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Search results for: computer-aided design
Computer Aided Design - 2022/23
e-Learning Courses -
Computer Aided Design 23/24
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Computer Aided Design ERASMUS, sem. II _2018/19
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Computer aided machine design
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Computer aided machine design 2022/23
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Computer Aided Machine Design and Manufacturing (PG_00060425)
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Computer Aided Manufacturing Systems (M:320417W0)
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Computer Aided Manufacturing Systems (M:320417W0)
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Computer design of materials 202324
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Computer Aided Maintnance of the Stock of Machines -DaPE 2022/23
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Computer Aided Manufacturing Systems, PG_00054486, Summer semester 2021/2022
e-Learning CoursesGetting acquainted with the subject of computer-aided manufacturing as well as with the tendencies inmodern manufacturing
Computer modeling and design of materials 2022/2023
e-Learning CoursesComputer modeling and design of materials, kierunek: Nanotechnologia, specjalność: Mathematics for new materials design, II stopień, semestr 3
Computer design of materials and nanomaterials 2024-25
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Computer aided maintenance 2022 - W, - IDE II (M:32027W0) - Nowy
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Computer Aided Manufacturing Systems (M:320417W0) (PG_00063000) 2023-24 Summer Semester
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Computer Aided Manufacturing Systems (M:320417W0) Mechatronika sem. 1, 2022/2023 lato
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Fundamentals of Machine Design I - 2024-2025 - Computer laboratory
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Computer aided maintenance of the stock of machines - W/L (M:320406W0) DaEP 2023/2024 summer semester
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Computer aided process planning, W/P, MiBM - IDE, 2. st., sem. 02, zimowy 22/23 (PG_00057404)
e-Learning CoursesLecture & labs
Computer aided process planning, w/p, MiBM - IDE, 2. st., sem. 02, zimowy 2024/2025 (PG_00057404)
e-Learning CoursesLecture & Project
Computer aided process planning, w/p, MiBM - IDE, 2. st., sem. 2, zimowy 2024/2025 (PG_00057404)
e-Learning CoursesLecture & Project
Computer aided maintenance of the stock of machines W/C; DaPE; 1st grade, 6th semester, Summer 24/25, (M:320406W0)
e-Learning Courses -
CAD Introduction (2023/24)
e-Learning CoursesThe course aim is to demonstrate the application of Computer Aided Design in preparation of architectural drawings and project presentations. No previous CAD experience is necessary. Using hands-on exercises, students explore how to create project presentations using 2D drawings and 3D models created in AutoDesk AutoCAD and other programs.
CAD. Introduction (2024/25)
e-Learning CoursesThis course introduces students to the application of Computer-Aided Design (CAD) in creating architectural drawings and project presentations. No prior CAD experience is required. Through hands-on exercises, students will learn to create engaging project presentations using 2D drawings and 3D models created in AutoDesk AutoCAD and other industry-standard software.
CAD. 3D Modeling (2024/25)
e-Learning CoursesSubject objectives: The course aim is to demonstrate the application of Computer Aided Design in preparation of architectural 3D models and project presentations. No previous CAD experience is necessary. Using hands-on exercises, students explore how to create project presentations using 3D models created in e.g.: AutoDesk AutoCAD and SketchUp programs.
Computer Networks-laboratories - 2023
e-Learning CoursesAcquiring the skills to design, build and configure computer networks. Demonstration of skills to identify and analyze selected protocols and mechanisms of LAN and WAN networks.
Computer Networks Laboratories 2025
e-Learning CoursesAcquiring the skills to design, build and configure computer networks. Demonstration of skills to identify and analyze selected protocols and mechanisms of LAN and WAN networks.
Computer Networks laboratories 2024
e-Learning CoursesAcquiring the skills to design, build and configure computer networks. Demonstration of skills to identify and analyze selected protocols and mechanisms of LAN and WAN networks.
CAD. Introduction (2022/2023)
e-Learning CoursesConducting unit: Faculty of ArchitectureField of the study: ArchitectureAcademic year: 2022/2023 Winter TermDuration: 15 weeks (30 hours laboratory per term) Subject objectives: The course aim is to demonstrate the application of Computer Aided Design in preparation of architectural drawings and project presentations. No previous CAD experience is necessary. Using hands-on exercises, students explore how to create project presentations...
