dr inż. Magdalena Lemańska
- Assistant professor at Institute of Applied Mathematics
Social media
- magleman@pg.edu.pl
Assistant professor
- Workplace
- Gmach B pokój 516 A
- Phone
- (58) 347 28 61
Publication showcase
On the partition dimension of trees
Given an ordered partition Π={P1,P2,…,Pt} of the vertex set V of a connected graph G=(V,E), the partition representation of a vertex v∈V with respect to the partition Π is the vector r(v|Π)=(d(v,P1),d(v,P2),…,d(v,Pt)), where d(v,Pi) represents the distance between the vertex vv and the set Pi. A partition Π of V is a resolving partition of G if different vertices of G have different partition representations, i.e., for every...
On the super domination number of lexicographic product graphs
The neighbourhood of a vertexvof a graphGis the setN(v) of all verticesadjacent tovinG. ForD⊆V(G) we defineD=V(G)\D. A setD⊆V(G) is called a super dominating set if for every vertexu∈D, there existsv∈Dsuch thatN(v)∩D={u}. The super domination number ofGis theminimum cardinality among all super dominating sets inG. In this article weobtain closed formulas and tight bounds for the super dominating number oflexicographic product...
On the doubly connected domination number of a graph
W pracy została zdefiniowana liczba dominowania podwójnie spójnego i przedstawiono jej podstawowe własności.
Obtained scientific degrees/titles
Obtained science degree
dr Mathematics (Mathematics)Wydział Matematyki, Fizyki i Informatyki Uniwersytetu Gdańskiego
seen 3416 times