Stanisław Czapp - Publications - Bridge of Knowledge



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Catalog Publications

Year 2024
  • Analysis of Ferroresonance Mitigation Effectiveness in Auxiliary Power Systems of High-Voltage Substations
    • R. Tarko
    • W. Nowak
    • J. Gajdzica
    • S. Czapp

    - ENERGIES - Year 2024

    Ferroresonance in power networks is a dangerous phenomenon, which may result in overcurrents and overvoltages, causing damage to power equipment and the faulty operation of protection systems. For this reason, the possibility of the occurrence of ferroresonance has to be identified, and adequate methods need to be incorporated to eliminate or reduce its effects. The aim of this paper is to evaluate the effectiveness of ferroresonance...

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  • Availability of UAV Fleet Evaluation Based on Multi-State System
    • E. Zaitseva
    • V. Levashenko
    • V. Mysko
    • S. Czapp
    • D. Zhaxybayev

    - IEEE Access - Year 2024

    Unmanned Aerial Vehicle (UAV) applications are extended extremely. Some applications need to use several UAVs for a general mission which can be considered a UAV fleet. One of the important characteristics for the evaluation of a UAV or UAV fleet is reliability. There are studies in which methods for analysis of their reliability are considered. Reliability analysis of UAV fleets is less frequently studied, although a single UAV...

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  • Badanie wybranych właściwości wyłączników różnicowoprądowych typu F

    W instalacjach elektrycznych niskiego napięcia instaluje się coraz więcej przekształtników energoelektronicznych (systemy fotowoltaiczne, instalacje ładowania pojazdów elektrycznych, układy napędowe o regulowanej prędkości obrotowej silnika), a mają one wpływ na dobór typu wyzwalania wyłączników różnicowoprądowych (AC, A, F lub B). W obwodach, w których pojawia się prąd różnicowy zawierający składowe o częstotliwości innej niż...

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  • Residual current devices in electric vehicles charging installations

    The main requirements of national regulations and international standards regarding protection against electric shock in electric vehicle charging installations are presented. The principles of using residual current devices (RCDs) in such installations are discussed. It is pointed out that RCDs are mandatory equipment for safe charging of electric vehicles. It is noted that the standards require the use of RCDs having an appropriate...

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  • Voltage and Current Unbalance Reduction in Power Networks with Distributed Generation and Electric Vehicles

    The current development of prosumer microsources and the expected spread of electric vehicles may cause the appearance of significant current and voltage unbalance in low-voltage (LV) networks. This unbalance, which is an unfavorable phenomenon, may occur when using single-phase photovoltaic (PV) microsources and single-phase home chargers for electric vehicles. This paper presents a proposal for the symmetrization of the LV network...

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Year 2023
  • A Novel Spatio–Temporal Deep Learning Vehicle Turns Detection Scheme Using GPS-Only Data

    - IEEE Access - Year 2023

    Whether the computer is driving your car or you are, advanced driver assistance systems (ADAS) come into play on all levels, from weather monitoring to safety. These modern-day ADASs use various assisting tools for drivers to keep the journey safe; these sophisticated tools provide early signals of numerous events, such as road conditions, emerging traffic scenarios, and weather warnings. Many urban applications, such as car-sharing...

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  • Crystalline Silicon (c-Si)-Based Tunnel Oxide Passivated Contact (TOPCon) Solar Cells: A Review

    - ENERGIES - Year 2023

    Contact selectivity is a key parameter for enhancing and improving the power conversion efficiency (PCE) of crystalline silicon (c-Si)-based solar cells. Carrier selective contacts (CSC) are the key technology which has the potential to achieve a higher PCE for c-Si-based solar cells closer to their theoretical efficiency limit. A recent and state-of-the-art approach in this domain is the tunnel oxide passivated contact (TOPCon)...

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  • Energy Efficiency and Economic Policy: Comprehensive Theoretical, Empirical, and Policy Review

    - ENERGIES - Year 2023

    In this paper, we analyze the role of economic policy in prompting energy efficiency. This study reviews three aspects, theoretical, empirical, and existing policies to evaluate the relationship of energy efficiency and economic policy. This study furthermore identifies the existing issues from a policy perspective in energy efficiency. Although not all public policies may be justified, it suggests that these types of financial...

