Engendering responsibility in architecture students through real planning for a tram depot in Gdańsk - Publikacja - MOST Wiedzy


Engendering responsibility in architecture students through real planning for a tram depot in Gdańsk


Apart from technical competencies, the profession of architect requires specific social competencies: understanding the user’s needs, ability to diagnose social problems, negotiating and understanding the impact of construction investments on society and the environment. The architect plays a significant role in the collective effort to create spatial order. This is why it is important to include these social competencies in the curricula of architectural studies. It should be required that students of architecture actively engage in real design processes to develop competencies underpinning professional responsibility and cooperation. Presented in this article is an experimental course. Enrolled in the course were students engaged in preparatory work on planning documents prepared for the city of Gdańsk. Participation in real activities, with real partners and problems, engenders the students’ sense of responsibility. Attaining that is crucial in the future work of an architect.

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Accepted albo Published Version
Copyright (2020 WIETE)

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Publikacja w czasopiśmie
artykuły w czasopismach
Opublikowano w:
World Transactions on Engineering and Technology Education nr 18, strony 117 - 122,
ISSN: 1446-2257
Rok wydania:
Opis bibliograficzny:
Borucka J., Czyż P., Targowski W.: Engendering responsibility in architecture students through real planning for a tram depot in Gdańsk// World Transactions on Engineering and Technology Education -Vol. 18,iss. 2 (2020), s.117-122
Politechnika Gdańska

wyświetlono 165 razy

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