Tomasz Kolerski - Science profile - Bridge of Knowledge


Business contact

Centrum Transferu Wiedzy i Technologii
Al. Zwycięstwa 27, 80-219 Gdańsk
+48 58 348 62 62

Social media

Publication showcase

  • Dynamics of Ice Jam Formation and Release


    The numerical model DynaRICE and its application to ice jam formation and release is presented. The model is a two-dimensional coupled flow and ice dynamic model. The ice dynamic component, which includes both the internal ice resistance and boundary friction on ice motion, uses a Lagrangian SPH method. The hydrodynamic component of the model uses a streamline upwind finite element method, which is capable of simulating trans-critical...

    Full text to download in external service

  • Possible effects of the 1984 St. Clair River ice jam on bed changes

    This study examines the possible effect of the record ice jam of 1984 in the St. Clair River on river bed changes and conveyance. Numerical simulations were made to examine the flow and bed shear stresses during the jam formation and release periods. Simulation results indicate that the ice jam in the river did not cause a significant increase in bed shear stress compared to pre- and post-jam open water conditions. The insignificant...

    Full text available to download

  • Impact of the Artificial Strait in the Vistula Spit on the Hydrodynamics of the Vistula Lagoon (Baltic Sea)

    In the Vistula Lagoon, storm surges are induced by variable sea levels in the Gulf of Gdańsk and wind action. The rising of the water level in the southern part of the basin, exceeding 1.0 m above mean sea level, can be dangerous for the lowland area of Żuławy Elbląskie, causing the inundation of the polders adjacent to the lagoon. One of the potential possibilities to limit the flood risk is to decrease the water level in the...

    Full text available to download

Obtained scientific degrees/titles

  • 2004-07-29

    Obtained science degree

    dr inż. Construction (Technology)
    Instytut Budownictwa Wodnego PAN

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