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  • Estimation of the Maximum Permissible PV Power to be Connected to the MV Grid

    - Year 2023

    In recent decades, a significant increase in the share of renewable energy sources in power grids at various voltage levels has been observed. A number of articles have been published highlighting emerging problems in low-voltage grids with a large share of prosumers and in medium- and high-voltage grids to which photovoltaic (PV) plants are connected. The article analyzes the medium-voltage grid in terms of the possibility of...

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  • Evaluation of fire hazard in electrical installations due to unfavorable ambient thermal conditions

    - Fire - Year 2023

    Evaluation of fire hazard caused by electrical installations is a difficult and important topic, and it limits the possibility of loss of life or health of people, as well as the occurrence of significant property damage. In particular, this hazard was caused by power cables and especially photovoltaic (PV) installations. The authors proved that power cables directly exposed to strong solar radiation are likely to exceed maximum...

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  • Evaluation of VSC Impact on Power System Using Adequate P-Q Capability Curve

    - Electronics - Year 2023

    Renewable energy sources, which are becoming increasingly popular, often use a voltage source converter (VSC) for connection to the power system. Assessing the effects of connecting such a source to the power system is essential to ensure the proper operation of the power system and the connected source. For this purpose, it is necessary to know the range of active and reactive power generation by the converter. The authors indicate...

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  • Impact of thermal backfill parameters on current-carrying capacity of power cables installed in the ground

    Proper design of power installations with the participation of power cables buried in homogeneous and thermally well-conductive ground does not constitute a major problem. The situation changes when the ground is non-homogeneous and thermally low-conductive. In such a situation, a thermal backfill near the cables is commonly used. The optimization of thermal backfill parameters to achieve the highest possible current-carrying capacity...

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  • Ochrona przeciwporażeniowa w sieciach i instalacjach niskiego napięcia

    - Year 2023

    Użytkowanie sieci i instalacji elektroenergetycznych jest związane z wieloma zagrożeniami, a jednym z nich jest zagrożenie porażeniem prądem elektrycznym. Obowiązkiem osób projektujących te sieci i instalacje, a także osób odpowiedzialnych za ich eksploatację jest zastosowanie środków zapewniających skuteczną ochronę przeciwporażeniową. Wymagania ochrony przeciwporażeniowej są nadrzędne w stosunku do innych wymagań technicznych,...

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  • Pomiar impedancji pętli zwarciowej w obwodach z wyłącznikami różnicowoprądowymi selektywnymi

    Pomiar impedancji pętli zwarciowej w obwodach z wyłącznikami różnicowoprądowymi bezzwłocznymi jest kłopotliwy, ponieważ przy stosowaniu typowych mierników o prądzie pomiarowym rzędu 10-20 A zwykle następują zbędne zadziałania tych zabezpieczeń. W przypadku obwodów z wyłącznikami różnicowoprądowymi selektywnymi jest inaczej. W artykule wykazano, że pomiar ten można wykonać nawet miernikiem wielkoprądowym wymuszającym prąd o wartości...

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  • RCDs Tripping in the Range from DC to AC 50 kHz for Slowly Rising Residual Current

    - Year 2023

    The wide use of power electronic converters means that in many low-voltage systems earth fault currents containing components from DC to AC of various frequencies have to be taken into account. Due to the tendency to increase the modulation frequency in converters, components of higher frequencies may be in the order of several tens of kilohertz. Therefore, it is very important to verify the behavior of devices for protection against...

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  • Reliability Analysis of Data Storage Using Survival Signature and Logic Differential Calculus

    - Year 2023

    The Data storage system is an important part of any information system. All the necessary data that must be available for the successful operation of the information system are stored here. Therefore, it is advisable to think about the reliability of such a data storage system. As part of reliability engineering, it is possible to perform a reliability analysis of any system. Therefore, the data storage system can be analyzed as...

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  • Requirements for Residual Current Devices Intended for Electric Vehicle Charging Systems

    The properties of residual current devices have been presented from the point of view of their ability to detect a specific shape of the residual current waveform. Moreover, the standard requirements relating to residual current protection used in electric vehicle charging installations have been pointed out. The operating characteristics of the IC-CPD and RDC-DD protections, which are intended for charging electric vehicles in...

