dr hab. inż. Michał Klugmann
- Associate professor at Institute of Energy
e-Learning courses
Historia i Zabytki Techniki
Cel przedmiotuWprowadzenie studentów w powszechną historię techniki z szerszym omówieniem wybranych dziedzin. Objaśnienie roli postępu technicznego jako kluczowego czynnika rozwoju ludzkości. Dyskusja kontrowersji, wątpliwości oraz etycznych i ekologicznych aspektów postępu. Uwrażliwienie na wartość dziedzictwa, jego rolę kulturotwórczą i konieczność ochrony. Zapoznane z formalno-prawnymi i praktycznymi zagadnieniami ochrony zabytków...
Wymiana i wymienniki ciepła,L,Nanotechnologia,sem.05,PG_00033008 { - Nowy
Laboratorium z przedmiotu Wymiana ciepła prowadzonym na WFTiMS.
Technical Thermodynamics 1, L, ET, sem.03, zimowy 22/23
Termodynamika II, L, MiBM niestacjonarne, sem.04, letni 22/23
Wymiana Ciepła,L,Energetyka,sem.04, letni 22/23
Kurs elerningowy do Laboratorium z Wymiany Ciepła.
Thermodynamics I, L, DaPE, sem.03, zimowy 22/23
Techniki pomiarowe w energetyce, W/L, DiEUE, sem.06 letni 21/22, (PG_00042140)
Poznanie zasad pomiarów wielkości charakterystycznych w procesach wytwarzania energii elektrycznej, wykorzystywania ciepła do wykonywania pracy mechanicznej oraz utrzymywania komfortu cieplnego
Termodynamika, W/C/L, ZiIP, sem.3, zimowy 24/25
Termodynamika, W/C/L, ZiIP, sem.3, zimowy 23/24
Team project, winter semester 24/25
Technical Thermodynamics, W/C/L, ET, sem.3, zimowy 23/24
Rewolucja Przemysłowa
Omówienie rewolucji przemysłowej, jako procesu, który ukształtował współczesny świat - czyli okresu od XVIII wieku, do czasów współczesnych, na tle osi czasu powszechnej historii techniki. Omówienie wybranych dziedzin techniki, rozwiniętych w tym okresie, postaci i wybranych wynalazków. Objaśnienie roli postępu technicznego jako kluczowego czynnika rozwoju ludzkości. Dyskusja kontrowersji, wątpliwości oraz etycznych i ekologicznych...
Technical Thermodynamics 2, W/L, ET, sem.4, letni 23/24
Technical Thermodynamics 1, W/C/L, ET, sem.3, zimowy 24/25
Zastosowanie termografii w pomiarach medycznych
Thermodynamics II, W/L, DaPE, sem.4, letni 23/24
Wymiana ciepła, L, MiBM, sem.5, zimowy 23/24
Rewolucja Przemysłowa
Omówienie rewolucji przemysłowej, jako procesu, który ukształtował współczesny świat - czyli okresu od XVIII wieku, do czasów współczesnych, na tle osi czasu powszechnej historii techniki. Omówienie wybranych dziedzin techniki, rozwiniętych w tym okresie, postaci i wybranych wynalazków. Objaśnienie roli postępu technicznego jako kluczowego czynnika rozwoju ludzkości. Dyskusja kontrowersji, wątpliwości oraz etycznych i ekologicznych...
Zastosowanie termografii w pomiarach medycznych, sem. zimowy 24/25
Rewolucja Przemysłowa
Termodynamika, L, MTR, sem.02, letni 22/23
Wymiana i wymienniki ciepła,L,Energetyka,sem.06,letni 22/23
Kurs e nauczanie dla celow laboratorium
Termodynamika, W/C/L, IMM, sem.3, zimowy 24/25
Team project
Wymiana ciepła Laboratorium
Thermodynamics I, W/C/L, DaPE, sem.3, zimowy 23/24
Thermodynamics I, W/C/L, DaPE, sem.3, zimowy 24/25
Termodynamika, W/C/L, MiBM, sem.3, zimowy 24/25
Wymiana ciepła, L, E, sem.4, letni 23/24
Rewolucja przemysłowa, sem. zimowy 24/25
Termodynamika, W/C/L, IMM, sem.3, zimowy 23/24
Termodynamika, W/L, MTR, sem.2, letni 23/24
Historia i zabytki techniki
Termodynamika, W/L, M, sem.2, letni 24/25
Wymiana ciepła,W/L,Energetyka, sem4, letni 24/25
Zajęcia dotyczą podstawowych zagadnień związanych z podstawowymi mechanizmami wymiany ciepłą tj. przewodzenia, konwekcji i radiacyjnej wymiany ciepłą.
