(Field of Science):
- mechanical engineering (Engineering and Technology)
Ministry points: Help
Year | Points | List |
Year 2025 | 70 | Ministry scored journals list 2024 |
Year | Points | List |
2025 | 70 | Ministry scored journals list 2024 |
2024 | 70 | Ministry scored journals list 2024 |
2023 | 100 | Ministry Scored Journals List |
2022 | 70 | Ministry Scored Journals List 2019-2022 |
2021 | 70 | Ministry Scored Journals List 2019-2022 |
2020 | 70 | Ministry Scored Journals List 2019-2022 |
2019 | 70 | Ministry Scored Journals List 2019-2022 |
2018 | 13 | B |
2017 | 13 | B |
2016 | 13 | B |
2015 | 13 | B |
2014 | 7 | B |
2013 | 7 | B |
2012 | 6 | B |
2011 | 6 | B |
2010 | 9 | B |
Points CiteScore:
Year | Points |
Year 2023 | 0.9 |
Year | Points |
2023 | 0.9 |
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Papers published in journal
total: 83
Catalog Journals
Year 2025
Diagnosis of marine internal combustion engines by means of rapidly variable temperature and composition of exhaust gas as an alternative or support for currently used diagnostic methods
PublicationThe article points out relevance of parametric diagnostics of ship engines and analyzes the state of research in this field. A method is proposed for diagnosing engine systems on the basis of rapidly variable exhaust temperature while measuring its composition. A method for determining diagnoser tools from the signal within one engine cycle and mathematical and statistical treatment of test results is presented. The products of...
Year 2024
Adoption of the F-statistic of Fisher-Snedecor distribution to analyze importance of impact of modifications of injector opening pressure of a compression ignition engine on specific enthalpy value of exhaust gas flow
PublicationThis article analyzes the effect of modifications of injector opening pressure on the operating values of a compression ignition engine, including the temperature of the fumes. A program of experimental investigation is described, considering the available test stand and measurement capabilities. The structure of the test stand on which the experimental measurements were conducted is presented. The method of introducing real modifications...
Comparison of methods for diagnosing marine IC engines based on working medium parameters including exhaust gas specific enthalpy
PublicationArticle points out methods currently used to diagnose marine engines in operation. The development of tools and programs for implementing these methods was pointed out. The problem of unsatisfactory measurement susceptibility of marine engines was highlighted. Three methods of parametric diagnosis are presented: measurement of in-cylinder parameters and in exhaust gas duct, numerical simulation due to computer software and calculations...
Year 2023
Analysis of the structure of the atomized fuel spray with marine diesel engine injector in the early stage of injection
PublicationThis paper presents the results of the experimental research of the atomized fuel spray with the marine diesel engine injector in the constant volume chamber. The specificity of the phenomena occurring in the marine engine cylinder was the reason to use the optical visualisation method in the studies – the Mie scattering technique. This work presents an analysis of the influence of different geometry of outlet orifice and opening...
Evaluation of the energy efficiency of electric vehicle drivetrains under urban operating conditions
PublicationIn electric vehicles, as in hybrids vehicles, a very important factor affecting the energy efficiency of the powertrain is the ability to use the regenerative braking energy. Depending on the settings available in electric vehicles, the driver can choose different modes of operation: switch off the regenerative braking mode altogether, select the intensity of regenerative braking, or leave the control system in automatic mode....
Evaluation of the influence of the opening pressure of a marine Diesel engine injector on the results of numerical simulation of the working cycle and their comparison with the results of the laboratory experiment
PublicationThe article presents the results of a numerical simulation of the working process carried out in a diesel engine. In the applied utility program DIESEL-RK, the laboratory engine Farymann Diesel type D10 was implemented. A selected inoperability of its functional fuel supply system - reduced opening pressure of the injector pinj - was introduced. The values of adequate diagnostic parameters were determined: working gas temperature...