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  • Stability Enhancement of Grid-Connected Wind Power Generation System Using PSS, SFCL and STATCOM
    • M. Sarwar
    • M. Arshed
    • B. Hussain
    • M. Rasheed
    • H. Tariq
    • S. Czapp
    • S. Tariq
    • I. A. Sajjad

    - IEEE Access - Year 2023

    The stability related issues may occur in a power system due to disturbances in generating or loading conditions, especially in the presence of distributed generation (DG) based on renewable energy resources (RERs). This paper proposes a novel strategy for the stability enhancement of a wind power generation system (WPGS) by using a combination of three devices, namely, a power system stabilizer (PSS), resistive superconductor...

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  • Study of Soil Temperature and Moisture Changes in a Physical Model of an Underground Cable Line

    - Year 2023

    The ampacity of power cables is highly dependent on the thermal resistivity of the soil in which they are laid. The lower it is, the higher this ampacity. The thermal resistivity of the soil decreases as its moisture increases. Therefore, it is preferable that the soil around the cables has high moisture. Unfortunately, the heat generated in heavily loaded cables causes the migration of moisture from the surrounding soil, which...

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  • Trends in Locally Balanced Energy Systems without the Use of Fossil Fuels: A Review

    - ENERGIES - Year 2023

    In recent years, the idea of the operation of energy systems (power systems, heating systems) has changed significantly. This paper is an overview of locally balanced energy systems without the use of fossil fuels. The paper justifies the concept of local energy balancing in a new energy system that does not use fossil fuels (coal, natural gas, and crude oil), based on European Union guidelines and formal documents as well as the...

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Year 2022
  • Behavior of residual current devices at earth fault currents with DC component

    - SENSORS - Year 2022

    Low-voltage electrical installations are increasingly saturated with power electronic converters. Due to very high popularity of photovoltaic (PV) installations and the spread of electric vehicles (EV) as well as their charging installations, DC–AC and AC–DC converters are often found in power systems. The transformerless coupling of AC and DC systems via power electronic converters means that an electrical installation containing...

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  • Comparative Analysis of Reactive Power Compensation Devices in a Real Electric Substation

    - ENERGIES - Year 2022

    A constant worldwide growing load stress over a power system compelled the practice of a reactive power injection to ensure an efficient power network. For this purpose, multiple technologies exist in the knowledge market out of which this paper emphasizes the usage of the flexible alternating current transmission system (FACTS) and presents a comparative study of the static var compensator (SVC) with the static synchronous compensator...

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  • Electrical safety in low-voltage DC microgrids with B-type residual current devices

    Residual current devices (RCDs) are most popular devices used in low-voltage installations for protection against electric shock and fire. In cases of high risk of electric shock the application of RCDs is mandatory. Currently, the spread of local direct current (DC) microgrids is widely considered. This creates new challenges for protective systems, in particular those based on RCDs. The main purpose of the research is to test...

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  • Ocena wpływu wymiarów wypełnienia kontrolowanego i rezystywności cieplnej ziemi rodzimej na obciążalność długotrwałą kabli elektroenergetycznych

    - Year 2022

    Rezystywność cieplna ziemi ma istotny wpływ na obciążalność prądową długotrwałą elektroenergetycznych linii kablowych. W przypadku niekorzystnej rezystywności cieplnej można zastosować wypełnienie kontrolowane, czyli wymianę ziemi wokół kabli na substancję o znanych parametrach cieplnych. Wyznaczenie obciążalności długotrwałej z wypełnieniem kontrolowanym jest kłopotliwe, ponieważ na jej wartość wpływ ma zarówno rezystywność cieplna,...

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  • Ochrona przeciwporażeniowa w sieciach elektroenergetycznych o napięciu wyższym niż 1 kV

    W artykule przedstawiono wymagania norm odnoszące się do ochrony przeciwporażeniowej w stacjach elektroenergetycznych wysokiego napięcia oraz w elektroenergetycznych liniach napowietrznych wysokiego napięcia. Omówiono również wpływ doziemienia po stronie wyższego napięcia w stacjach transformatorowych SN/nn na zagrożenie porażeniowe w sieciach rozdzielczych niskiego napięcia.

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  • Pomiar impedancji pętli zwarciowej w obwodach z wyłącznikami różnicowoprądowymi selektywnymi

    - Year 2022

    Pomiar impedancji pętli zwarciowej w obwodach z wyłącznikami różnicowoprądowymi bezzwłocznymi jest kłopotliwy, ponieważ przy stosowaniu typowych mierników o prądzie pomiarowym rzędu 10-20 A zwykle następują zbędne zadziałania tych zabezpieczeń. W przypadku obwodów z wyłącznikami różnicowoprądowymi selektywnymi jest inaczej. W referacie wykazano, że pomiar ten można wykonać nawet miernikiem wielkoprądowym wymuszającym prąd o wartości...

