MSc Paulina Duch-Zebrowska
- Assistant at Department of Environmental Design
- PhD Student at Szkoła Doktorska
e-Learning courses
[AiU] Research methodology in architecture and urban planning
{mlang pl} Dyscyplina: architektura i urbanistyka Zajęcia obowiązkowe dla doktorantów I roku Prowadzący: Prof. Spela Hudnik Liczba godzin: 30 Forma zajęć: wykład {mlang} {mlang en} Discipline: architecture and urbanism Obligatory course for 1st-year PhD students Academic teachers: Prof. Spela Hudnik Total hours of training: 30 teaching hours Course type: lecture {mlang} CRITICAL ZONES VS COMFORT ZONES
Elective Project - Project, City, and Society
Summer Rural Practice
Summer practice - rural analysis, works with the map, terrain and people.
Sem VI_ENG_Theory of landscape design
Theory of landscape design SDGs in landscape design Technical detailing of landscaping solutions
Conservation and Protection of Architectural Heritage
Rural Design Studio
This design studio aims to ensure that new development in the countryside does not detrimentally affect its setting and is appropriate in terms of design, scale, siting and character.The workshop aims to promote development which compliments rural landscape character; reconciling the requirements of a modern lifestyle with the principles underpinning traditional rural development while promoting “distinctive”, good quality, contemporary...
[AiU] Research methodology in architecture and urban planning
{mlang pl} Dyscyplina: AiU Zajęcia obowiązkowe dla doktorantów I roku Prowadzący: Prof. Spela Hudnik Liczba godzin: 30 Forma zajęć: wykład {mlang} {mlang en} Discipline: AiU Obligatory course for 1st-year PhD students Academic teacher: Prof. Spela Hudnik Total hours of training: 30 teaching hours Course type: Lecture {mlang}
[AiU] Challenges and perspectives of contemporary architecture and urbanism
{mlang pl} Dyscyplina: Architektura i Urbanistyka Zajęcia obowiązkowe dla doktorantów I roku Prowadzący: prof. Giovanna Acampa Liczba godzin: 15 h Forma zajęć: warsztaty {mlang} {mlang en} Discipline: Architecture and Urbanism Obligatory course for 1st year PhD students Academic teacher: prof. Giovanna Acampa Total hours of training: 15 teaching hours Course type: workshops {mlang}
[AiU] Sustainable design and environmental changes
{mlang pl} Dyscyplina: Architektura i Urbanistyka Zajęcia obowiązkowe dla doktorantów I roku Prowadzący: prof. Giovanna Acampa Liczba godzin: 15 h Forma zajęć: warsztaty {mlang} {mlang en} Discipline: Architecture and Urbanism Obligatory course for 1st year PhD students Academic teacher: prof. Giovanna Acampa Total hours of training: 15 teaching hours Course type: workshops {mlang}
Rural Design Studio - 2023
This design studio aims to ensure that new development in the countryside does not detrimentally affect its setting and is appropriate in terms of design, scale, siting and character.The workshop aims to promote development which compliments rural landscape character; reconciling the requirements of a modern lifestyle with the principles underpinning traditional rural development while promoting “distinctive”, good quality, contemporary...
Design of Public Spaces with Green Elements, Erasmus, semestr VI
Sem VI_ENG_Public spaces with greenery_Design Studio
Rural Design Lectures
The lectures are aiming to provide the students with the general understanding of the vernacular architecture, landscape, future, resilience and history.
KPŚ - Projekt Architektoniczny sem. IV (2020/21)
KPŚ Rural project III ENG & Erasmus V, VII
Rural Design Studio- 2024
Summer practice - rural analysis, works on the map, in a terrain and with the people and subsequent Design Studio in winter semester of 2024/25
Projekt architektoniczno-urbanistyczny I mgr - KPŚ KUiPR
Projekt architektoniczno-urbanistyczny prowadzony jest wspólnie przez 2 zespoły - Katedrę Projektowania Środowiskowego z zakresie projektu architektonicznego oraz Katedrę Urbanistyki i Planowania Regionalnego w zakresie projektu urbanistycznego.
