Long-Term Impact of Wind Erosion on the Particle Size Distribution of Soils in the Eastern Part of the European Union - Publication - Bridge of Knowledge


Long-Term Impact of Wind Erosion on the Particle Size Distribution of Soils in the Eastern Part of the European Union


Wind erosion is the leading cause of soil degradation and air pollution in many regionsof the world. As wind erosion is controlled by climatic factors, research on this phenomenon isurgently needed in soil and land management in order to better adapt to climate change. In thispaper, the impact of wind erosion on the soil surface in relation to particle size distribution wasinvestigated. Changes in percentage of sand, silt and clay fractions based on historical KPP data(1961–1970), LUCAS data base (2009), and field measurements (2016) were analysed in five cadastralareas impacted by wind erosion (Záhorie Lowlands, Slovakia). With the use of GIS tools, models ofspatial distribution of sand, silt, clay and erodible fraction (EF) content were developed based onthose measurements. Our findings proved that soil texture change driven by wind erosion couldhappen relatively quickly, and a significant proportion of soil fine particles may be carried awaywithin a few years. The results indicate that the soil surface became much rougher over the period ofmore than 50 years, but also that the accumulation of fraction of the silt particles occurred in most ofthe areas affected by the erosive effect.Keywords:aeolian erosion; land degradation; GIS; sustainable agroecosystems; decision-makingprocesses; soil protection; wind erosion indicators; landscape entropy and stability1. IntroductionSoil erosion is a major cause of global-scale land degradation, and has increased by2.5% between 2001 and 2012. The main reasons for this increase are considered to be defor-estation and cropland expansion [1,2]. Soil erosion by wind is the process of destruction,separation, transportation and deposition of soil particles that affects negatively land andhuman health, agricultural production, as well as ecosystem services [3–5]. The process iscontrolled by several factors such as: wind speed and direction, temperature, precipitation,soil wetness, surface roughness, soil texture and aggregation, soil organic matter, vegetationcover, field size, agricultural activities and protective measures [6,7].


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artykuły w czasopismach
Published in:
ENTROPY no. 23,
ISSN: 1099-4300
Publication year:
Bibliographic description:
Lackóová L., Pokrývková J., Kozlovsky Dufková J., Policht-Latawiec A., Michałowska K., Dąbrowska J.: Long-Term Impact of Wind Erosion on the Particle Size Distribution of Soils in the Eastern Part of the European Union// ENTROPY -,iss. 8 (2021),
Digital Object Identifier (open in new tab) 10.3390/e23080935
Sources of funding:
  • środki własne
Verified by:
Gdańsk University of Technology

seen 147 times

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