Data from the survey on socio-demographic characteristics of Gdańsk University of Technology foreign graduates
The dataset includes data from the survey on the Gdańsk University of Technology foreign graduates socio-demographic characteristics. The research was conducted over a four-month period, from December 2019 to March 2020, using the Computer-Assisted Web Interview (CAWI). The research sample included 142 respondents. The study concerned such variables such as i.a. nationality, gender, and the faculty graduated. Summarizing, the most of the graduates came from India, Eastern Europe (Ukraine and Belarus) and China.
Dataset file
Socio-demographic characteristics.csv
42.1 kB,
S3 ETag
downloads: 65
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File details
- License:
open in new tabCC BYAttribution
- Year of publication:
- 2021
- Verification date:
- 2021-04-22
- Dataset language:
- English
- Fields of science:
- sociology (Social studies)
- educational sciences (Social studies)
- psychology (Social studies)
- DOI:
- DOI ID 10.34808/8b6c-0n11 open in new tab
- Funding:
- Verified by:
- Gdańsk University of Technology
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