Determination of short-chain monocarboksylic acids in cattle farm and dairy industry wastewater - Publikacja - MOST Wiedzy


Determination of short-chain monocarboksylic acids in cattle farm and dairy industry wastewater


The paper describes application of various techniques to determine short-chain monocarboksylic acids (SCMAs) in samples from the successive steps from milk production: from wastewater from cattle farm to wastewater from dairy industry. Each technique of sample preparation is followed by gas chromatographic analysis.

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Tytuł wydania:
14th International Symposium of Students and Young Mechanical Engineers :''Advances in Chemical and Mechanical Engineering''.Vol. 2/2, Gdansk, 5th-7th May 2011 strony 310 - 315
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Opis bibliograficzny:
Ryba E., Pazdan M., Wasielewska M.: Determination of short-chain monocarboksylic acids in cattle farm and dairy industry wastewater// 14th International Symposium of Students and Young Mechanical Engineers :''Advances in Chemical and Mechanical Engineering''.Vol. 2/2, Gdansk, 5th-7th May 2011/ ed. ed. C. Fijało. - Faculty Mechanical Engineering, Chemical Faculty Gdansk University of Technology. Gdańsk: , 2011, s.310-315
Politechnika Gdańska

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