Search results for: anna brillowska-Dąbrowska - Bridge of Knowledge


Search results for: anna brillowska-Dąbrowska
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Search results for: anna brillowska-Dąbrowska

  • Anna Brillowska-Dąbrowska dr hab. inż.

    Anna Brillowska-Dąbrowska, born in 1971 in Gdańsk, Poland, graduated in 1996 in Biotechnology from the Faculty of Chemistry, Gdańsk University of Technology (GUT). In 2001 she got her PhD, in 2013 became a DSc (habilitation). She was employed in 2004 as a researcher in Statens Serum Institut in Denmark. Currently she is an Associate Professor (adiunkt) in the Department of Molecular Biotechnology and Microbiology and Vice-dean...

  • Anna Pietrenko-Dąbrowska dr hab. inż.

  • Nowoczesne metody diagnostyki zakażeń dermatofitowych


    Grzyby należące do rodzajów Microsporum, Trichophyton i Epidermophyton są główną przyczyną powierzchownych zakażeń grzybiczych. Klasyczna identyfikacja gatunkowa czynnika etiologicznego tych grzybic oparta na obserwacjach mikro- i makroskopowych możliwa jest dopiero po uzyskaniu czystej hodowli dermatofitów. W związku z powolnym tempem wzrostu jest ona możliwa po dwóch, trzech tygodniach po pobrania próbki. Molekularne metody diagnostyczne...

  • Fungal Typin Methods


    The broad application of the molecular techniques in mycoses diagnosis is related to increase of infections caused by fungi in many countries. The oldest typing methods relaying on fenotypic observation, physiological and biochemical examination have had very limited importance from decades. Novadays, the molecular biology methods took their place. Most of the genotyping methods have been devoleped to be applied for typing of bacteria...

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  • Rozdział 5. Nowoczesne metody diagnostyki zakażeń grzybiczych wywoływanych przez dermatofity = Novel diagnostic methods of funfal infections caused by dermatophytes


    Dermatofity są głównym czynnikiem etiologicznym grzybic powierzchownych. Do tej klasy grzybów należą przedstawiciele trzech rodzajów: Epidermophyton, Microsporum i Trichophyton. Klasyczne metody diagnostyczne polegają na bezpośredniej ocenie mikroskopowej oraz badaniu hodowlanym. Identyfikacja gatunkowa jest możliwa na podstawie cech makroskopowych kolonii: ich struktury, koloru, kształtu, oraz obserwacji mikroskopowych (kształt...

  • PCR detection of Scopulariopsis brevicaulis

    Scopulariopsis brevicaulis is known as a most common etiological factor of the mould toenail infections. There are also reports indicating that S. brevicaulis could cause organ and disseminated infections. Nowadays microscopic observations from the direct sample and culture are crucial for the appropriate recognition of the infection. In this paper is presented a PCR-based method for S. brevicaulis detection. The specificity of...

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  • Specific detection of Alternaria alternata by PCR and real-time PCR

    Fungi of Alternaria genus are cosmopolitan organisms, which spores can be found in the air, soil, water, clothing and food. They commonly occur as saprotrophs on the plant remains, contributing to the decomposition of organic matter. Additionally, they are components of the normal human and animal skin flora. Alternaria spp. are also known human allergens, causing hay fever and allergic reactions that can lead to the development...

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  • Molecular detection of Candida krusei

    The species identification of fungi belonging to genus Candida is an important issue as this genus becomes the emerging problem of nosocomial infections. As Candida krusei presents intrinsicresistance to the fluconazole that is the drug of the first choice in case of invasive candidiasis the PCR identifying the DNA of C. krusei was elaborated. The analytical sensitivity of the assay on spiked blood samples was estimated at 3-5...

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  • Review on Current Status of Echinocandins Use

    Fungal infections are rising all over the world every year. There are only five medical compound classes for treatment: triazoles, echinocandins, polyenes, flucytosine and allylamine. Currently, echinocandins are the most important compounds, because of their wide activity spectrum and much lower sides effects that may occur during therapy with other drugs. Echinocandins are secondary metabolites of fungi, which can inhibit the...

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    W ostatnich latach obserwuje się dramatyczny wzrost zakażeń grzybiczych, których przyczyną są grzyby z rodzaju Candida (C). Większość zakażeń wywoływana jest przez C. albicans, C. glabrata, C. krusei, C. parapsilosis i C. tropicalis. Dotychczas najczęściej stosowanymi lekami przeciwko Candida spp były azole, jednakże ze względu na występowanie naturalnej oporności na te antybiotyki (C. glabrata i C. krusei) coraz częściej azole...