Fuel systems of high power stationary engine
PublicationThe use of alternative fuels and, in the future, synthetic fuels has forced changes in the design of fuel supply systems in internal combustion engines. When operating a stationary engine at constant load, the possibility of using lean fuel mixtures appears. The selection of a precise operating mixture ignition system requires changes in traditional fuel systems. The article presents the current designs of fuel supply systems and...
Research on the effect of low-sulphur marine fuels on the dynamic characteristics of a CI engine
PublicationThe implementation of low-sulphur, so-called modified marine fuels into operation requires prior labora- tory engine tests to assess the energy, emission and structural effects of their usage. This type of research are carried out on the test bed of a diesel engine as a small-scale physical model that reproduces the adequate design and process (parametric) features of a full-size marine engine. Their key stage is to determine the energy...
Year 2022
Experiments on compression ignition engine powered by nano-fuels
PublicationThe use of nanoparticles in fuels provides new opportunities for modification of fuel properties, which may affect the operational parameters of engines, in particular the efficiency and fuel consumption. The paper presents comparison of compression ignition engine performance fuelled with neat diesel and nano-diesel. Alumina (Al2O3) was used as nanoparticles. Surface-active substances, including Span 80 surfactant, as well as...
Numerical methodology for evaluation the combustion and emissions characteristics on WLTP in the light duty dual-fuel diesel vehicle
PublicationThe worldwide aim of reducing environmental impact from internal combustion engines bring more and more stringent emission regulations. In 2017 by EU has been adopted new harmonized test procedure called WLTP. In general terms this test was designed for determining the levels of harmful emissions and fuel consumption of traditional and hybrid cars. This procedure contains specific driving scenarios which representing reallife driving...
Stirling engines - the state of technology development and computational models
PublicationStirling engines represent a technologically important solution in combined heat and power systems. Their use enables the achievement of over 90 percent efficiency in the management of the primary energy source with a very high durability of the device, mainly due to the lack of contact of the working gas with external factors and a very small number of mechanical components. The use of a Stirling engine may be equally important...
Year 2021
A conceptual design and numerical analysis of the mixerless urea-SCR system
PublicationIn the present study, an innovative design of the urea-selective catalytic reduction (SCR) system without conventional mixing elements was developed. The aim was to obtain a high degree of urea decomposition, and uniform ammonia distribution at the inlet to the catalyst, while minimising the liquid film deposition and keeping the compact design. The concept of the design was based on creating high turbulences and elongating...
Application of the F-statistic of the Fisher-Snedecor distribution to analyze the significance of the effect of changes in the compression ratio of a diesel engine on the value of the specific enthalpy of the exhaust gas flow
PublicationThe paper discusses the impact of changes in the compression ratio on the operating parameters of a diesel engine, e.g. on the temperature of exhaust gases. It presents the construction of the laboratory test stand, on which experimental measurements were realized. It is characterized how the actual changes of the compression ratio were introduced to the existing engine. The program of experimental investigations taking into account...
Methodology for determining the elemental composition, as well as energy and ignition properties of the low-sulfur marine fuels
PublicationThe key metrological issue of substance and energy balance in research engines is the precise determination of the elemental composition of the applied fuel and its net calorific value. This makes it possible to calculate the amount of heat brought with the fuel into the combustion chamber, as well as the amount and gas composition of the exhaust. However, to fully assess the energy quality of the fuel used, its ignition properties...
Numerical analysis of the flow rig for UWS spray examination in exhaust system-relevant conditions
PublicationIn the present study, a flow rig with optical access intended for spray investigations in exhaust system-relevant conditions was analysed in terms of flow and temperature in the spray area using numerical simulations. The operation of the rig was examined for a wide range of exhaust mass flow rates, temperatures and various forms of UWS (urea-water solution) spray plumes. The locations of the injector and thermocouple were verified....
