dr inż. Joanna Grabowska
- Assistant professor at Department of Physical Chemistry
total: 12
Catalog Publications
Year 2024
Long-range, water-mediated interaction between a moderately active antifreeze protein molecule and the surface of ice
PublicationUsing molecular dynamics simulations, we show that a molecule of moderately active antifreeze protein (type III AFP, QAE HPLC-12 isoform) is able to interact with ice in an indirect manner. This interaction occurs between the ice binding site (IBS) of the AFP III molecule and the surface of ice, and it is mediated by liquid water which separates these surfaces. As a result, the AFP III molecule positions itself at a specific orientation...
Year 2023
Homogeneous nucleation rate of methane hydrate formation under experimental conditions from seeding simulations
PublicationIn this work, we shall estimate via computer simulations the homogeneous nucleation rate for the methane hydrate at 400 bars for a supercooling of about 35 K. The TIP4P/ICE model and a Lennard-Jones center were used for water and methane, respectively. To estimate the nucleation rate, the seeding technique was employed. Clusters of the methane hydrate of different sizes were inserted into the aqueous phase of a two-phase gas–liquid...
Solubility of carbon dioxide in water: Some useful results for hydrate nucleation
PublicationIn this paper, the solubility of carbon dioxide (CO2) in water along the isobar of 400 bar is determined by computer simulations using the well-known TIP4P/Ice force field for water and the TraPPE model for CO2. In particular, the solubility of CO2 in water when in contact with the CO2 liquid phase and the solubility of CO2 in water when in contact with the hydrate have been determined. The solubility of CO2 in a liquid–liquid...
Year 2022
Solubility of Methane in Water: Some Useful Results for Hydrate Nucleation
PublicationIn this paper, the solubility of methane in water along the 400 bar isobar is determined by computer simulations using the TIP4P/Ice force field for water and a simple LJ model for methane. In particular, the solubility of methane in water when in contact with the gas phase and the solubility of methane in water when in contact with the hydrate has been determined. The solubility of methane in a gas–liquid system decreases as temperature...
Year 2021
Revealing the Frank–Evans “Iceberg” Structures within the Solvation Layer around Hydrophobic Solutes
PublicationUsing computer simulations, the structural properties of solvation water of three model hydrophobic molecules, methane and two fullerenes (C60 and C80), were studied. Systems were simulated at temperatures in the range of 250−298 K. By analyzing both the local ordering of the molecules of water in the solvation layers and the structure of hydrogen bond network, it is shown that in the solvation layer of hydrophobic molecules, ordered...
Year 2020
Interfacial water controls the process of adsorption of hyperactive antifreeze proteins onto the ice surface
PublicationA mechanism of interactions between the ice-binding surface of a hyperactive antifreeze protein molecule and the ice surface is proposed, involving the influence of water present between the two surfaces on the behavior of the approaching molecule. It is demonstrated that the interfacial water, even before its full solidification, can act as a factor that pushes away or pulls nearer the protein molecule to ensure its proper positioning....
Rola wody solwatacyjnej w kształtowaniu aktywności białek z grupy krioprotektantów
PublicationBiałka przeciwdziałające zamarzaniu (AFP) posiadają zdolność do hamowania wzrostu kryształów lodu powstających w płynach ustrojowych organizmów żywych narażonych na działanie temperatur niższych od 0°C, poprzez wiązanie się z powierzchnią tych kryształów. W ramach mojej pracy, stosując metody dynamiki molekularnej, starałam się poznać szczegóły mechanizmu zachodzenia tego procesu. Aby to osiągnąć, przeprowadziłam szereg symulacji...
Year 2019
Role of the Solvation Water in Remote Interactions of Hyperactive Antifreeze Proteins with the Surface of Ice
PublicationMost protein molecules do not adsorb onto ice, one of the exceptions being so-called antifreeze proteins. In this paper, we describe that there is a force pushing an antifreeze protein molecule away from the ice surface when it is not oriented with its ice-binding plane toward the ice and that this pushing force may be also present even when the protein is oriented with its ice-binding plane toward the ice. This force is absent...
Why is the cubic structure preferred in newly formed ice?
PublicationMolecular dynamics was employed to explain the preference for the cubic structure in newly formed crystals of ice. The results showed that in supercooled liquid water the molecules connected by hydrogen bonds are more likely to adopt relative orientations similar to the ones characteristic for cubic ice. The observed preference for certain relative orientations of molecules in the hydrogen-bonded pairs results in the higher probability...
Year 2018
Molecular dynamics study on the role of solvation water in the adsorption of hyperactive AFP to the ice surface
PublicationUsing computer simulations, the early stages of the adsorption of the CfAFP molecule to the ice surface were analyzed. We found that the ice and the protein interact at least as early as when the protein is about 1 nm away from the ice surface. These interactions are mediated by interfacial solvation water and are possible thanks to the structural ordering of the solvent. This ordering leads to positional preference of the protein...
Year 2017
The accretion of the new ice layer on the surface of hexagonal ice crystal and the influence of the local electric field on this process
PublicationThe process of creation of a new layer of ice on the basal plane and on the prism plane of a hexagonal ice crystal is analyzed. It is demonstrated that the ordering of water molecules in the already existing crystal affects the freezing. On the basal plane, when the orientations of water molecules in the ice block are random, the arrangement of the new layer in a cubic manner is observed more frequently — approximately 1.7 times...
Year 2016
Structure of solvation water around the active and inactive regions of a type III antifreeze protein and its mutants of lowered activity
PublicationWater molecules from the solvation shell of the ice-binding surface are considered important for the antifreeze proteins to perform their function properly. Herein, we discuss the problem whether the extent of changes of the mean properties of solvation water can be connected with the antifreeze activity of the protein. To this aim, the structure of solvation water of a type III antifreeze protein from Macrozoarces americanus (eel...
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