Search results for: PRESENTATION ATTACK DETECTION - Bridge of Knowledge


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  • Deep learning techniques for biometric security: A systematic review of presentation attack detection systems



    Biometric technology, including finger vein, fingerprint, iris, and face recognition, is widely used to enhance security in various devices. In the past decade, significant progress has been made in improving biometric sys- tems, thanks to advancements in deep convolutional neural networks (DCNN) and computer vision (CV), along with large-scale training datasets. However, these systems have become targets of various attacks, with...

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  • Finger Vein Presentation Attack Detection Method Using a Hybridized Gray-Level Co-Occurrence Matrix Feature with Light-Gradient Boosting Machine Model


    - Year 2024

    Presentation Attack Detection (PAD) is crucial in biometric finger vein recognition. The susceptibility of these systems to forged finger vein images is a significant challenge. Existing approaches to mitigate presentation attacks have computational complexity limitations and limited data availability. This study proposed a novel method for identifying presentation attacks in finger vein biometric systems. We have used optimal...

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  • Playback Attack Detection: The Search for the Ultimate Set of Antispoof Features


    - Year 2017

    Automatic speaker verification systems are vulnerable to several kinds of spoofing attacks. Some of them can be quite simple – for example, the playback of an eavesdropped recording does not require any specialized equipment nor knowledge, but still may pose a serious threat for a biometric identification module built into an e-banking application. In this paper we follow the recent approach and convert recordings to images, assuming...

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  • Rafał Leszczyna dr hab. inż.

    Dr hab. Rafal Leszczyna is an associate professor at Gdansk University of Technology, Faculty of Management and Economics. He holds the M.Sc. degrees of Computer Science and Business Management. In December, 2006 he earned a Ph.D. in Computer Science, specialisation - Computer Security at the Faculty of Electronics, Telecommunications and Informatics of Gdansk University of Technology. Between 2004 and 2008 he worked in the European...

  • Pomiarowa ocena efektywności systemu antyspoofingowego opartego na przetwarzaniu wieloantenowym

    Niniejszy referat dotyczy problemu wykrywania i przeciwdziałania atakom typu spoofing w globalnych systemach nawigacji satelitarnej. Pierwsza część referatu stanowi wprowadzenie w temat spoofingu oraz przegląd sposobów jemu przeciwdziałania. Następnie, przedstawiono autorską koncepcję systemu antyspoofingowego opartego na przetwarzaniu wieloantenowym, a także opisano implementację prototypu tego systemu. Część trzecią poświęcono...

  • System wykrywania i przeciwdziałania spoofingowi GPS


    - Year 2016

    Spoofing w systemach nawigacji satelitarnej jest atakiem elektronicznym, który polega na nieuprawnionej emisji sygnałów stanowiących imitacje rzeczywistych sygnałów odbieranych z satelitów. Powoduje on wyznaczenie nieprawidłowych informacji o czasie, położeniu i prędkości odbiornika. Z uwagi na trudność jego wykrycia, spoofing stanowi poważniejsze zagrożenie niż proste zagłuszanie sygnałów zakłóceniem o dużej mocy (ang. jamming)....

  • Change Detection in Signals 2023

    e-Learning Courses
    • J. Kozłowski

    Change Detection in Signals - files for students.

  • Adversarial attack algorithm for traffic sign recognition



    Deep learning suffers from the threat of adversarial attacks, and its defense methods have become a research hotspot. In all applications of deep learning, intelligent driving is an important and promising one, facing serious threat of adversarial attack in the meanwhile. To address the adversarial attack, this paper takes the traffic sign recognition as a typical object, for it is the core function of intelligent driving. Considering...

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  • Advanced methods in biosensing: fundamentals and applications

    e-Learning Courses
    • R. Bogdanowicz
    • J. Ryl

    This course provides instruction in the basic science and engineering conceptsrequired to understand the design and application of biosensors. Different biosensorsystems are explored, ranging from electrochemical devices, through to optical orthermal systems. Instruction is also given in the general principles of sampling andanalysis, statistical presentation and manipulation of data. The primary focus will bethe physics of biomolecule...

  • Cancer immune escape: the role of antigen presentation machinery

    The mechanisms of antigen processing and presentation play a crucial role in the recognition and targeting of cancer cells by the immune system. Cancer cells can evade the immune system by downregulating or losing the expression of the proteins recognized by the immune cells as antigens, creating an immunosuppressive microenvironment, and altering their ability to process and present antigens. This review focuses on the mechanisms...

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