prof. dr hab. inż. Dariusz Mikielewicz
- Head of Section at Division of Thermal Power Systems
- Dyrektor Instytutu Energii at Faculty of Mechanical Engineering and Ship Technology
- Vice-Rector for Research at Gdańsk University of Technology
Testing an evaporator operation with a bifurcation manifold, condenser temperature 20 and evaporator temperature 70
Open Research DataThe experiment was conducted to test the evaporator operation. The heat exchanger was equipped with minigeometry (set of 50 parallel minichannels or single minigap). The studies were conducted for various mass flow rate of the working fluid and for various temperatures at the inlet of the evaporator. Accurate information about the test rig, the parameters...
Testing an evaporator operation with a trapezoidal manifold, condenser temperature 90 and evaporator temperature 90
Open Research DataThe experiment was conducted to test the evaporator operation. The heat exchanger was equipped with minigeometry (set of 50 parallel minichannels or single minigap). The studies were conducted for various mass flow rate of the working fluid and for various temperatures at the inlet of the evaporator. Accurate information about the test rig, the parameters...
Testing an evaporator operation with a bifurcation manifold, condenser temperature 20 and evaporator temperature 85
Open Research DataThe experiment was conducted to test the evaporator operation. The heat exchanger was equipped with minigeometry (set of 50 parallel minichannels or single minigap). The studies were conducted for various mass flow rate of the working fluid and for various temperatures at the inlet of the evaporator. Accurate information about the test rig, the parameters...
Testing an evaporator operation with a concave manifold, condenser temperature 30, evaporator temperature 70 and preheater temperature 40
Open Research DataThe experiment was conducted to test the evaporator operation. The heat exchanger was equipped with minigeometry (set of 50 parallel minichannels or single minigap). The studies were conducted for various mass flow rate of the working fluid and for various temperatures at the inlet of the evaporator. Accurate information about the test rig, the parameters...
Testing an evaporator operation with a concave manifold, condenser temperature 30, evaporator temperature 70 and preheater temperature 60
Open Research DataThe experiment was conducted to test the evaporator operation. The heat exchanger was equipped with minigeometry (set of 50 parallel minichannels or single minigap). The studies were conducted for various mass flow rate of the working fluid and for various temperatures at the inlet of the evaporator. Accurate information about the test rig, the parameters...
Testing an evaporator operation with a rectangular manifold, condenser temperature 30 and evaporator temperature 90
Open Research DataThe experiment was conducted to test the evaporator operation. The heat exchanger was equipped with minigeometry (set of 50 parallel minichannels or single minigap). The studies were conducted for various mass flow rate of the working fluid and for various temperatures at the inlet of the evaporator. Accurate information about the test rig, the parameters...
Testing an evaporator operation with a bifurcation manifold, condenser temperature 20 and evaporator temperature 95
Open Research DataThe experiment was conducted to test the evaporator operation. The heat exchanger was equipped with minigeometry (set of 50 parallel minichannels or single minigap). The studies were conducted for various mass flow rate of the working fluid and for various temperatures at the inlet of the evaporator. Accurate information about the test rig, the parameters...
Testing an evaporator operation with a trapezoidal manifold, condenser temperature 70 and evaporator temperature 60
Open Research DataThe experiment was conducted to test the evaporator operation. The heat exchanger was equipped with minigeometry (set of 50 parallel minichannels or single minigap). The studies were conducted for various mass flow rate of the working fluid and for various temperatures at the inlet of the evaporator. Accurate information about the test rig, the parameters...
Testing an evaporator operation with a bifurcation manifold, condenser temperature 20 and evaporator temperature 90
Open Research DataThe experiment was conducted to test the evaporator operation. The heat exchanger was equipped with minigeometry (set of 50 parallel minichannels or single minigap). The studies were conducted for various mass flow rate of the working fluid and for various temperatures at the inlet of the evaporator. Accurate information about the test rig, the parameters...
