Dane Badawcze - Katalog Danych Badawczych - MOST Wiedzy


Katalog Danych Badawczych


wszystkich: 24203
wybranych: 367

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Katalog Danych Badawczych

  • Simulation of signal acquisition from a rotary flowmeter

    Dane Badawcze
    open access

    The dataset contains results of simulation measuring the flow of homogeneous substances by rotational flow meter: a moment of impulse at the output of flow meter, time between successive pulses, number of pulses counted from standard generator and relative error of measurement.

  • SEM micrographs and photos of salivary gland stones

    Dane Badawcze

    This dataset contains SEM micrographs and high-resolution photographs taken for salivary gland stones (sialolith) extracted during joint studies between Medical University of Gdansk and Gdansk University of Technology.

  • SEM micrographs of diamond-phase (sp3-C) rich boron-doped carbon nanowalls (sp2-C)

    Dane Badawcze

    This dataset contains the Scanning Electron Microscopy (SEM) micrographs taken for rich boron-doped carbon nanowalls structures, with different boron addition during the synthesis process and different CVD synthesis duration. The [B]/[C] ratios in the plasma were set to 0k, 1.2k, 2k and 5k ppm. The time of growth was ranging between 4 and 9 hours. This...

  • Short-term measurement of physiological parameters - adult (2)

    The data set was obtained during the project focus on the determination of changes in physiological parameters due to a stressful situation.The measurements were conducted with the system which consists e.g. sensors of temperature, skin resistance, and pulse.Short-term (5 minutes) measurement of physiological parameters were performed on the healthy...

  • Simulations of wave propagation and attenuation in fields of colliding ice floes

    Dane Badawcze

    This dataset contains results of numerical smulations of sea ice-wave interactions, corresponding to laboratory experiments conducted at the Large Ice Model Basin (LIMB) at the Hamburg Ship Model Basin (HSVA) as part of the LS-WICE ("Loads on Structure and Waves in Ice"; https://zenodo.org/record/1067170#.XrLt_dhpxhE) project. THe simulations were conducted...

  • Self-competence and histrionic self-presentation style

    Dane Badawcze
    open access

    The database contains the results from N = 2642 respondents who answered demographic questions and completed two questionnaires measuring the general self-competence and the histrionic self-presentation style. The concept of self-competence is considered as a person’s perception of their own ability to behave such that tasks are successfully completed....

  • Surface EMG-based signal acquisition for decoding hand movements

    Dane Badawcze
    open access

    Biosignal processing plays a crucial role in modern hand prosthetics. The challenge is to restore functionality of a lost limb based on the signals acquired from the surface of the stump. The number of sensors (emg channels) used for signal acquisition influence the quality of a prosthetic hand. Modern algorithms (including neural networks) can significantly...

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