams Tim 23 open in new tab
  383. Adorno Theodor Ludwig Wiesengrund 162, 193, 250, 253, 262 open in new tab
  384. Ajschylos 250 open in new tab
  385. Albee Edward 270 open in new tab
  386. Alberti Leon Battista 167 open in new tab
  387. Alexander Christopher 164, 271 open in new tab
  388. Althuser Louis 141 open in new tab
  389. Altman Nathan 182 open in new tab
  390. Amsterdamski Piotr 273 open in new tab
  391. Apter Emily 73 open in new tab
  392. Arnell Peter 84, 293 open in new tab
  393. Arsan Emanuelle, właśc. Marayat Bibidh 172 open in new tab
  394. Artaud Antonin 175, 226 open in new tab
  395. Arystoteles 146, 260 open in new tab
  396. Augé Marc 254 open in new tab
  397. Bach Johann Sebastian 197 open in new tab
  398. Bair Lowell 172 open in new tab
  399. Balzak Honoriusz, właśc. Honoré de Balzac 137, 285 open in new tab
  400. Ballantyne Andrew 16 open in new tab
  401. Banasiak Bogdan 12-15, 199, 255 open in new tab
  402. Baran Bogdan 13-14, 251, 253 open in new tab
  403. Barnard Philip 175 open in new tab
  404. Barthes Roland 122, 151, 159-162, 166, 175, 197-198, 263, 265, 278-279, 285-297 open in new tab
  405. Bass Alan 231 open in new tab
  406. Bataille Georges 151, 160, 164, 166-168, 171-172, 174-175, 220-221, 226, 243-244, 269, 286 open in new tab
  407. Battcock Gregory 134, 139 open in new tab
  408. Baudelaire Charles 55, 137 open in new tab
  409. Bauman Zygmunt 254 open in new tab
  410. Bédard Jean-François 70, 115, 144 open in new tab
  411. Behrens Peter 178 open in new tab
  412. Benedict James 201
  413. Benjamin Andrew 8, 99, 102-103, 116-124, 130, 142, 268, 284-285 open in new tab
  414. Benjamin Walter 19, 55, 86-87, 146, 152, 187-188, 193, 210, 241 open in new tab
  415. Bennington Geoffrey 8, 13, 152, 242 open in new tab
  416. Benson Martin 180 open in new tab
  417. Berg Alban 271 open in new tab
  418. Bergdoll Barry 249 open in new tab
  419. Bergren Ann 85, 99, 101-102, 107-113, 123, 284 open in new tab
  420. Bettella Andrea 88 open in new tab
  421. Bickford Ted 84, 293 open in new tab
  422. Bielik-Robson Agata 161
  423. Blanchot Maurice 213, 223, 226, 241-243 open in new tab
  424. Boole George 199 open in new tab
  425. Boullée Étienne-Louis 167, 176 open in new tab
  426. Borden Iain 274 open in new tab
  427. Brahm John 186, 294 open in new tab
  428. Brecht Bertolt 136 open in new tab
  429. Breton André 172, 202, 258 open in new tab
  430. Bricmont Jean 273 open in new tab
  431. Broadbent Geoffrey 15 open in new tab
  432. Brown Lancelot 164 open in new tab
  433. Brunette Peter 10-11, 18, 70 open in new tab
  434. Bryson Norman 134 open in new tab
  435. Bubner Rüdiger 223 open in new tab
  436. Bucci Federico 278 open in new tab
  437. Buggenhagen Erich Arnold von 252 open in new tab
  438. Bürger Peter 256-259
  439. Burdett Richard 85 open in new tab
  440. Burns Carol 122 open in new tab
  441. Burzyńska Anna 12, 14-15 open in new tab
  442. Burzyński Jan 219
  443. Callois Roger 221 open in new tab
  444. Calvino Italo 179 open in new tab
  445. Caputo John D. 253
  446. Cassarà Silvio 68, 278, 292 open in new tab
  447. Chandler Raymond 221, 294 open in new tab
  448. Chądzyńska Zofia 89 open in new tab
  449. Chomsky Noam 31-32, 128, 134, 146-147, 263, 278, 286 open in new tab