Year 2020
ECU calibration for gaseous dual fuel supply system in compression ignition engines
PublicationThe dual fuel (DF) combustion mode is proven solution that allows to improve or get at the same level engine performance and reduce toxic compounds in exhaust gases which is confirmed by researchers and end-users. DF combustion mode uses two fuels gaseous fuel as a primary energy source and a pilot quantity of diesel fuel as ignition source. However, in order, to fully take advantage of the potential of the dual fuel mode, DF system...
Evaluation of the significance of the effect of the active cross-sectional area of the inlet air channel on the specific enthalpy of the exhaust gas of a diesel engine using statistics F of the Fisher-Snedecor distribution
PublicationThis paper presents the application of Fisher-Snedecor distribution F statistics to assess the significance of the influence of changes in the active cross-sectional area of the inlet air channel (Adol) flow in a diesel engine on the observed diagnostic parameter determined on the basis of measurements of the quick changing exhaust gas temperature in the outlet channel, which is the specific enthalpy of the exhaust gas stream within...
Year 2019
Analysis of the macrostructure of the fuel spray atomized with marine engine injector
PublicationOne of the main problem influencing the combustion process in the cylinder of the marine engine is an fuel spray phenomena. The parameters describing the shape of the fuel spray are named macro parameters. This article presents the research results of the macrostructure parameters of the fuel spray atomized with the marine engine injector. The research were carried out by optical visualization measurement method of Mie scattering....
Analysis of the regenerative braking process for the urban traffic conditions
PublicationIn a regular drive system, with an internal combustion engine, vehicle braking is connected with the unproductive dissipation of kinetic and potential energy accumulated in the mass of the vehicle into the environment. This energy can constitute up to 70% of the energy used to drive a vehicle under urban conditions. Its recovery and reuse is one of the basic advantages of hybrid and electric vehicles. Modern traffic management...
DME as alternative fuel for compression ignition engines – a review
PublicationThe ecological issues and the depletion of crude oil, has led the researchers to seeking for non-petroleum based alternative fuels, along with more advanced combustion technologies, and after-treatment systems. The use of clean alternative fuels is the one of the most perspective method that aiming at resolving of the said issues. One of the promising alternative fuels that can be used as a clean highefficiency compression ignition...
Identification of damages in the inlet air duct of a diesel engine based on exhaust gas temperature measurements
PublicationThe temperature of the exhaust gas of a diesel piston engine, measured in the characteristic control sections of its thermo-flow system, can be a valuable source of diagnostic information about the technical condition of the elements limiting the working spaces thus separated, including the turbocharging system, but also its fuel supply system and replacement of the medium. In standard marine engine measurement systems equipped...
The CFD analysis of influence the start of fuel injection (SOI) on combustion parameters and exhaust gas composition of the marine 4-stroke engine
PublicationThe paper presents a theoretical analysis of the impact of injection timing on the parameters of the combustion process and the composition of exhaust gas from a 4-stroke engine designed to shipbuilding. The analysis was carried out based on a three-dimensional multi-zone model of the combustion process. This model has been prepared on the basis of properties of the research facility. The input data to the model were obtained through...
Thermal efficiency investigations on the self-ignition test engine fed with marine low sulfur diesel fuels
PublicationWithin the article an issues of implementing the new kinds of marine diesel fuels into ships’ operation was described taking into ac-count restrictions on the permissible sulphur content introduced by the International Maritime Organization. This is a new situation for ship owners and fuel producers, which forces the necessity to carry out laboratory research tests on especially adapted engine stands. How to elaborate the method...
Thermodynamic modeling of combustion process of the internal combustion engines – an overview
PublicationThe mathematical description of combustion process in the internal combustion engines is a very difficult task, due to the variety of phenomena that occurring in the engine from the moment when the fuel-air mixture ignites up to the moment when intake and exhaust valves beginning open. Modeling of the combustion process plays an important role in the engine simulation, which allows to predict incylinder pressure during the combustion,...
