dr hab. David Duenas Cid
- Associate Professor at Akademia Leona Koźmińskiego w Warszawie
- 2022 - 2023 H2020 MSCA Widening Fellow at Gdańsk University of Technology
total: 32
Catalog Publications
Year 2025
Is DAO Governance Fostering Democracy? Reviewing Decision-Making in Decentraland
PublicationThis study analyzes voting dynamics and proposal outcomes within Decentraland, a prominent Decentralized Autonomous Organization (DAO), by examining its voting behaviors and decision outcomes. We offer insights into how a DAO is employed to facilitate decision-making and discern the nature of the issues about which decisions are made. DAOs promise horizontal and democratic decision-making. However, our research reveals...
Year 2024
Application of Artificial Intelligence by Poland’s Public Administration
PublicationThis chapter presents an overview and analysis of artificial intelligence-driven solutions created and implemented by or with the support of Poland’s central public administration (PA). After discussing governance of AI-related issues, we analyze a set of examples of AI innovation to map the actors and their relations within the ecosystem, describe the field where innovation in AI for PA occurs, and highlight the potentialities...
DGO '24: Proceedings of the 25th Annual International Conference on Digital Government Research
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Internet voting: A research agenda
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Trust and distrust in electoral technologies: what can we learn from the failure of electronic voting in the Netherlands (2006/07)
PublicationThis paper focuses on the complex dynamics of trust and distrust in digital government technologies by approaching the cancellation of machine voting in the Netherlands (2006-07). This case describes how a previously trusted system can collapse, how paradoxical the relationship between trust and distrust is, and how it interacts with adopting and managing electoral technologies. The analysis stresses how, although...
Trust and electoral technologies throughout the election cycle: Comparing the USA, Netherlands, Poland, and Kenya
PublicationTechnology and election organization are increasingly intertwined, encompassing voting systems and supporting infrastructure. This interaction puts at the spotlight aspects related to trust and public confidence, fuelled by threat actors from actors aiming to disrupt electoral integrity using publicized attacks and disinformation campaigns against the use of such technologies. In the literature, there is still a lack of a cohesive,...
Year 2023
Conceptualizing Digital Government for Social Solidarity
PublicationThis paper motivates the study of the impact of digital government on social solidarity; builds a conceptual foundation with four types of solidarity – group-based, compassionate, instrumental and emphatic; relates digital government to the type and moment – pre-technological, technological and post-technological of solidarity; and puts forward the type-moment frame to study how digital government is supporting social solidarity...
DGO '23: Proceedings of the 24th Annual International Conference on Digital Government Research
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Dis/Trust and data-driven technologies
PublicationThis concept paper contextualises, defines, and systematises the concepts of trust and distrust (and their interrelations), providing a critical review of existing literature so as to identify gaps, disjuncture, and continuities in the use of these concepts across the social sciences and in the context of the consolidation of the digital society. Firstly, the development of the concept of trust is explored by looking at its use...
Electronic Voting: 8th International Joint Conference, E-Vote-ID 2023, Luxembourg City, Luxembourg, October 3–6, 2023, Proceedings
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Electronic Voting: 8th International Joint Conference, E-Vote-ID 2023, Luxembourg City, Luxembourg, October 3–6, 2023, Proceedings
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Identifying Factors Studied for Voter Trust in E-Voting – Review of Literature
PublicationTrust is a precondition for the adoption of novel technologies (see, e.g., [ES21]). As more and more electoral commissions consider introducing e-voting solutions, research into voter trust in these systems grows in importance. As a basis for future research on trust in e-voting, we conducted a literature review. We identified 13 papers researching various factors influencing voters’ trust in e-voting. In these papers, we determined...
Trust Frameworks in Application to Technology in Elections
PublicationThe prevalence of technology in elections has increased in recent decades, both in terms of voting systems as well as ancillary ones. At the same time, the issue of public confidence and trust has come to the fore as certain threat actors have sought to undermine electoral integrity through publicized attacks and disinformation campaigns against such technology. This paper examines the nexus between this public trust and the...