  450. Chymkowski Roman 254 open in new tab
  451. Ciorra Pippo 94, 293 open in new tab
  452. Clarke Arthur Charles 82 open in new tab
  453. Coates Nigel 180 open in new tab
  454. Cohen Jean-Louis 70, 123, 145 open in new tab
  455. Colli Giorgio 262 open in new tab
  456. Conciliis Marina de 278 open in new tab
  457. Conley Tom 23 open in new tab
  458. Cooke Catherine 8 open in new tab
  459. Corrasable Eton 223 open in new tab
  460. Cortazar Julio 89 open in new tab
  461. Cousins Mark 114 open in new tab
  462. Coyne Richard 70, 72-73 open in new tab
  463. Cruickshank Leon 129 open in new tab
  464. Culler Jonathan 189 open in new tab
  465. Damiani Giovanni 221 open in new tab
  466. Dante Alighieri 175 open in new tab
  467. David Jacques Louis 178
  468. Davidson Cynthia 70, 74 open in new tab
  469. Deamer Peggy 264 open in new tab
  470. Debord Guy 153-154
  471. Deleuze Gilles 23, 124 open in new tab
  472. Derrida Jacques 8-22, 29, 31, 37, 41, 49, 52, 56, 64, 66-67, 69-70, 72-73, 75, 77-80, 82-83, 85-87, 89-90, 92-93, 95-96, 101-102, 105-108, 112-114, 123-124, 129-132, 138, 142, 145-146, 151-153, 160, 189, 199, 207-208, 210, 213-215, 217-218, 221-245, 253, 256-263, 265, 283-286, 288-289 open in new tab
  473. Dobney Stephen 51, 71, 126, 292-293 open in new tab
  474. Doesburg Theo van 133, 269 open in new tab
  475. Drexler Arthur 35, 38, 291 open in new tab
  476. Drzewiecki Konrad 251 open in new tab
  477. Duchamp Marcel 157, 272 open in new tab
  478. Duisit Lionel 278 open in new tab
  479. Dziadek Adam 15, 231 open in new tab
  480. Dziamski Grzegorz 23 open in new tab
  481. Dziuban Zuzanna 251-253 open in new tab
  482. Eagleton Terry 141 open in new tab
  483. Eco Umberto 72, 152 open in new tab
  484. Eimert Dorothea 8 open in new tab
  485. Eisenman Peter 8-11, 14-19, 22-23, 28-72, 74-81, 83-103, 106-108, 112-113, 115, 118-147, 152, 208, 248-250, 256, 263-276, 278-280, 283-286, 288-289 open in new tab
  486. Eisenstein Siergiej 197, 279 open in new tab
  487. Engels Friedrich 251 Eurypides 250 open in new tab
  488. Evans Robin 30-33, 36, 64, 127, 134, 146-147 open in new tab
  489. Fedewicz Maria Bożena 14 open in new tab
  490. Fehér István M. 13 open in new tab
  491. Ferris David S. 188
  492. Folliot Denise 41 open in new tab
  493. Forster Kurt W. 144
  494. Foucault Michel 23, 57, 151, 181, 188-189, 208, 210, 217, 224-225, 233, 237, 286-287 open in new tab
  495. Frampton Kenneth 133, 135, 142, 145, 266, 270, 272 open in new tab
  496. Freud Sigmund 21, 96, 122, 145, 196, 265, 285, 287 open in new tab
  497. Fried Michael 139, 146, 263 open in new tab
  498. Friedrich Hugo 137-138 open in new tab
  499. Frydryczak Beata 242 open in new tab
  500. Gandelsonas Mario 28, 30, 43, 46, 291 open in new tab
  501. Gander Hans-Helmuth 13 open in new tab
  502. Gehry Frank Owen 8 open in new tab
  503. Genet Jean 73 open in new tab
  504. Genette Gérard 198, 200, 263, 278-279 open in new tab
  505. Ghirardo Diane 7, 70 open in new tab
  506. Goldberg Rose Lee 162 open in new tab
  507. Goldblatt David 16 open in new tab
  508. Gondowicz Jan 198 open in new tab
  509. Goodman David 181
  510. Goślicki Jan 251
  511. Gowan James 264 open in new tab
  512. Graafland Arie 81, 102, 292 open in new tab
