Wojciech Bartoszek - Science profile - Bridge of Knowledge


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Publication showcase

  • On mixing in the class of quadratic stochastic operators

    We study different types of limit behavior of quadratic stochastic operators acting on ℓ^1 (or ℓ^1_d) spaces in both strong and uniform topologies. The main motif of the paper is to express the uniform and strong asymptotic stability of the quadratic stochastic operator in terms of convergence of the associated (linear) nonhomogeneous Markov chain. We also examine which type of uniform convergence of iterates of the quadratic...

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  • Quadratic stochastic operators on Banach lattices

    We study the convergence of iterates of quadratic stochastic operators that are mean monotonic. They are defined on the convex set of probability measures concentrated on a weakly compact order interval S = [0, f] of a fixed Banach lattice F. We study their regularity and identify the limits of trajectories either as the “infimum” or “supremum” of the support of initial distributions.

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  • On quasi-compact Markov nets

    Analizuje się strukturę ergodyczną netów Markowa. W szczególności podano charakteryzację ściśle ergodycznych minimalnych (L-R) netów markowskich na zwartej przestrzeni fazowej. Uzyskano warunki równoważne quasi-zwartości (L-R) netów Markowa, rozszerzając tzw. ergodyczne twierdzenie Lotz'a.

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