Projekt Przestrzeni Edukacyjnej - collaboration with Tel Aviv- Elective Design
Publikacje pracowników Wydziału Architektury
Theory of Rural Architecture - EXAM
The series of lectures touching upon the history of rural architecture and regarding the composition of landscape designs. The lectures were designed to give students of architecture the tools to work with the nature and strengthen the presence of green spaces in their future designs. The exam is prepared to check what skills and competencies have been gained during the course.
2024/25_VI_En_Ecological solutions in contemporary architecture
This lecture aims to equip you with a comprehensive understanding of ecological architecture and inspire you to integrate these principles into your future projects.
Theory of Rural Design 2024
The lectures are aiming to provide the students with the general understanding of the vernacular architecture, landscape, future, resilience and history.
Sem VI_ENG_Pre-diploma project
Theory of architectural design VI
Public spaces design with elements of greenery 2023/24 eng.
2024/25_VIII_En_Engineering Diplomas
The course for Engineering Diploma Students in English Group
Projekt architektoniczno-urbanistyczny II
Celem przedmiotu jest opracowanie projektu w skali urbanistycznej i architektonicznej z uwzględnieniem usług osiedlowych. Działania te będą poprzedzone szeregiem analiz (funkcjonalnych, komunikacyjnych, krajobrazowych, wysokościowych itd), które będą miały doprowadzić do powstania projektu usprawniającego działanie wskazanego terenu. Ważne także będzie wskazanie nowych funkcji, rozwiązań przestrzennych zmierzających do poprawy...
Engineering Diploma Seminar
22/23_S6_Eng_Pre-diploma seminar
23/24_S6_Eng_Theory of landscape design
KPŚ Projektowanie Dyplomowe VIII 2025
23/24_S8_Diploma project
The course for Engineering Diploma Students in English Group
Zajęcia będą odbywać się w interdyscyplinarnych i międzynarodowych grupach projektowych, złożonych z edukatorów i architektów. Wspólnie, będziemy wypracowywać : a.innowacyjne rozwiązania w zakresie architektury dla edukacji podstawowej oraz licealnej b.nowe formy współpracy pomiędzy specjalistami z różnych dziedzin c.nową jakość współpracy interdyscyplinarnej d.akademicki model poszukiwania nowych rozwiązań na styku i poza zakresem...
Urban design IV Krośnicka Breś
2024/25_VI_En_Pre-diploma project
KPŚ seminarium dyplomowe VIII 2025
2024/25_VI_En_Theory of landscape design
Course in principles of Theory of landscape design
Theory of architectural design VI
The concept of the lecture series for semester 6 is based on a holistic approach to architectural design, encompassing professional practice, environmental, and cultural aspects. The program will begin with an introduction to the building project, which will prepare students for independent and conscious project execution. Lectures on the urban context will focus on integrating projects with their surroundings, both in terms of...
Conducted classes
Theory of rural architecture
Faculty of ArchitectureField of study: Architecture
Rural practice
Faculty of ArchitectureField of study: Architecture
Rural project
Faculty of ArchitectureField of study: Architecture
Theory of landscape design
Faculty of ArchitectureField of study: Architecture
Rural project
Faculty of ArchitectureField of study: Architecture
Theory of rural architecture
Faculty of ArchitectureField of study: Architecture
Public spaces design with elements of greenery
Faculty of ArchitectureField of study: Architecture
Theory of landscape design
Faculty of ArchitectureField of study: Architecture
Rural practice
Faculty of ArchitectureField of study: Architecture
Theory of landscape design
Faculty of ArchitectureField of study: Architecture
Diploma seminar I
Faculty of ArchitectureField of study: Architecture
Rural project
Faculty of ArchitectureField of study: Architecture
Prediploma project
Faculty of ArchitectureField of study: Architecture
Rural Practice Erasmus+
Faculty of ArchitectureField of study: Architecture
Rural practice
Faculty of ArchitectureField of study: Architecture
Public spaces design with elements of greenery
Faculty of ArchitectureField of study: Architecture
Rural practice
Faculty of ArchitectureField of study: Architecture
Rural project
Faculty of ArchitectureField of study: Architecture
seen 2415 times