Year 2018
Signal filtering method of the fast-varying diesel exhaust gas temperature
PublicationThe paper presents the problem of the impact of external distortions originating on laboratory test stands on the results of measurements of fast-varying diesel exhaust gas temperature. It has been stressed how significant the aspect of the test stand adaptation is during an experiment to ensure the smallest possible impact. This paper, however, focuses on the methods of mathematical processing of a signal recorded during experimental...
The influence of the fuel spray nozzle geometry on the exhaust gas composition from the marine 4-stroke diesel engine
PublicationThe paper presents experimental research on a 4-stroke, 3-cylinder, turbocharged AL25/30 Diesel engine. Research consisted in investigating the effect of the geometry of the fuel injectors on the exhaust gas composition from the engine. During measurements, the engine was operated with a regulator characteristic of a load range from 40 kW to 280 kW, made by electric water resistance. The engine was mechanically coupled to the electric...
Year 2017
Analysis of the possibilities of using of DME fuel in motor boat drive systems
PublicationThe characteristics of alternative fuel for diesel: dimethyl ether (DME) and an analysis of the potential to reduce emissions of toxic compounds by the engines when running on this fuel have been presented in this work. Basic types of design solutions of gas supply and control systems, possible for use in internal combustion engines with DME supply have been also presented. The paper presents a study of the legislation and an analysis...
Analysis of the possibility of determining the general characteristics using the operational data of a vehicle engine
PublicationThe paper presents an analysis of the possibility of determining the general characteristics using the operational data of an engine of refuse collection vehicle. Data acquisition was done by reading information from the CAN network using FMS standard (Fleet Management System), which is widely used in heavy duty vehicles since year 2002. The paper presents the analysis of the expected measurement uncertainties resulting from the...
Laboratory station for research of the innovative dry method of exhaust gas desulfurization for an engine powered with residual fuel
PublicationContemporary methods of exhaust gas desulfurization in marine engines are all expensive methods (4-5 million euro). This is, among other reasons, due to the limited market audience, but primarily due to the monop-olized position of manufacturers offering fabrication and assembly of this type of marine ship installations. Proposed as part of a research project financed by the Regional Fund for Environmental Protection and Maritime...
The concept of research on ecological, energy and reliability effects of modified marine fuel oils application to supply compression-ignition engines in real conditions
PublicationWithin the article, basic assumptions of the research project financed by Regional Fund for Environmental Protection and Water in Gdansk were described. The project concerns the experimental investigations carried out on laboratory compression-ignition engine in conditions of its supply with a non-standard marine fuel oil. Configuration and measuring capability of laboratory test bed presently being constructed were introduced....
The effectivness of fault detection in common rail injectors examination methods
PublicationThe article presents the effectiveness tests of fault detection in common rail injectors. 40 injectors with different wear levels were tested. Testing was made on two test benches of a completely different design. Research includes comparison of accuracy, reproducibility and testability to detect specific defects. A device was created for visualization of the fuel injector spraying steam.
The influence of settable parameters of switching gasoline/LPG on exhaust toxic emissions
PublicationThe main objective of the studies shown in the paper was to develop a proper strategy for settable parameters of ECU to decrease total emission of toxic components in composition of exhaust during a cold start phase. The experimental research has been performed for engine running at idle and for engine running on the chassis dynamometer (performing European Driving Test NEDC).
Tyre rolling resistance and its influence on fuel consumption
PublicationRolling resistance of tyres is one of the major resistive forces acting on any wheeled vehicle. Unfortunately, it is also one of the forces very difficult to measure. It is estimated that in certain traffic conditions (like for example constant speed driving with slow or moderate speed) so called Rolling Resistance Impact Factor may be as high as 0.3. This means that reduction of rolling resistance by 50% would lead to 15% of energy...
Utilization of the zero unitarization method for the building of a ranking for diagnostic marine engine parameters
PublicationChanging some of the parameters of the engine structure affects the emission of harmful components in the exhaust gases This primarily concerns damage in the cargo exchange system as well as in the fuel system and engine boost system. Changes in emissions of harmful compounds are often ambiguous, depending largely on the parameters that shape the combustion process. An additional problem is that often simple but undesired interactions...