CAD. 3D modelling (2022/2023) BSc Arch, sem 2
e-Learning CoursesConducting unit: Faculty of ArchitectureField of the study: ArchitectureAcademic year: 2022/2023 Summer TermDuration: 15 weeks (30 hours laboratory per term) Subject objectives: The course aim is to demonstrate the application of Computer Aided Design in preparation of architectural 3D models and project presentations. No previous CAD experience is necessary. Using hands-on exercises, students explore how to create project presentations...
CAD. 3D modelling (2023/24)
e-Learning CoursesConducting unit: Faculty of ArchitectureField of the study: ArchitectureAcademic year: 2023/2024 Summer TermDuration: 15 weeks (30 hours laboratory per term) Subject objectives: The course aim is to demonstrate the application of Computer Aided Design in preparation of architectural 3D models and project presentations. No previous CAD experience is necessary. Using hands-on exercises, students explore how to create project presentations...
Materials Science - classical particle approach 2023/2024
e-Learning CoursesComputer modeling and design of materials, kierunek: Nanotechnologia, specjalność: Mathematics for new materials design, II stopień, semestr 3
Materials Science - Classical Particle Approach 2024/2025
e-Learning CoursesComputer modeling and design of materials, kierunek: Nanotechnologia, specjalność: Mathematics for new materials design, II stopień, semestr 3
Systemy komputerowe w projektowaniu 2021 lato
e-Learning CoursesCel: Wykonanie projektu zgodnie z wybranym tematem z wykorzystaniem wybranych narzędzi komputerowych nowoczesnych systemów CAD/CAM/FEA. Zakres: Praktyczne ćwiczenia pokazujące możliwości narzędzi nowoczesnych systemów CAx. Nauka budowania geometrii modeli parametrycznych. Przeprowadzanie podstawowych analiz numerycznych wytrzymałości konstrukcji metodą Elementów Skończonych (MES). Opracowywanie dokumentacji technicznej. Wykonanie...
Prototypowanie wspomagane komputerowo [2022/23]
e-Learning CoursesWprowadzenie do technik CAx komputerowe wspomaganie (Computer Aided ...). Programy wspomagające projektowanie. Szybkie prototypowanie (Rapid prototyping). Systemy CAD/CAE/CAM w elektrotechnice. Komputerowo wspomagane: projektowanie elementów indukcyjnych (FEMM), projektowanie układów elektronicznych (LTSpice), projektowanie obwodów drukowanych (Eagle), programowanie obrabiarek CNC, projektowanie CAD 3D do druku przestrzennego....
e-Learning CoursesProgram Content:Over the course of lectures, student familiarizes himself with methods of spatial element recreation in a the drawing plane, theory of engineering design recording and methods of computer-aided systems designing. The scope of program includes, in particular:- Introduction to the subject (formats, lines, scales, technical writing),- Methods of imaging three-dimensional objects on a drawing plane (object projections,...
Computer controlled systems - 2022/2023
e-Learning Coursesmateriały wspierające wykład na studiach II stopnia na kierunku ACR pod tytułem komputerowe systemy automatyki 1. Computer system – controlled plant interfacing technique; simple interfacing and with both side acknowledgement; ideas, algorithms, acknowledge passing. 2. Methods of acknowledgement passing: software checking and passing, using interrupt techniques, using readiness checking (ready – wait lines). The best solution...
Computer Controlled Systems lecture summer 2024-2025
e-Learning Coursesmateriały wspierające wykład na studiach II stopnia na kierunku ACR pod tytułem komputerowe systemy automatyki 1. Computer system – controlled plant interfacing technique; simple interfacing and with both side acknowledgement; ideas, algorithms, acknowledge passing. 2. Methods of acknowledgement passing: software checking and passing, using interrupt techniques, using readiness checking (ready – wait lines). The best solution...
Introductory CDIO Project 2022/2023
e-Learning CoursesThe aim of this course is to make the students familiar with the team work to design, build and test simple electronic circuit. Also, how to write technical and engineering documentation taking in consideration electrical engineering, electronics, CAD and PCB design and computer simulation problems.
