Forest habitat types in the State Forests in Polish provinces in years 2019- 2023 - Open Research Data - MOST Wiedzy


Forest habitat types in the State Forests in Polish provinces in years 2019- 2023


The dataset contains data illustrating changes in forest habitat structure occurring between 2019 and 2023 in various provinces of Poland. It should be noted that this only concerns forests managed by the State Forests National Forest Holding. The term forest area refers to the area of forests excluding land related to forest management. The main source of information for the study is the Forest Data Bank (

The habitat types included in the dataset are:

  • Bb – swamp forest
  • BbG – mountain swamp forest
  • BG – mountain forest
  • BMb – mixed swamp forest
  • BMG – mixed mountain forest
  • BMśw – fresh mixed forest
  • BMw – moist mixed forest
  • BMwyż – upland mixed forest
  • Bs – dry forest
  • Bśw – fresh forest
  • Bw – moist forest
  • BWG – mountain moist forest
  • LG – mountain forest
  • Lł – riparian forest
  • LłG – mountain riparian forest
  • Lłwyż – upland riparian forest
  • LMb – mixed swamp forest
  • LMG – mixed mountain forest
  • LMśw – fresh mixed forest
  • LMw – moist mixed forest
  • LMwyż – upland mixed forest
  • Lśw – fresh forest
  • Lw – moist forest
  • Lwyż – upland forest
  • Ol – alder forest
  • OlJ – ash-alder forest
  • OlJG – mountain ash-alder forest
  • OlJwyż – upland ash-alder forest

Types of vertical stand structure:

  • KO – regeneration class
  • KDO – pre-regeneration class
  • BP – structure

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Rok publikacji:
Data zatwierdzenia:
Język danych badawczych:
  • nauki biologiczne (Dziedzina nauk ścisłych i przyrodniczych)
Identyfikator DOI 10.34808/pn0p-8s04 otwiera się w nowej karcie
Politechnika Gdańska

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