Year 2022
A theoretical framework for understanding trust and distrust in internet voting
PublicationEach and every case of success and failure in the implementation of internet voting is permeated by a common element: the concept of trust. Several researchers highlighted the relevance of creating trust for the successful implementation of technology [15] and, in particular, of internet voting [13]. But the concept itself is complex and challenging to define, for one fundamental reason: it is a concept of everyday social use...
Affronter la distance et la séparation : l'utilisation des médias sociaux par les migrants dans leurs relations interpersonnelles
PublicationL'augmentation progressive de la mobilité, de l'interconnectivité et de l'instabilité, la transformation du travail et de l'emploi et celle de la communication (Castells, 2010) ont contribué à l’émergence d’une déracinés et séparés de leur foyer évoluent vers de nouvelles perspectives les migrants comme des sujets mobiles et interconnectés qui, grâce aux TIC, peuvent entretenir des relations et des connexions à distance les...
De la façon dont les réseaux sociaux se croisent dans la vie des migrants
PublicationÉste es un texto muy complicado de titular. A pesar de lo sugerente de la idea de escribir acerca de dos conceptos intensamente relacionados, como son el de migración y el de redes. Esta misma intensidad en su interrelación implica una multiplicidad de sentidos que complican el trabajo explicativo del científico social, por su cuantioso número de opciones, y el trabajo comprensivo del lector, por la posible confusión que esta situación...
Technology and democracy: the who and how in decision-making. The cases of Estonia and Catalonia
PublicationThis paper focuses on the use of technology to improve democracy, comparing the cases of Estonia and Catalonia. Both examples are closely related in their use of technology to further democratize the decision-making processes but have opposite starting points. Estonia’s internet voting system is an offshoot of the comprehensive e-governance system developed by the Estonian government. It is meant to make it more convenient for...
Trust and Distrust in e-Democracy
PublicationIn the digital government research literature, the concept of trust is typically used as a precondition for the adoption of digital technology in the public sector or an outcome of a roadmap leading up to such adoption. The concept plays a central role in many decisions linked to the planning, adoption and management of the public sector technology. In contrast, the concept of...
Trust and Distrust in e-Democracy
PublicationIn the digital government research literature, the concept of trust is typically used as a precondition for the adoption of digital technology in the public sector or an outcome of a roadmap leading up to such adoption. The concept plays a central role in many decisions linked to the planning, adoption and management of the public sector technology. In contrast, the concept of distrust is almost neglected in such literature but,...
Year 2021
Analyzing Preconditions to Introduce Internet Voting in Portugal: Insights from the Estonian Model
PublicationInternet voting has been trialed or introduced for several countries, including Norway, Portugal, United States, United Kingdom and Switzerland as an additional voting channel to increase voter turnout and, also to modernize the electoral process. However, only Estonia has successful introduced internet voting, deploying e-enabled elections in general governmental levels. This paper aims to provide an exploratory study on the Estonian...
El empleo en el marco de la transformación digital: Gig Economy vs Open Collaboration ¿dos caras de una misma moneda?
PublicationTal y como plantea Pérez [43, 44], estamos viviendo los efectos de una revolución tecnológica ligada al desarrollo de las TICs. Los procesos de innovación, describe, se retroalimentan colectivamente, involucrando diferentes actores (productores, proveedores, distribuidores y consumidores) entrelazados en clústeres o redes dinámicas y complejas. Estos procesos colectivos ayudan a desarrollar e implementar tecnologías y magnifican...
Feminidad online:¿ ni feminista ni auténtica?
PublicationMucho se ha escrito sobre internet y sus múltiples y diversos impactos sobre la vida de las personas, la economía, la política o cualquier otro ámbito de la sociedad. Evidentemente, lo relacionado con los modos de expresar las relaciones de género en entornos digitales no ha quedado al margen de esta espiral analítica. De hecho, ha generado una abundante literatura que cubre múltiples subtemas, incluyendo aspectos tan diversos...
New methodology for calculating cost-efficiency of different ways of voting: is internet voting cheaper?
PublicationNew ways of voting in elections are being sought by electoral administrations worldwide who want to reverse declining voter turnouts without increasing electoral budgets. This paper presents a novel approach to cost accounting for multi-channel elections based on local elections in Estonia. By doing so, it addresses an important gap in the academic literature in this field. The authors confirm that internet voting was most cost-efficient...