Results of modelling of modeling of heat transfer coefficient during flow condensation for low and high values of saturation temperature
Open Research DataThis database present results of modelling of modeling of heat transfer coefficient during flow condensation for low and high values of saturation temperature. Databse contain 3 tables and 7 figures.
Data points condensation heat transfer coefficient of R1233zd(E) in minichannel
Open Research DataThis dataset contain 42 data points regarding condensation heat transfer cefficent of R1233zd(E) refrigeration fluid. Experimental data is presented in Table 1. d is internal tube diameter, Tsat is saturation temperature, G is mass velocity, αexp condensation heat transfer coefficient, q is heat flux and ΔT difference between wall and refrigerant temperature....
SEM image of a porous wick material made from SS316L
Open Research DataThe file contains scanning electron microscope (SEM) images of a porous sample made from SS316L. The SEM technique enables the measurement of pore sizes exclusively at the external cut surface of the wick, primarily capturing the largest pores. Additionally, the pore channels within the material exhibit dimensional variations due to an irregular microstructure,...
SEM image of a porous wick material made from SIC
Open Research DataThe file contains scanning electron microscope (SEM) images of a porous sample made from Silicon Carbide. The SEM technique enables the measurement of pore sizes exclusively at the external cut surface of the wick, primarily capturing the largest pores. Additionally, the pore channels within the material exhibit dimensional variations due to an irregular...
EDAX file presenting the composition of the SS316L wick structure
Open Research DataEnergy Dispersive X-ray Spectroscopy (EDX) measurements facilitate the determination of the chemical composition of each atom within the SS316L structure
XRD file presenting phase purity of the SiC wick material
Open Research DataA file presents X-ray diffraction (XRD) analysis in the 10–90° range to verify the phase purity of the wick material. The measurements were performed on the exposed surface of the cylindrical sample. The XRD diffractogram of the SiC sample was measured in an air atmosphere.
Pore size distribution graph of SiC porous wick
Open Research DataThe file presenting a pore file distribution on a SiC ceramic structure made by mercury intrusion porosimetry method
XRD file presenting phase purity of the SS316L wick material
Open Research DataA file presents X-ray diffraction (XRD) analysis in the 10–90° range to verify the phase purity of the wick material. The measurements were performed on the exposed surface of the cylindrical sample. The XRD diffractogram of the SS316L sample was measured in an air atmosphere.
Selected results of temperature, specific total and dynamic entropy, velocity contour plots 5 μm above (top) and 5 μm under (bottom) glassy base of the gold nanorod platforms respectively after of the system irradiation.
Open Research DataThe following results were presented in sequence: (a) Temperature, (b) specific total and (c) dynamic entropy, (d) velocity contour plots 5 μm above (top) and 5 μm under (bottom) glassy base of the gold nanorod platforms respectively after 90 seconds of the system irradiation.
Numerical results obtained by confronting experiment with theory in the article: White light thermoplasmonic activated gold nanorod arrays enable the photo-thermal disinfection of medical tools from bacterial contamination
Open Research DataThe numerical results are presented in tabular form. The results represent the course of temperature and adsorption coefficient. The numerical model is presented in the paper: White light thermoplasmonic activated gold nanorod arrays enable the photo-thermal disinfection of medical tools from bacterial contamination.
Numerical metadata of a microchamber with bacteria
Open Research DataSelected results in the form of graphs and a diagram of the analysed system. The metadata shows in sequence: 1) Temperature distribution inside fluidic chamber (=0.8, h=100) after 190s of irradiationTemperature distribution inside fluidic chamber (=0.8, h=100) after 190s of irradiation; 2) Maximum temperature profile in the fluidic chamber during the...
Data points of structures of R1233zd(E) flowing in a circular minichannel at low, medium and high values of saturation pressure
Open Research DataDatabase present structures of two-phase flow of R1233zd(E) in 3 mm vertical channel. Database contains datapoints which contain information of reduced pressure (ratio of saturation pressure and critical pressure), quality and mass velocity. 4 two phase structures are distinguished: bubbly flow, slug flow, intermittent flow and annular flow.
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