Seasonal Patterns and Trends in Dermatoses in Poland - Publikacja - MOST Wiedzy


Seasonal Patterns and Trends in Dermatoses in Poland


The amount of data available online is constantly increasing, including search behavior and tracking trends in domains such as Google. Analyzing the data helps to predict patient needs and epidemiological events more accurately. Our study aimed to identify dermatology-related terms that occur seasonally and any search anomalies during the SARS-CoV-2 pandemic. Methods: The data were gathered using Google Trends, with 69 entries between January-2010 and December-2020 analyzed. We conducted the Seasonal Mann–Kendal Test to determine the strength of trends. The month with the highest seasonal component (RSV) and the lowest seasonal component (RSV) was indicated for every keyword. Groups of keywords occurring together regularly at specific periods of the year were shown. Results: We found that some topics were seasonally searched in winter (e.g., herpes, scabies, candida) and others in summer (e.g., erythema, warts, urticaria). Conclusions: Interestingly, downward trends in searches on sexually transmitted diseases in comparison with increased infection rates reported officially show a strong need for improved sexual education in Poland. There were no significant differences in trends for coronavirus-related cutaneous symptoms during 2020. We have shown that the seasonality of dermatologically related terms searched in Poland via Google did not differ significantly during SARS-CoV-2 pandemic.


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Autorzy (6)

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Informacje szczegółowe

Publikacja w czasopiśmie
artykuły w czasopismach
Opublikowano w:
International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health nr 19,
ISSN: 1660-4601
Rok wydania:
Opis bibliograficzny:
Klimiuk K. B., Krefta D., Kołkowski K., Flisikowski K., Sokołowska-Wojdyło M., Balwicki Ł.: Seasonal Patterns and Trends in Dermatoses in Poland// International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health -Vol. 19,iss. 15 (2022), s.8934-
Cyfrowy identyfikator dokumentu elektronicznego (otwiera się w nowej karcie) 10.3390/ijerph19158934
Politechnika Gdańska

wyświetlono 78 razy

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