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  • Residual current devices in installations with PV energy sources

    The paper presents the principles of residual current devices (RCDs) application in photovoltaic (PV) installations. Provisions of standards in this regard are commented on, in particular, attention is drawn to the lack of obligation to use of RCDs in PV installations. The issue of the shape of the earth fault current and the level of leakage currents in such installations are discussed. These factors influence the selection of...

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  • Residual Current Devices: Selection, Operation, and Testing

    - Year 2022

    In this book, the idea for residual current protection has been presented. The evolution in construction types of residual current devices, which has taken place over decades, is discussed. Types and functional properties of the contemporary residual current devices are described. The main parameters of these devices, from the point of view of their selection and application, are indicated. Special constructions of the protective...

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  • Single and Series of Multi-valued Decision Diagrams in Representation of Structure Function

    - Year 2022

    Structure function, which defines dependency of performance of the system on performance of its components, is a key part of system description in reliability analysis. In this paper, we compare two approaches for representation of the structure function. The first one is based on use of a single Multi-valued Decision Diagram (MDD) and the second on use of a series of MDDs. The obtained results indicate that the series of MDDs...

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  • Solar Photovoltaic Energy Optimization and Challenges

    The study paper focuses on solar energy optimization approaches, as well as the obstacles and concerns that come with them. This study discusses the most current advancements in solar power generation devices in order to provide a reference for decision-makers in the field of solar plant construction throughout the world. These technologies are divided into three groups: photovoltaic, thermal, and hybrid (thermal/photovoltaic)....

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  • Solar Photovoltaic Energy Optimization and Challenges

    - Frontiers in Energy Research - Year 2022

    The study paper focuses on solar energy optimization approaches, as well as the obstacles and concerns that come with them. This study discusses the most current advancements in solar power generation devices in order to provide a reference for decision-makers in the field of solar plant construction throughout the world. These technologies are divided into three groups: photovoltaic, thermal, and hybrid (thermal/photovoltaic)....

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  • Stosowanie wyłączników różnicowoprądowych w instalacjach fotowoltaicznych

    Przedstawiono postanowienia norm odnoszące się do doboru i instalowania wyłączników różnicowoprądowych w instalacjach fotowoltaicznych. Zwrócono uwagę, że w instalacjach takich nie ma obowiązku stosowania wyłączników różnicowoprądowych. Omówiono wpływ kształtu przebiegu prądu ziemnozwarciowego ze składową stałą na próg wyzwalania tych zabezpieczeń. Podano przykładowe wartości prądów upływowych w instalacjach fotowoltaicznych i...

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  • The effect of cable duct diameter on the ampacity of high-voltage power cables

    The ampacity of power cables depends, among others, on the conditions of heat dissipation from the cable to the environment. Cables are usually laid directly in the ground, but in some sections, they may be placed in ducts, which adversely affects the ampacity of the cable line. The paper presents heat transfer phenomena for cables installed in pipe-type ducts filled with air. The effect of cable duct diameter on this ampacity...

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  • Tripping of F-type RCDs for sinusoidal residual current with superimposed smooth DC component

    - Year 2022

    Recent trends in green energy development make that photovoltaics and electric vehicles are applied on an increasing scale. In both photovoltaic and electric vehicle charging installations, a significant value of DC component of the earth fault current may appear, which is a challenge, in particular, for commonly used residual current devices (RCDs). This paper presents results of the laboratory test on the operation of F-type...

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  • Voltage profiles improvement in a power network with PV energy sources – results of a voltage regulator implementation
    • A. Szultka
    • S. Szultka
    • S. Czapp
    • R. Karolak
    • M. Andrzejewski
    • J. Kapitaniak
    • M. Kulling
    • J. Bonk

    - ENERGIES - Year 2022

    The constant increase in the number of photovoltaic (PV) energy sources in distribution networks is the cause of serious voltage problems. The networks built at least a dozen years ago are not provided for the installation of a large number of micro-sources. It happens that the previously properly functioning power networks are not able to provide to consumers power with the required parameters, after installing many PV sources....