  513. Granel Gérard 14 open in new tab
  514. Greenberg Clement 42, 44, 134, 140, 146, 177, 271 open in new tab
  515. Grondin Jean 12 open in new tab
  516. Gugler Michaela 224 open in new tab
  517. Guibert Daniel 236 open in new tab
  518. Hadid Zaha 10 open in new tab
  519. Haldane Richard Burdon 197 open in new tab
  520. Hannah Dorita 208 open in new tab
  521. Häring Hugo 177 open in new tab
  522. Hayman David 175
  523. Hademann Oskar 243 open in new tab
  524. Hegel Georg Wilhelm Friedrich 19, 73, 137, 167-169 open in new tab
  525. Hendrix John Shannon 63, 273 open in new tab
  526. Hermann Friedrich-Wilhelm von 13 open in new tab
  527. Hirst Paul 181, 217 open in new tab
  528. 13. Indeks nazwisk Lacan Jacques 63, 96-97, 188, 195-196, 265, 273 open in new tab
  529. Lacoue-Labarthe Philippe 12, 16
  530. Laugier Marc-Antoine 163 open in new tab
  531. Lautréamont Comte de, właśc. Isidore Lucien Ducasse 175, 202 open in new tab
  532. Le Corbusier, właśc. Charles-Édouard Jeanneret-Gris 45, 92, 122, 133, 144, 153, 200, 269, 271 open in new tab
  533. Leavey, Jr. John P. 16, 73
  534. Lee Seu-Kyou 234 open in new tab
  535. Leeser Thomas 70, 75, 82 open in new tab
  536. Lefebvre Henri 154, 286 open in new tab
  537. Lenin Włodzimierz, właśc. Władimir Iljicz Uljanow 153
  538. Lequeu Jean-Jacques 164 open in new tab
  539. Lescoure Jean 198 open in new tab
  540. Leśniak Andrzej 213, 223, 231, 243-244 open in new tab
  541. Lewańska Ariadna 161 open in new tab
  542. Libeskind Daniel 8, 10, 30, 37, 39-41, 266 open in new tab
  543. Lipszyc Adam 241
  544. Littré Émile 230, 237 open in new tab
  545. Lodge David 93 open in new tab
  546. Loos Adolf 136, 257 open in new tab
  547. Lubinski Christine 7
  548. Lukács György 251, 261 open in new tab
  549. Lyotard Jean-François 261 open in new tab
  550. Łaciak Marek 11 open in new tab
  551. Łukasiewicz Małgorzata 250 open in new tab
  552. Macarthur John 85, 88 open in new tab
  553. Macherey Pierre 128, 141 open in new tab
  554. Malewicz Kazimierz 272 open in new tab
  555. Mallarmé Stéphane 175, 200 open in new tab
  556. Mallgrave Harry Francis 181 open in new tab
  557. Malazzani Marco 278 open in new tab
  558. Man Paul de 86 open in new tab
  559. Mandelbrot Benoit 147 open in new tab
  560. Margański Janusz 17, 224-225 open in new tab
  561. Markowski Michał Paweł 12, 231, 244 open in new tab
  562. Marks Karol, właśc. Karl Marx 251
  563. Martin Louis 154, 161-162, 168, 228 open in new tab
  564. Mathews Jackson 41 open in new tab
  565. Matuszewski Krzysztof 243 open in new tab
  566. McQuillan Martin 86 open in new tab
  567. Merkator, Mercator, właśc. Gerhard Kremer 144 open in new tab
  568. Meyer Eva 12, 14-15, 19, 70 open in new tab
  569. Meyer Katrin 197
  570. Mical Thomas 154 open in new tab
  571. Michaels Walter Benn 218-219
  572. Michalski Krzysztof 234 open in new tab
  573. Mielnikow Konstantin 178 open in new tab
  574. Mieszkowski Jan 188 open in new tab
  575. Milecki Aleksander 198 open in new tab
  576. Miller Joseph Hillis 85 open in new tab
  577. Miller Richard 279 open in new tab
  578. Mitchell Andrew J. 249 open in new tab
  579. Mitterand François 242 open in new tab
  580. Mizera Janusz 20, 254 open in new tab
  581. Möbius August Ferdinand 143 open in new tab