Year 2016
Gas turbines – technological development and potential use in CAES systems
PublicationThis article briefly describes Compressed Air Energy Storage (CAES), focusing on the technological development of one of the key elements of such systems – the gas turbines. It presents the basic parameters and features of gas turbines, as well as turbine classes with example models. Main tendencies in the structural and technological development are discussed. Changes and trends on electric energy markets are becoming more and...
Year 2015
Analysis of accumulation possibility of energy dissipated in the braking process of train driven by hybrid locomotive
PublicationW tradycyjnym procesie hamowania cała energia kinetyczna lub potencjalna pociągu napędzanego lokomotywą z silnikiem spalinowym jest rozpraszana do otoczenia w postaci energii cieplnej. W lokomotywach hybrydowych istnieje możliwość odzyskania części tej energii przez przekazanie jej do akumulatorów i ponowne wykorzystanie do napędu pociągu. W pracy przedstawiono model układu napędowego lokomotywy hybrydowej z silnikiem spalinowym,...
Analytical method of determining dynamic properties of thermocouples used in measurements of quick – changing temperatures of exhaust gases in marine diesel engines
PublicationThe article presents selected issues of mathematical modeling of heat exchange between the thermocouple and the exhaust gas flowing them, in unsteady conditions. On the way of energy balancing consideration of thermodynamic processes developed differential equations describing the dynamic properties for three versions of the design sheathed thermocouples: with weld isolated from the sheath, with weld welded the sheath and with...
Identification of diagnostic parameter sensitivity during dynamic processes of a marine engine
PublicationChanging some parameters of the engine structure alters the emission of harmful components in the exhaust gas. This applies in particular to the damage of charge exchange system as well as fuel system and engine supercharger. These changes are much greater during the dynamic states and their accompanying transitional processes. The different sensitivity of diagnostic parameters to the same force, coming from the engine structure, but...
Model of the hydraulic pump powertrain of refuse collection vehicle compaction mechanism
PublicationW pracy przedstawiono symulację pracy układu napędowego pompy hydraulicznej mechanizmu prasującego śmieciarki oraz wpływ różnych konfiguracji elementów składowych tego urządzenia na zużycie paliwa silnika napędowego w warunkach przyjętego cyklu obciążenia. W tym celu wykorzystano model układu napędowego pompy hydraulicznej mechanizmu prasującego śmieciarki w formie grafów wiązań oraz wyniki pomiarów ciśnienia roboczego w siłownikach...
Możliwość oszacowania niezawodności silników o zapłonie samoczynnym z zastosowaniem teorii procesów semi-Markowa oraz podejmowania decyzji eksploatacyjnych z uwzględnieniem wiarygodności diagnozy o stanie technicznym tego rodzaju silników spalinowych = Possibility of estimating the reliability of diesel engines by applying the theory of semi-Markov processes and making operational decisions by considering reliability of diagnosis on technical state of this sort of combustion engines/
PublicationThe paper presents semi-Markov models of technical state transitions for diesel engines, useful for determining reliability of the engines. A possibility of application of a three-state model with a simplified matrix function, or even a two-state model, to determine reliability of the engines, has been described herein on examples of known from literature semi-Markov models, for the case when appropriate diagnosing systems (SDG)...
Problems of modelling toxic compounds emitted by a marine internal combustion engine for the evaluation of its structure parameters
PublicationThe paper presents the possibility of using an analytical study of the engine exhaust ignition to evaluate the technical condition of the selected components. Software tools available for the analysis of experimental data commonly use multiple regression model that allows the study of the effects and iterations between model input quantities and one output variable. The use of multi-equation models gives a lot of freedom in the...