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Year 2021
  • Aktualne wymagania w zakresie ochrony przeciwporażeniowej w instalacjach niskiego napięcia

    - Year 2021

    W referacie zaprezentowano główne zasady związane z projektowaniem ochrony przeciwporażeniowej w instalacjach niskiego napięcia oraz sprawdzaniem jej stanu. Przedstawiono również podstawy ochrony przeciwporażeniowej w instalacjach ładowania pojazdów elektrycznych oraz w instalacjach niskiego napięcia zlokalizowanych w strefie oddziaływania kolejowej sieci trakcyjnej.

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  • Behavior of residual current devices at frequencies up to 50 kHz

    - ENERGIES - Year 2021

    The use of residual current devices (RCDs) is obligatory in many types of low-voltage circuits. They are devices that ensure protection against electric shock in the case of indirect contact and may ensure additional protection in the case of direct contact. For the latter purpose of protection, only RCDs of a rated residual operating current not exceeding 30 mA are suitable. Unfortunately, modem current-using equipment supplied...

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  • Effect of the let-through energy of overcurrent protective devices on the temperature of conductors during short-circuits

    The scope of the verification of low-voltage systems covers the earth fault loop impedance measurement. This measurement is usually performed with the use of low-value current meters, which force a current many times lower than the one occurring during a real short-circuit. Therefore, the international standard recommends consideration of the increase of resistance of conductors with the increase of temperature, which may occur...

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  • Optimization of thermal backfill configurations for desired high-voltage power cables ampacity

    The ampacity of high-voltage power cables depends, among others, on their core cross-sectional area as well as thermal resistivity of the thermal backfill surrounding the cables. The cross-sectional area of the power cables’ core is selected according to the expected power to be transferred via the cable system. Usually, the higher the power transfer required, the higher the cross-sectional area of the core. However, the cost of...

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  • Time-current tripping characteristics of RCDs for sinusoidal testing current

    - Year 2021

    Low-voltage electrical installations are verified initially – before being put into operation, as well as periodically – during their utilization. According to the IEC standards, the scope of the verification includes measurements of both the tripping current and the disconnection time of residual current devices (RCDs). Experiences in RCDs testing show that disconnection times of two or more similar RCDs can be quite different....

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  • Tripping of F-type RCDs for high-frequency residual currents

    - Year 2021

    Residual current devices (RCDs) are apparatus commonly used for protection against electric shock in low-voltage electrical installations. They protect people in the case of an earth fault or even in the case of direct contact with the live parts. However, to be effective protective devices, RCDs have to detect residual currents of various waveform shapes which appear in modern electrical installations. For this purpose, RCDs are...

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  • Tripping of F-type RCDs for High-Frequency Residual Currents

    - Year 2021

    Residual current devices (RCDs) are apparatus commonly used for protection against electric shock in low-voltage electrical installations. They protect people in the case of an earth fault or even in the case of direct contact with the live parts. However, to be effective protective devices, RCDs have to detect residual currents of various waveform shapes which appear in modern electrical installations. For this purpose, RCDs...

  • Voltage variations and their reduction in a rural low-voltage network with PV sources of energy

    - Electronics - Year 2021

    Renewable sources of energy (RES), especially photovoltaic (PV) micro-sources, are very popular in many countries. This way of clean power production is applied on a wide scale in Poland as well. The Polish legal regulations and tariffs specify that every prosumer in a low-voltage network may feed this network with a power not higher than the maximum declared consumed power. In power networks with RES, the voltage level changes...

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  • Zasady projektowania ochrony przeciwporażeniowej w instalacjach niskiego napięcia z fotowoltaicznymi źródłami energii

    - - Year 2021

    Przedstawiono podstawowe zasady ochrony przeciwporażeniowej, które należy uwzględnić przy projektowaniu instalacji niskiego napięcia zawierających fotowoltaiczne źródła energii. Wymieniono środki ochrony przeciwporażeniowej, które są dopuszczalne w takich instalacjach. Zwrócono uwagę na problemy stosowania w nich wyłączników różnicowoprądowych.

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  • Zasady projektowania ochrony przeciwporażeniowej w instalacjach niskiego napięcia z fotowoltaicznymi źródłami energii

    - Year 2021

    W referacie omówiono podstawowe zasady ochrony przeciwporażeniowej, które należy uwzględnić przy projektowaniu instalacji niskiego napięcia zawierających fotowoltaiczne źródła energii. Wymieniono środki ochrony przeciwporażeniowej, które są dopuszczalne w takich instalacjach. Zwrócono uwagę na problemy stosowania w nich wyłączników różnicowoprądowych.

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Year 2020

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