  582. Montinari Mazzino 262 open in new tab
  583. Moretti Luigi 278
  584. Morris Robert 55 open in new tab
  585. Munier Roger 12 open in new tab
  586. Naef Hélene 226 open in new tab
  587. Nancy Jean-Luc 16
  588. Neurath Otto 262 open in new tab
  589. Newton Isaac 114 open in new tab
  590. Nietzsche Friedrich 76, 129-130, 132, 161, 188-189, 197, 201, 234, 251, 258-259, 262, 265 open in new tab
  591. Nycz Ryszard 14, 244 open in new tab
  592. Olbrich Joseph Maria 178 open in new tab
  593. Ott Hugo 252 open in new tab
  594. Pankow Gisela 196
  595. Papadakis Andreas 8, 14-15, 18 open in new tab
  596. Papenfuss Dietrich 12 open in new tab
  597. Partyga Ewa 251 open in new tab
  598. Patin Thomas 30, 134-135, 273, 284 open in new tab
  599. Pawley Martin 154 open in new tab
  600. Petherbridge Deanna 15 open in new tab
  601. Picht Georg 137 open in new tab
  602. Piranesi Giovanni Battista 164-165, 176, 277 open in new tab
  603. Platon 9, 13, 15, 19-20, 69, 75, 77-78, 82, 102-104, 110-112, 114, 131, 146, 285 open in new tab
  604. Poe Edgar Allan 69, 90 open in new tab
  605. Poelzig Hans 178 open in new tab
  606. Pöggler Otto 12 open in new tab
  607. Ponge Francis 138 open in new tab
  608. Popowski Wacław Jan 263
  609. Popper Karl Raimund 262 open in new tab
  610. Poręba Marcin 14 open in new tab
  611. Proust Marcel 200 open in new tab
  612. Queneau Raymond 189, 197-198, 278-279 open in new tab
  613. Rajchman John 208, 210 open in new tab
  614. Rand Richard 73
  615. Ray Man, własc. Emmanuel Rudnitzky 202 open in new tab
  616. Readings Bill 188 open in new tab
  617. Rectanus Mark W. 208
  618. Rejniak-Majewska Agnieszka 237
  619. Rendell Jane 274 open in new tab
  620. Reszke Robert 21 open in new tab
  621. Riddell Joseph Neill 14 open in new tab
  622. Rietveld Gerrit 133 open in new tab
  623. Robbe-Grillet Alain 138
  624. Rohe Ludwig Mies van der 200 open in new tab
  625. Ronse Henri 13 open in new tab
  626. Rorty Richard 262-263 open in new tab
  627. Rottenberg Elisabeth G. 238 open in new tab
  628. Rowe Colin 35, 38, 44, 47, 55, 134, 271, 291 open in new tab
  629. Sadler Simon 264 open in new tab
  630. Sade Donatien Alphonse François de 175, 279 open in new tab
  631. Sady Małgorzata 260 open in new tab
  632. Sady Wojciech 260 open in new tab
  633. Salgari Emilio 72 open in new tab
  634. Sartre Jean-Paul 42, 138 open in new tab
  635. Saussure Ferdinand de 31, 189, 256 open in new tab
  636. Schaber Benett 188 open in new tab
  637. Scharoun Hans 177 open in new tab
  638. Schelling Friedrich Wilhelm Joseph 187 open in new tab
  639. Schläppi Christoph 30 open in new tab
  640. Schlemmer Oskar 178 open in new tab
  641. Schönberg Arnold 271 open in new tab
  642. Schopenhauer Artur 197 open in new tab
  643. Schröder-Schräder Truus 133 open in new tab
  644. Schulte Joachim 7
  645. Schulze Franz 7, 22 open in new tab
  646. Schumacher Patrik 176 open in new tab
  647. Schwarz Ulrich 7, 97, 137-139 open in new tab
  648. Schwitters Kurt 258-259 open in new tab
  649. Scully Vincent 164, 194 open in new tab
  650. Seaver Richard 172 open in new tab
  651. Sekstus Empiryk 213 open in new tab
  652. Seraphini Luigi 223 open in new tab
  653. Shakespeare William 251 open in new tab