Historia i Zabytki Techniki
Thermodynamics II, W/L, DaPE, sem.4, letni 24/25
Energetyka słoneczna 2024/25 sem. letni
Technical Thermodynamics 2, W/L, ET, sem. 4, letni 24/25
Rewolucja Przemysłowa 2024/25 sem. letni
Ochrona radiologiczna i zdrowie publiczne 2024/25 sem. letni
Conducted classes
Solar energy
Faculty of Mechanical Engineering and Ship TechnologyField of study: Power Engineering
Specialization: Pro-Ecological Energy Systems
Field of study: Power Engineering
Specialization: Pro-Ecological Energy Systems
Field of study: Power Engineering
Specialization: Pro-Ecological Energy Systems
Industrial Revolution
Faculty of Mechanical Engineering and Ship TechnologyField of study: Mechanical Engineering
Specialization: Heat and Fluid Flow Technologies
Field of study: Mechanical Engineering
Specialization: Manufacturing Engineering and Production Systems
Field of study: Mechanical Engineering
Specialization: Modeling in Machine and Vehicle Design
Radiological protection and public health
Faculty of Mechanical Engineering and Ship TechnologyField of study: Nuclear Engineering
History and monuments of technology
Faculty of Mechanical Engineering and Ship TechnologyField of study: Mathematics
Team project
Faculty of Mechanical Engineering and Ship TechnologyField of study: Mechanical Engineering
Specialization: International Design Engineer
Industrial Revolution
Faculty of Mechanical Engineering and Ship TechnologyField of study: Mechanical and Naval Engineering
Industrial Revolution
Faculty of Mechanical Engineering and Ship TechnologyField of study: Ocean Engineering
Industrial Revolution
Faculty of Mechanical Engineering and Ship TechnologyField of study: Mechanical Engineering
Specialization: Manufacturing Engineering and Production Systems
Industrial Revolution
Faculty of Mechanical Engineering and Ship TechnologyField of study: Mechanical Engineering
Specialization: Heat and Fluid Flow Technologies
Industrial Revolution
Faculty of Mechanical Engineering and Ship TechnologyField of study: Mechanical Engineering
Specialization: Modeling in Machine and Vehicle Design
Master's thesis
Faculty of Mechanical Engineering and Ship TechnologyField of study: Power Engineering
Specialization: Green Technologies in Heating, Ventilation and Air Conditioning
Nowoczesne techniki audio-wizualne w nauce i w hobby
Faculty of Mechanical Engineering and Ship TechnologyField of study: Mechatronics
Nowoczesne techniki audio-wizualne w nauce i w hobby
Faculty of Mechanical Engineering and Ship TechnologyField of study: Mechanical and Medical Engineering
Specialization: Medical Devices, Implants and Biomaterials
History and technical monuments
Faculty of Mechanical Engineering and Ship TechnologyField of study: Technical Physics
Thermography application in medical measurements
Faculty of Mechanical Engineering and Ship TechnologyField of study: Mechanical and Medical Engineering
Specialization: Modern Medical Devices and Implants
Industrial Revolution
Faculty of Mechanical Engineering and Ship TechnologyField of study: Mechanical and Naval Engineering
Industrial Revolution
Faculty of Mechanical Engineering and Ship TechnologyField of study: Ocean Engineering
History and monuments of technology
Faculty of Mechanical Engineering and Ship TechnologyField of study: Technical Physics
Industrial Revolution
Faculty of Mechanical Engineering and Ship TechnologyField of study: Mechanical Engineering
Specialization: Manufacturing Engineering and Production Systems
Field of study: Mechanical Engineering
Specialization: Modeling in Machine and Vehicle Design
Field of study: Mechanical Engineering
Specialization: Heat and Fluid Flow Technologies
Thermography application in medical measurements
Faculty of Mechanical Engineering and Ship TechnologyField of study: Mechanical and Medical Engineering
Specialization: Modern Medical Devices and Implants
Team project
Faculty of Mechanical Engineering and Ship TechnologyField of study: Mechanical Engineering
Specialization: International Design Engineer
Team project
Faculty of Mechanical Engineering and Ship TechnologyField of study: Mechanical Engineering
Specialization: International Design Engineer
History and monuments of technology
Faculty of Mechanical Engineering and Ship TechnologyField of study: Environmental Engineering
Stream: Environmental Engineering
Field of study: Power Engineering
Field of study: Biotechnology
Field of study: Electronics and Telecommunications
Field of study: Geodesy and Cartography
Field of study: Electrical Engineering
Field of study: Power Engineering
Field of study: Nanotechnology