Introductory CDIO Project [Energy Technologies][2020/21]
e-Learning CoursesThe aim of this course is to make the students familiar with the team work to design, build and test simple electronic circuit. Also, how to write technical and engineering documentation taking in consideration electrical engineering, electronics, CAD and PCB design and computer simulation problems.
Introductory CDIO Project 2023/2024
e-Learning CoursesThe aim of this course is to make the students familiar with the team work to design, build and test simple electronic circuit. Also, how to write technical and engineering documentation taking in consideration electrical engineering, electronics, CAD and PCB design and computer simulation problems.
Introductory CDIO Project 2024/2025
e-Learning CoursesThe aim of this course is to make the students familiar with the team work to design, build and test simple electronic circuit. Also, how to write technical and engineering documentation taking in consideration electrical engineering, electronics, CAD and PCB design and computer simulation problems.
Multimedia i interfejsy 2024
e-Learning Courses{mlang pl} Celem kursu jest zapoznanie studentów z: rodzajami danych multimedialnych oraz metodami ich pozyskiwania formatami i standardami danych multimedialnych metodami kompresji danych multimedialnych podstawami przetwarzania danych multimedialnych oraz ich rozpoznawania programowaniem aplikacji multimedialnych, w tym gier wideo rodzajami interfejsów użytkownika w systemach komputerowych metodami opisu oraz zasadami...
e-Learning Coursesmateriały wspierające wykład na studiach II stopnia na kierunku ACR pod tytułem komputerowe systemy automatyki 1. Computer system – controlled plant interfacing technique; simple interfacing and with both side acknowledgement; ideas, algorithms, acknowledge passing. 2. Methods of acknowledgement passing: software checking and passing, using interrupt techniques, using readiness checking (ready – wait lines). The best solution optimization...
Multimedia i Interfejsy 2022
e-Learning Courses{mlang pl} Celem kursu jest zapoznanie studentów z: rodzajami danych multimedialnych oraz metodami ich pozyskiwania formatami i standardami danych multimedialnych metodami kompresji danych multimedialnych podstawami przetwarzania danych multimedialnych oraz ich rozpoznawania programowaniem aplikacji multimedialnych, w tym gier wideo rodzajami interfejsów użytkownika w systemach komputerowych metodami opisu oraz zasadami...
Multimedia i Interfejsy 2023
e-Learning Courses{mlang pl} Celem kursu jest zapoznanie studentów z: rodzajami danych multimedialnych oraz metodami ich pozyskiwania formatami i standardami danych multimedialnych metodami kompresji danych multimedialnych podstawami przetwarzania danych multimedialnych oraz ich rozpoznawania programowaniem aplikacji multimedialnych, w tym gier wideo rodzajami interfejsów użytkownika w systemach komputerowych metodami opisu oraz zasadami...
Computer Controlled Systems Lab - 2023/2024
e-Learning CoursesComputer Controlled Systems Lab The course includes 5 individual projects and their laboratory implementation. The topics:- Job analysis and tuning digital servo- Usage of a PC computer and MatLab package for controlling the dynamic object as a model of the tethered helicopter- Use of C language and the PC to control the plant in real time- Use of assembly language, and a microcontroller to control the plant in real time- Use...
Computer Controlled Systems Lab - Nowy - Nowy
e-Learning CoursesComputer Controlled Systems Lab The course includes 5 individual projects and their laboratory implementation. The topics:- Job analysis and tuning digital servo- Usage of a PC computer and MatLab package for controlling the dynamic object as a model of the tethered helicopter- Use of C language and the PC to control the plant in real time- Use of assembly language, and a microcontroller to control the plant in real time- Use...
Essentials of computer science for Bachelor in Management students
e-Learning CoursesVarious resources accompanying "Essentials of computer science" classes for Bachelor in Management 1st year students.
Theory of architectural design V. Design for all
e-Learning CoursesThe aim of the course is to increase awareness of the needs of people with special needs and the idea of universal design. The subject is to introduce the social and legal conditions of the profession of architect, focused on the needs of all vulnerable user groups, including people with disabilities and the elderly. Knowledge of solutions related to Design for All is necessary due to the implementation of directives and standards...