Search results for: WSSUS
Limitations of WSSUS modeling of stationary underwater acoustic communication channel
PublicationPerformances of underwater acoustic communication (UAC) systems are strongly related to specific propagation conditions of the underwater channel. Due to their large variability, there is a need for adaptive matching of the UAC systems signaling to the transmission properties of the channel. This requires a knowledge of instantaneous channel characteristics, in terms of the specific parameters of stochastic models. The wide-sense...
A method for testing the wide-sense stationary uncorrelated scattering assumption fulfillment for an underwater acoustic channel
PublicationWide-sense stationary and uncorrelated scattering (WSSUS) assumptions are often applied for the statistical description of wireless communication channels. However, in the case of underwater acoustic channels the WSSUS model is of limited value. The degree of similarity of in-phase and quadrature components of the channel impulse response, measured with the use of bandpass modulated signals, can be used as an indicator of WSSUS...
Testing the Wide-Sense Stationarity of Bandpass Signals for Underwater Acoustic Communications
PublicationThe Underwater Acoustic Communication (UAC) systems work in communication channels characterized by a large variety of multipath propagation conditions that can additionally change over time. Designing a reliable communication system requires knowledge of the transmission parameters of the channel. There is a need for the development of adaptive signaling schemes that would dynamically optimize the signal parameters of the physical...
Assessment of Wide-Sense Stationarity of an Underwater Acoustic Channel Based on a Pseudo-Random Binary Sequence Probe Signal
PublicationThe performances of Underwater Acoustic Communication (UAC) systems are strongly related to the specific propagation conditions of the underwater channel. Designing the physical layer of a reliable data transmission system requires a knowledge of channel characteristics in terms of the specific parameters of the stochastic model. The Wide-Sense Stationary Uncorrelated Scattering (WSSUS) assumption simplifies the stochastic description...
Stationary underwater channel experiment: Acoustic measurements and characteristics in the Bornholm area for model validations
PublicationThe underwater acoustical channel is time-variant, and even on small time scales there is often existing no ‘acoustical frozen ocean’. Popular is the use of WSSUS-channel transmission modeling (Wide-Sense Stationary Uncorrelated Scattering) for the stochastic description of bandpass signals in GSM mobile phones with moving participants; since this results in a halved number of model parameters. For underwater sound applications...
Właściwości transmisyjne podwodnego kanału akustycznego
PublicationWłaściwości transmisyjne podwodnego kanału akustycznego są silnie uwarunkowane specyfiką jego geograficznej lokalizacji i zmieniają się w czasie. Istnieje potrzeba, by w systemie niezawodnej komunikacji dopasowywać do nich parametry warstwy fizycznej protokołu transmisji danych. Do realizacji tego celu niezbędny jest sparametryzowany opis podwodnego kanału komunikacyjnego. W artykule przedstawiono wyniki pomiarów odpowiedzi impulsowych...
Underwater Acoustic Communications in Time-Varying Dispersive Channels
PublicationUnderwater acoustic communication (UAC) system designers tend to transmit as much information as possible, per unit of time, at as low as possible error rate. However, the bit rate achieved in UAC systems is much lower than for wire or radio-communication systems. This is due to disadvantageous properties of the UAC channels, namely the sea and inland waters. Estimation of UAC channel transmission properties is possible within...