  654. Ważyk Adam 258 open in new tab
  655. Weber Elisabeth 10 open in new tab
  656. Webern Anton 271 open in new tab
  657. Weegee, właśc. Arthur Fellig 222
  658. Weiss Allen S. 172
  659. Welsch Wolfgang 15-16, 260-263 open in new tab
  660. Werner Mateusz 251 open in new tab
  661. Whiteman John 30, 85, 141-142, 146 open in new tab
  662. Wiertow Dżiga, ur. Dawid Abelowicz Kaufman 197-198, 279
  663. Wigley Mark 7-8, 10, 13-14, 18-25, 107, 152, 248-249, 261, 294
  664. Wilde Oscar 141 open in new tab
  665. Willms Bernard 137 open in new tab
  666. Willoughby William T. 133 open in new tab
  667. Wills David 10-11, 18, 70 open in new tab
  668. Winch Peter 222 open in new tab
  669. Wings Betsy 167 open in new tab
  670. Witruwiusz, właśc. Marcus Vitruvius Pollio 75, 87, 89, 96, 167, 169, 176-177 open in new tab
  671. Wittgenstein Ludwig 39, 146, 222-223, 260 open in new tab
  672. Wodziński Cezary 253 open in new tab
  673. Wölfflin Heinrich 23 open in new tab
  674. Wolniewicz Bogusław 223, 260 open in new tab
  675. Woźniak Cezary 20 open in new tab
  676. Wróbel Łukasz 255 open in new tab
  677. Wyrzykowski Stanisław 69, 259 open in new tab
  678. Yaari Monique 224 open in new tab
  679. Załuski Tomasz 121 open in new tab
  680. Zeidler-Janiszewska Anna 16, 223 open in new tab
  681. Zięba Włodzimierz 12, 15 open in new tab
  682. Wstęp. W stronę dekonstrukcji w architekturze W stronę dekonstrukcji w architekturze, "Quart. Kwartalnik Instytutu Historii Sztuki Uniwersytetu Wrocławskiego" 2010, nr 3(17), s. 3-17.
  683. Misreading… and Other Errors Misreading… and Other Errors. Peter Eisenman a dekonstrukcja, część I, "Quart. Kwartalnik Instytutu Historii Sztuki Uniwersytetu Wrocławskiego" 2011, nr 4(22), s. 63-91. open in new tab
  684. Choral Works czy Separate Tricks Choral Works czy Separate Tricks. Peter Eisenman a dekonstrukcja, część II, "Quart. Kwartalnik Instytutu Historii Sztuki Uniwersytetu Wrocławskiego" 2012, nr 2(24), s. 109-131. open in new tab
  685. Architektura, która naśladuje niemą filozofię
  686. Architektura, która naśladuje niemą filozofię. Peter Eisenman a dekonstrukcja, część III, "Quart. Kwartalnik Instytutu Historii Sztuki Uniwersytetu Wrocławskiego" 2012, nr 3(25), s. 68-86. a literatura, "Quart. Kwartalnik Instytutu Historii Sztuki Uniwersytetu Wrocławskiego" 2011, nr 3(21), s. 72-87.
  687. Od perwersji do dekonstrukcji. Architektura Bernarda Tschumiego, część I, "Quart. Kwartalnik Instytutu Historii Sztuki Uniwersytetu Wrocławskiego" 2013, nr 1(27), s. 71-95. open in new tab
  688. Bliżej dekonstrukcji Od perwersji do dekonstrukcji. Architektura Bernarda Tschumiego, część II, "Quart. Kwartalnik Instytutu Historii Sztuki Uniwersytetu Wrocławskiego" 2013, nr 3(29), s. 83-101. open in new tab
  689. Park dekonstrukcji Od perwersji do dekonstrukcji. Architektura Bernarda Tschumiego, część III, "Quart. Kwartalnik Instytutu Historii Sztuki Uniwersytetu Wrocławskiego" 2013, nr 4(30), s. 64-91. open in new tab
  690. Zakończenie. Destrukcja jako konstrukcja. Paradoksy dekonstrukcji w architekturze Destrukcja jako konstrukcja. Paradoksy dekonstrukcji w architekturze, "Quart. Kwartalnik Instytutu Historii Sztuki Uniwersytetu Wrocławskiego" 2014, nr 2(32), s. 56-80.
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