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Search results for: hyperspectral images
UAV-Based Hyperspectral Ultraviolet-Visible Interpolated Reflectance Images for Remote Sensing of Leaf Area Index
PublicationDespite its relation to a number of environmental parameters, ultraviolet (UV) reflectance is rarely used in remote sensing. In this study, we investigate the applicability of UV-vis reflectance for vegetation monitoring with unmanned aerial vehicles (UAV). We measure point reflectance over the study area using a UAV-borne spectrometer, project the points onto the Earth's surface, and interpolate them to obtain continuous reflectance...
Validation of Interpolation Algorithms for Multiscale UV-VIS Imaging Using UAV Spectrometer
PublicationIn this study, we present a comparison of popular methods for the interpolation of irregular spatial data in order to determine the applicability of each algorithm for hyperspectral reflectance estimation. The algorithms were benchmarked against a very high-resolution orthoimage from an RGB camera and medium-resolution satellite imagery from Sentinel-2A. We tested five interpolation algorithms: Triangulated Irregular Network (TIN),...
Comparison of Absorbed and Intercepted Fractions of PAR for Individual Trees Based on Radiative Transfer Model Simulations
PublicationThe fraction of absorbed photosynthetically active radiation (fAPAR) is a key parameter for estimating the gross primary production (GPP) of trees. For continuous, dense forest canopies, fAPAR, is often equated with the intercepted fraction, fIPAR. This assumption is not valid for individual trees in urban environments or parkland settings where the canopy is sparse and there are well-defined tree crown boundaries. Here, the distinction...
Analyzing the Impact of Simulated Multispectral Images on Water Classification Accuracy by Means of Spectral Characteristics
PublicationRemote sensing is widely applied in examining the parameters of the state and quality of water. Spectral characteristics of water are strictly connected with the dispersion of electromagnetic radiation by suspended matter and the absorp-tion of radiation by water and chlorophyll a and b.Multispectral sensor ALI has bands within the ranges of electromagnetic radia-tion: blue and infrared, absent in sensors such as Landsat, SPOT,...