Paweł Jacek Hać
Research fields
total: 7
Catalog Publications
Year 2025
Assessment of Toxicity Associated with Inhalation of Potentially Toxic Elements Present in Combustible Tobacco Products: Cigars, Pipe Tobacco, Bidis and Cigarettes - an Evaluation of Risk Assessment Issues
PublicationSmoking-related diseases represent a substantial global health challenge, particularly given the direct inhalation of smoke into the vulnerable respiratory system. This method of consumption presents a challenge in classifying smoking in terms of exposure to toxins, in comparison to other forms of environmental contamination, such as food or air pollution. Combustible tobacco products (CTPs), including cigars, pipe tobaccos, bidis,...
Year 2024
Screening evaluation of the quality of commercially available cigars, cigarillos, and bidis based on emission levels of selected terpenes and terpenoids
PublicationThe aim of the research was to verify the use of the solvent-free, non-destructive and easy to operate analytical method to study and compare the emissions of 16 representatives of terpenes and terpenoids from commercially available cigars, cigarillos and bidis − a potential screening analysis for the quality of combustible tobacco products. To assess the amount of organic compounds emitted to the gaseous phase from investigated...
Year 2023
Estimation of smokers' exposure to mercury from combustible tobacco products, based on the approach used in food consumers’ exposure estimation
PublicationSmoking has been known to mankind for centuries, but it is only in recent decades that much attention has been paid to the harmfulness of this habit. Mercury inhalation is particularly dangerous in this respect and smoking creates extremely favorable conditions for the emission and targeted delivery of this element into the lungs. Despite this fact, a lack of a clear method for estimating the exposure of tobacco consumers to mercury...
Year 2022
Evaluation of mercury content in combustible tobacco products by employing cold vapor atomic absorption spectroscopy and considering the moisture content: a comprehensive study
PublicationPlants are mainly made up of water, which constitutes between 80 and 90% of their weight. Moisture factor comes across as one of the most important in tobacco products. Rapid determination of moisture content in tobacco products comes at neces- sity in any tobacco management plants (before and after production). Therefore, the concern has been raised in this study to evaluate the moisture content in four kinds of combustible tobacco...
Review of cigars and cigar-type products as potential sources of consumer exposure to heavy metals
PublicationThe popularity of cigars, growing since 1993, has not gone hand in hand with the increased interest of researchers in these products. Although the literature widely describes the harmfulness of tobacco and the content of toxic substances in tobacco products, the topic is often treated selectively as relating primarily to cigarettes and rarely extends to other products of the broadly defined tobacco industry. However, there is no...
Year 2020
Oznaczanie rtęci w tytoniu cygarowym jako wyzwanie analityczne
Publication -
Oznaczenie rtęci w tytoniu cygarowym jako wyzwanie analityczne
PublicationPrzed wybuchem pandemii COVID-19 obserwowano wyraźny i systematyczny wzrost rynku cygarowego, a co za tym idzie, również i grona cigar aficionado, czyli miłośników cygar. W pracy poruszono tematykę zawartości rtęci w cygarach i przedstawiono wyniki przeprowadzonych badań. Z racji wielu podobieństw porównano ją z zawartością tego pierwiastka w tytoniu papierosowym. Stężenie Hg w tytoniu papierosowym na przestrzeni kilkudziesięciu...
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