Field of study: Electronics and Telecommunications
Field of study: Spatial Development
Field of study: Automation, Robotics and Control Systems
Field of study: Environmental Engineering
Stream: Environmental Engineering
Specialization: Environmental Engineering
Field of study: Nanotechnology
Specialization: Nanostructures and computer simulations in material science
Field of study: Spatial Development
Field of study: Biomedical Engineering
Field of study: Chemistry
Field of study: Biomedical Engineering
Field of study: Green Technologies
Field of study: Green Technologies
Field of study: Chemical Technology
Field of study: Electronics and Telecommunications
Field of study: Civil Engineering
Stream: Civil Engineering
Specialization: Civil Engineering
Field of study: Power Engineering
Field of study: Biomedical Engineering
Field of study: Engineering and Technologies of Energy Carriers
Field of study: Chemistry in Construction Engineering
Field of study: Corrosion
Field of study: Technical Physics
Thermography application in medical measurements
Faculty of Mechanical Engineering and Ship TechnologyField of study: Mechanical and Medical Engineering
Specialization: Modern Medical Devices and Implants
Team Project
Faculty of Mechanical Engineering and Ship TechnologyField of study: Mechanical Engineering
Specialization: International Design Engineer
Professional Communication in English Language
Faculty of Mechanical Engineering and Ship TechnologyField of study: Power Engineering
Field of study: Power Engineering
The Fate of Civilization
Faculty of Mechanical Engineering and Ship TechnologyField of study: Materials Engineering
Field of study: Management
Field of study: Economic Analytics
Field of study: Management
Field of study: Economic Analytics
The Fate of Civilization
Faculty of Mechanical Engineering and Ship TechnologyField of study: Green Technologies and Monitoring
Field of study: Ocean Engineering
Field of study: Space and Satellite Technologies
Field of study: Electrical Engineering
Field of study: Geodesy and Cartography
Field of study: Mathematics
Field of study: Transport and Logistics
Field of study: Mechatronics
Field of study: Coastal and Offshore Engineering
Field of study: Materials Engineering
Field of study: Biotechnology
Field of study: Biomedical Engineering
Field of study: Coastal and Offshore Engineering
Field of study: Mechanical and Medical Engineering
Field of study: Environmental Engineering
Stream: Environmental Engineering
Specialization: Environmental Engineering
Field of study: Coastal and Offshore Engineering
Field of study: Power Engineering
Field of study: Power Engineering
Field of study: Ocean Engineering
Field of study: Space and Satellite Technologies
Field of study: Civil Engineering
Stream: Civil Engineering
Field of study: Materials Engineering
Field of study: Ocean Engineering
Field of study: Nanotechnology
Field of study: Civil Engineering
Stream: Civil Engineering
Specialization: Civil Engineering
Field of study: Materials Engineering
Field of study: Chemical Technology
Field of study: Ocean Engineering
Field of study: Engineering and Technologies of Energy Carriers
Field of study: Informatics
Field of study: Technical Physics
Field of study: Nanotechnology
Specialization: Nanostructures and computer simulations in material science
Field of study: Green Technologies
Field of study: Chemistry
Field of study: Spatial Development
Field of study: Biomedical Engineering
Field of study: Automation, Robotics and Control Systems
Field of study: Mechanical Engineering
Field of study: Mechanical Engineering
Field of study: Transport and Logistics
Field of study: Ocean Engineering
Field of study: Environmental Engineering
Stream: Environmental Engineering
Field of study: Management
Field of study: Green Technologies and Monitoring
Field of study: Mechatronics
Field of study: Corrosion
Field of study: Electronics and Telecommunications
Field of study: Biomedical Engineering
Field of study: Spatial Development
Field of study: Nanotechnology
Specialization: Nanostructures and computer simulations in material science
Field of study: Transport
Field of study: Green Technologies
Field of study: Automatic Control, Cybernetics and Robotics
Field of study: Space and Satellite Technologies
Field of study: Environmental Engineering
Stream: Environmental Engineering
Specialization: Environmental Engineering
Field of study: Ocean Engineering
Field of study: Chemistry in Construction Engineering
Field of study: Civil Engineering
Stream: Civil Engineering
Specialization: Civil Engineering