Year 2014
Comparative analysis of balancing of V6 engines with common- and split-pin crankshafts
PublicationAn analysis of balancing of V6 engines equipped with split-pin crankshafts with any cylinder bank angle based on the mathematical relations derived in the paper was carried out. A comparison of the quality of their balancing with engines equipped with common-pin crankshafts was also carried out. The bank angle ranges beneficial for balancing of moments of inertia forces in reciprocating motion were determined. A mathematical relation...
Methods for evaluating rated power of diesel-powered generator set
PublicationBasic concepts for evaluating rated power of generator sets powered by combustion engines are presented in this article. A relation between parameters of the engine and the generator are shown. Recommendations contained in the standards and technical literature are systematized. The scheme and methodology for evaluating rated power of the generator set, based on laboratory research, are suggested. Also, the main problems which...
Year 2013
PublicationThe paper presents a proposal of a description of the operating conditions of diesel-electric locomotives. The proposal is a result of the operational experience and the analysis of the locomotive operation. It constitutes a significant simplification in relation to the descriptions currently used by domestic carriers. The paper also presents examples of analyses of the operating conditions of locomotives using the proposed method.
Analiza warunków pracy silnika spalinowego lokomotywy na biegu jałowym
PublicationW trakcie eksploatacji lokomotyw z silnikami spalinowymi obserwowany jest znaczny udział pracy silnika spalinowego w stanie biegu jałowego. Dlatego też średnia wartość strumienia paliwa zużywanego przez silnik spalinowy lokomotywy w tym stanie będzie miała istotny wpływ na efektywność energetyczną układu napędowego. Wyznaczaniu wartości tego parametru musi towarzyszyć jednoznaczna klasyfikacja warunków pracy układu napędowego lokomotywy....
Analysis of balancing of four stroke V6 engines
PublicationAnalysis of balance of V6 engines with a common-pin crankshaft depending on a cylinder bank angle and the crank radius to connecting rod length ratios , based on the relations derived, is presented in the paper. The bank angles providing the lowest moment of inertia forces in reciprocating motion, for selected values, were determined. The position of the plane of the main counterweights in order to maximum balance of the moment...
Development trends of automotive engine cooling systems
PublicationDzięki daleko idącym modyfikacjom układów zasilania i zapłonu silników samochodowych oraz udoskonaleniom układów oczyszczania spalin uzyskano znaczne zmniejszenie emisji związków toksycznych. Układy chłodzenia z pompą cieczy napędzaną mechanicznie stają się archaiczne nie pozwalając na swobodne sterowanie obiegiem cieczy. Również różna wartość temperatury potrzebnej do schładzania różnych procesów wymaga sterowanych zaworów trójdrożnych...
Diagnosis in the power piston machines
PublicationW artykule przedstawiono obecne techniki monitorowania pracy silników i sprężarek dużej mocy. Ze względu na znaczne koszty ewentualnego wyłączenia z ruchu tego typu maszyn są one poddane obserwacji dla przewidywania ewentualnych awarii oraz planowych zatrzymań. Rośnie liczba zaawansowanych systemów pomiarowych z indykowaniem cylindrów. Dawne metody wibroakustyczne zastępowane są pomiarami parametrów procesu termodynamicznego. Słowa...
Diagnostic testing of marine propulsion systems with internal combustion engines by means of vibration measurement and results analysis
PublicationIn this paper selected issues concerning vibration diagnosis of the mechanical system within marine propulsion units have been presented, carried out on the basis of experimental examinations of a real object in which an exceedance of the allowable vibration’s level had been observed. Used diagnosing system has been characterised. A procedure of longitudinal and transverse vibrations shaft lines of the mechanical system within...
Dual fuelling of truck CI engine with diesel oil and mixture of propane and butane
PublicationW artykule przedstawiono zasadę działania dwupaliwowego zasilania jednocześnie olejem napędowym i odparowanym LPG silnika samochodu ciężarowego. Pokazano korzyści wynikające ze zużycia tańszego paliwa zbadane doświadczalnie.
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