Transfer troficzny labilnej rtęci w organizmach bentosowych w ekosystemie morskim strefy umiarkowanej - Projekt - MOST Wiedzy


Transfer troficzny labilnej rtęci w organizmach bentosowych w ekosystemie morskim strefy umiarkowanej

The aim of the project is to recognize the share of individual forms (the bioavailable labile ones and the stable ones) of toxic Hg in the benthic organisms inhabiting the temperate marine ecosystem. The research will include macrozoobenthos and the elements of its diet: the suspended and sediment organic matter, micro- and macrophytobenthos, phyto- and zooplankton. This will allow determining the trophic transfer and biomagnification potential of labile Hg forms in the initial trophic levels. This study will also consider the impact of factors such as the amount and type of organic matter, the physical and chemical parameters of the surrounding environment, the biological indicators of investigated organisms, as well as the ecological structure of the food web on the share of Hg forms and their transfer along the marine food chain. An important and unexplored aspect of Hg fractionation in the benthic organism is seasonality. Therefore the present research will also compare the obtained results in individual seasons: summer, fall, winter and spring.

Informacje szczegółowe

Akronim projektu:
Program finansujący:
National Science Center
2018/31/N/ST10/00214 z dnia 2019-07-03
Okres realizacji:
2019-08-07 - 2022-08-06
Kierownik zespołu badawczego:
dr Agnieszka Jedruch
Członkowie zespołu:
Realizowany w:
Uniwersytet Gdański
Wartość projektu:
201 700.00 PLN
Typ zgłoszenia:
Krajowy Program Badawczy
Projekt krajowy
Brak weryfikacji

wyświetlono 164 razy