Thermography in medical and engineering applications
Faculty of Mechanical Engineering and Ship TechnologyField of study: Mechanical and Medical Engineering
The Fate of Civilization
Faculty of Mechanical Engineering and Ship TechnologyField of study: Electrical Engineering
Field of study: Green Technologies and Monitoring
Field of study: Green Technologies and Monitoring
Field of study: Power Engineering
Field of study: Power Engineering
Field of study: Mechanical Engineering
Specialization: International Design Engineer
Field of study: Mechanical and Medical Engineering
Field of study: Biomedical Engineering
Field of study: Electronics and Telecommunications
Field of study: Biomedical Engineering
Field of study: Power Engineering
Field of study: Power Engineering
Field of study: Geodesy and Cartography
Field of study: Biotechnology
Field of study: Spatial Development
Field of study: Medical and Mechanical Engineering
Field of study: Technical Physics
Field of study: Mechanical Engineering
Specialization: International Design Engineer
Field of study: Civil Engineering
Stream: Civil Engineering
Specialization: Civil Engineering
Field of study: Nanotechnology
Field of study: Biomedical Engineering
Field of study: Power Engineering
Field of study: Automation, Robotics and Control Systems
Field of study: Environmental Engineering
Stream: Environmental Engineering
Field of study: Corrosion
Field of study: Chemistry in Construction Engineering
Field of study: Chemical Technology
Field of study: Chemistry
Field of study: Environmental Engineering
Stream: Environmental Engineering
Specialization: Environmental Engineering
History and monuments of technology
Faculty of Mechanical EngineeringField of study: Materials Engineering
Field of study: Ocean Engineering
Field of study: Informatics
Field of study: Economic Analytics
Field of study: Materials Engineering
Field of study: Transport
Field of study: Economic Analytics
Field of study: Civil Engineering
Stream: Civil Engineering
Field of study: Coastal and Offshore Engineering
Field of study: Transport
Field of study: Ocean Engineering
Field of study: Materials Engineering
Field of study: Corrosion
Field of study: Coastal and Offshore Engineering
Field of study: Transport
Field of study: Coastal and Offshore Engineering
Field of study: Mechatronics
Field of study: Materials Engineering
Field of study: Control Engineering and Robotics
Field of study: Mechatronics
History and monuments of engineering technique
Faculty of Mechanical Engineering -
Thermography in medical and engineering applications
Faculty of Mechanical EngineeringField of study: Mechanical and Medical Engineering
Field of study: Medical and Mechanical Engineering
Diploma/Final Project
Faculty of Mechanical EngineeringField of study: Power Engineering
Specialization: Diagnostics and Operation of Energy Systems
Diploma/Final Project
Faculty of Mechanical EngineeringField of study: Mechanical Engineering
Specialization: Thermal-Hydraulic Systems and Industrial Apparatus
Diploma/Final Project
Faculty of Mechanical EngineeringField of study: Mechatronics
Specialization: Applied Mechatronics
History and monuments of engineering technique
Faculty of Mechanical EngineeringField of study: Corrosion
Field of study: Mechanical and Medical Engineering
Field of study: Biomedical Engineering
Field of study: Electrical Engineering
Field of study: Biotechnology
Field of study: Geodesy and Cartography
Field of study: Chemistry
Field of study: Chemical Technology
Field of study: Nanotechnology
Field of study: Automatic Control and Robotics
Field of study: Medical and Mechanical Engineering
Field of study: Power Engineering
Field of study: Power Engineering
Field of study: Power Engineering
Field of study: Electronics and Telecommunications
Field of study: Mechanical Engineering
Field of study: Power Engineering
Field of study: Biomedical Engineering
Field of study: Power Engineering
Field of study: Mechanical Engineering
Field of study: Environmental Engineering
Stream: Environmental Engineering
Field of study: Biomedical Engineering
Field of study: Chemistry in Construction Engineering
Field of study: Technical Physics
History and monuments of engineering technique
Faculty of Mechanical EngineeringField of study: Technical Physics
Thermography in medical and engineering applications
Faculty of Mechanical EngineeringField of study: Medical and Mechanical Engineering
Field of study: Mechanical and Medical Engineering
History and monuments of engineering technique
Faculty of Mechanical EngineeringField of study: Transport
Field of study: Mechanical Engineering