Safeguarding democracy during pandemics. Social distancing, postal, or internet voting—the good, the bad, or the ugly?
PublicationDuring a pandemic, many countries and organizations must decide whether to postpone upcoming elections or to hold them (Krimmer et al., 2020a). If the decision is made to hold the election, three main scenarios come to mind: continue using the existing system but include measures to ensure the health of participants; or look for alternatives among remote voting channels which could ensure social distancing is guaranteed either...
To i-vote or not to i-vote: Drivers and barriers to the implementation of internet voting
PublicationThis paper investigates the drivers and barriers of internet voting and the implications of a global pandemic for the development of the respective technology. In contrast to the expected uptake in the early 2000s of internet voting, the technology is still rather seldomly used in election systems around the world. The paper at hand explores the different forces that drive or impede internet voting adoption from a political, social,...
Year 2020
E-Estonia as a role model? Some general considerations and applicability in France
PublicationEstonia has recently been widely recognised – in the policy circles, academia, as well as the media space – as one of the more advanced nation states when it comes to digital government (and governance) transformation (e.g. Margetts and Naumann, 2017; Heller, 2017). Ever greater attention Estonia attracted with the two most recent digital government initiatives, namely the e-Residency and the virtual data embassy, both first of...
E-Voting System Evaluation Based on the Council of Europe Recommendations: nVotes
PublicationE-voting implantation has been facing important challenges in recent years. Several incidents, together with a lack of evaluation methodologies social and cultural customs hinder a broader application. In this work, the authors aim to contribute to a safer introduction of e-voting tools by applying a practical evaluation framework strongly based on the security requirements issued by the Council of Europe (CoE) in 2017 to nvotes,...
Tecnología y Democracia ¿Un amor de pandemia o una relación estable?
PublicationPrologar una obra como esta es un privilegio y una responsabilidad. Es un privilegio en tanto que da paso a un seguido de contribuciones de gran calado y relevancia académica que contribuyen a la mejora del conocimiento existente acerca de la relación entre la tecnología y el funcionamiento de la democracia. Es una responsabilidad en el sentido que debe poner sobre la mesa algunas de las cuestiones abiertas de la disciplina y como...
Tripped at the Finishing Line: The Åland Islands Internet Voting Project
PublicationThe Åland Islands spent years preparing an internet voting system, to be implemented for the first time in October 2019 for Parliamentary Elections. Despite this, the project was canceled the evening before the expected release date. In this paper, we explore the causes of this failure using a two-pronged approach including Information System failure perspectives and the approach to e-voting Mirabilis, focusing on organizational...
Year 2019
Efecto contagio en el uso del voto electrónico en Estonia: de las elecciones a otros niveles de la administración pública y la sociedad
PublicationEstonia, cuarto país más pequeño de la Unión Europea tras Luxemburgo, Chipre y Malta, con una población que no alcanza el millón y medio de habitantes, ha sido en los últimos años objeto de atención mediática internacional por considerarlo the World’s more digital country (GREENWALD, 2018) , the first “Digital” Country (LUFKIN, 2017) o the Digital Republic (HELLER, 2017); así como uno de los referentes en el mundo académico en...
Religious social action and its organizational profiles
PublicationPurpose Social action implemented by the Church via its affiliated entities, foundations and associations may be viewed as a uniform activity. In reality, however, several organizational profiles exist that depend on the origin of these organizations (lay or religious), the scope of their activities (local or general) and their dependence on resources (whether from public administration or civil society). The paper aims to discuss...
Year 2018
How Much Does an e-Vote Cost? Cost Comparison per Vote in Multichannel Elections in Estonia
PublicationWe are presenting the results of the CoDE project in this paper, where we investigate the costs per vote of different voting channels in Estonian Local Elections (2017). The elections analyzed involve different processes for casting a vote: Early Voting at County Centers, Advance Voting at County Centers, Advance Voting at Ordinary Voting District Committees, Electronic Voting, Election Day Voting, and Home Voting. Our analysis...
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