total: 31
Search results for: kardiologia
Polish Heart Journal
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Kardiologia Inwazyjna
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Kardiologia w Praktyce
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Kardiologia po Dyplomie
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Polska Kardiologia Prenatalna Echo Płodu
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Surgical revascularization in a patient with STEMI after failed PCI with a broken angioplasty wire protruding into the aortic root
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Antithrombotic regimens in patients awaiting heart transplant: a single-center experience
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Wavelet transform analysis reveals differences between patients with impaired LVEF and healthy individuals
PublicationHeart failure (HF) is a global pandemic. It af- fects 64 million people worldwide, with stead- ily increasing incidence, morbidity, mortality, and economic burden [1]. Forecasts indicate continued rising prevalence, especially among the elderly and in low-to-middle socio-de- mographic index regions [2]. Left ventricular ejection fraction (LVEF) significantly impacts HF treatment and prognosis [3]. The sequence of physiological...
Single-pill combinations (SPCs) and treatment of arterial hypertension in Poland. Expert consensus statement of the Polish Society of Hypertension and Polish Cardiac Society Working Group on Cardiovascular Pharmacotherapy
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Actual problems of dyslipidaemia treatment in Poland — 2nd Declaration of Sopot. Experts’ Group Consensus endorsed by the Polish Cardiac Society Working Group on Cardiovascular Pharmacotherapy
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Effects of renal sympathetic denervation on blood pressure and glycaemic control in patients with true resistant hypertension: results of Polish Renal Denervation Registry (RDN-POL Registry)
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2015 guidelines for the management of hypertension. Recommendations of the Polish Society of Hypertension — short version
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2018 ESC/ESH Guidelines for the management of arterial hypertension
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Relationship between gender and clinical characteristics, associated factors, and hypertension treatment in patients with resistant hypertension
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Prevalence and characteristics of OSAFED syndrome in atrial fibrillation primary care patients
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Sympathetic nervous system and arterial hypertension: new perspectives, new data
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Combination therapy in the management of hypertension — current problem in Poland. Expert consensus statement of the Polish Society of Hypertension and Polish Cardiac Society Working Group on Cardiovascular Pharmacotherapy
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Coronary artery disease, arterial stiffness, and myocardial work: what is the role of diabetes in this vicious circle? Authors’ reply
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The pressure–strain work indices in response to isometric handgrip exercise
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Arterial stiffness increases in response to an acute arterial load challenge induced by an isometric handgrip in healthy individuals
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Influence of increased arterial stiffness on myocardial work efficiency in patients with stable coronary artery disease
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Bleeding in anticoagulated patients with atrial fibrillation: practical considerations
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The ORBIT bleeding score is associated with lysis and permeability of fibrin clots
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Depression and anxiety in cardiovascular disease
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Variability in gelatinase expression in the walls of vessels used as aortocoronary conduits may impact long-term graft patency
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Mechanical circulatory support. An expert opinion of the Association of Intensive Cardiac Care and the Association of Cardiovascular Interventions of the Polish Cardiac Society
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Angiogenina - nowy kierunek badań w chorobie niedokrwiennej serca? = Angiogenin - new important parameter in the assessment of ischaemic heart disease?
PublicationAngiogenezę można zdefiniować jako proces prowadzący do powstawania nowych naczyń z już istniejących, poprzez ich rozgałęzianie i wydłużanie. Z klinicznego punktu widzeniaiedza o angiogeninie jest niezwykle cennna z co najmniej dwóch powodów. Może dostarczyć informacji o tworzącym się, bardzo pożądanym krążeniu obocznym w mięśniu sercowym, a także może w przyszłości odegrać istotną rolę w leczeniu nowotworów, zapalenia stawów,...
Ryzyko w pozyskiwaniu kontraktów leczniczych
PublicationPodmioty lecznicze, szczególnie szpitale, ponad 90% przychodów otrzymują z kontraktu z Narodowym Funduszem Zdrowia (NFZ). Niska dywersyfikacja źródeł przychodów powoduje, że działalność medyczną należy uznać za obarczoną wysokim ryzykiem operacyjnym. Zmiany wysokości kontraktów wynikają z przebiegu negocjacji z płatnikiem. Celem tego opracowania jest pokazanie zmian w wysokości otrzymanych kontraktów na usługi zdrowotne z zakresu...
Tomasz Krauze dr n. biol.
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Beata Graff dr n. med.
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Bartosz Jakub Myśliwiec dr n. med i n. o zdr.
PeopleMy name is Bartosz Jakub Myśliwiec. I am a doctor - doctor of medical sciences and health sciences - specialist in the field of internal diseases.Since 2022 I have been the Vice-Dean of the Faculty of Applied Sciences and the Head of the Department of Nursing at the Academy of Entrepreneurship Prince Kazimierz Kujawski in Inowrocław.In addition, since 2019 I have been acting as the deputy director for medical treatment - chief...