prof. dr hab. inż. Dariusz Mikielewicz
- Head of Section at Division of Thermal Power Systems
- Dyrektor Instytutu Energii at Faculty of Mechanical Engineering and Ship Technology
- Vice-Rector for Research at Gdańsk University of Technology
Project manager
FarU2 Preparing the Fahrenheit Universities to establish a federation.
Project realized in Rector’s Office according to MEiN/2022/DIR/3438 agreement from 2022-12-30
Project manager
Project realized in Division of Thermal Power Systems from 2022-12-13
Project manager
Konsolidacja Związek Uczelni w Gdańsku im. Daniela Fahrenheita
Project realized in Vice-Rector for Development according to MEiN/2021/28/DIR/KON agreement from 2021-03-16
Project manager
NEGATIVE-CO2-PP Negative CO2 emission gas power plant
Project realized in Institute of Energy according to NOR/POLNORCCS/NEGATIVE-CO2-PP/0009/2019-00 agreement from 2020-11-17
Project manager
Heat transfer and flow resistance in flow boiling in minichannels of a new fluids with the parameters close to thermodynamic critical point
Project realized in Department of Energy and Industrial Apparatus according to UMO-2017/25/B/ST8/00755 agreement from 2018-03-05
Project manager
BioBIGG Bioeconomy in the South Baltic Area: Biomass-based Innovation and Green Growth
Project realized in Department of Energy and Industrial Apparatus from 2017-08-30
Project manager
BioBIGG Bioeconomy in the South Baltic Area: Biomass-based Innovation and Green Growth (BioBIGG)
Project realized in Department of Energy and Industrial Apparatus according to STHB.01.02.00-DK-0086/16-00 agreement from 2017-08-30
Project manager
INNOECOTRIBLOCK Inovative trigeneration unit for production of electricity, heat and cold for distributed energy sector with reduced environmental emission
Project realized in Department of Energy and Industrial Apparatus from 2017-08-07
Project manager, Project manager
Kadra 5.0. Didactic staff 5.0. Development of competence of teachers and doctoral students
Project realized in Vice-Rector for Development
Project manager
Numerical and experimental investigation of the maldistribution in parallel microchannel heat sink
Project realized in Department of Energy and Industrial Apparatus
Project manager
ACEEU Accreditation ACEEU
Project realized in Strategic Analysis Center
seen 10140 times