Field of study: Mechanical Engineering
Field of study: Control Engineering and Robotics
Field of study: Civil Engineering
Stream: Civil Engineering
Field of study: Informatics
History and monuments of engineering technique
Faculty of Mechanical EngineeringField of study: Economic Analytics
History and monuments of engineering technique
Faculty of Mechanical Engineering
Historia i zabytki techniki
Faculty of Mechanical Engineering -
History and monuments of engineering technique
Faculty of Mechanical EngineeringField of study: Power Engineering
Field of study: Mechanical Engineering
Field of study: Biomedical Engineering
Field of study: Chemistry
Field of study: Technical Physics
Field of study: Power Engineering
Field of study: Power Engineering
Field of study: Medical and Mechanical Engineering
Field of study: Biotechnology
Field of study: Nanotechnology
Field of study: Economic Analytics
Field of study: Chemistry in Construction Engineering
Field of study: Mechanical Engineering
Field of study: Environmental Engineering
Stream: Environmental Engineering
Field of study: Chemical Technology
Diploma/Final Project
Faculty of Mechanical EngineeringField of study: Mechanical Engineering
Specialization: Thermal-Hydraulic Systems and Industrial Apparatus
History and monuments of engineering technique
Faculty of Mechanical EngineeringField of study: Management
Diploma/Final Project
Faculty of Mechanical EngineeringField of study: Power Engineering
Specialization: Diagnostics and Operation of Energy Systems
History and monuments of engineering technique
Faculty of Mechanical EngineeringField of study: Management
Field of study: Management
Field of study: Management
History and monuments of engineering technique
Faculty of Mechanical EngineeringField of study: Economic Analytics
History and monuments of engineering technique
Faculty of Mechanical Engineering -
Diploma/Final Project
Faculty of Mechanical EngineeringField of study: Power Engineering
Specialization: Pro-Ecological Energy Technologies
Thermography in medical and engineering applications
Faculty of Mechanical EngineeringField of study: Medical and Mechanical Engineering
History and monuments of engineering technique
Faculty of Mechanical EngineeringField of study: Management
History and monuments of engineering technique
Faculty of Mechanical EngineeringField of study: Automatic Control and Robotics
Field of study: Power Engineering
Field of study: Electrical Engineering
History and monuments of engineering technique
Faculty of Mechanical EngineeringField of study: Ocean Engineering
Field of study: Materials Engineering
Field of study: Informatics
Field of study: Management
Field of study: Management
Field of study: Ocean Engineering
Field of study: Surveying Techniques In Engineering
Field of study: Economic Analytics
Field of study: Transport
Field of study: Civil Engineering
Field of study: Biomedical Engineering
Field of study: Materials Engineering
Field of study: Management
Field of study: Mechanical Engineering
Field of study: Materials Engineering
Field of study: Biotechnology
Field of study: Biomedical Engineering
Field of study: Mechatronics
Field of study: Surveying Techniques In Engineering
Field of study: Architecture
Diploma/Final Project
Faculty of Mechanical EngineeringField of study: Power Engineering
Specialization: Pro-Ecological Energy Technologies
Diploma/Final Project
Faculty of Mechanical EngineeringField of study: Mechanical Engineering
Specialization: Thermal-Hydraulic Systems and Industrial Apparatus
Historia i zabytki techniki
Faculty of Mechanical EngineeringField of study: Economic Analytics
Diploma/Final Project
Faculty of Mechanical EngineeringField of study: Power Engineering
Specialization: Diagnostics and Operation of Energy Systems
History and monuments of engineering technique
Faculty of Mechanical EngineeringField of study: Civil Engineering
Specialization: Civil Engineering
Field of study: Chemistry in Construction Engineering
Field of study: Power Engineering
Field of study: Nanotechnology
Field of study: Control Engineering and Robotics
Field of study: Economic Analytics
Field of study: Automatic Control and Robotics
Field of study: Electrical Engineering
Field of study: Power Engineering
Field of study: Chemical Technology
Field of study: Environmental Engineering
Field of study: Power Engineering
Field of study: Medical and Mechanical Engineering
Diploma/Final Project
Faculty of Mechanical EngineeringField of study: Mechanical Engineering
Specialization: Thermal-Hydraulic Systems and Industrial Apparatus
Diploma/Final Project
Faculty of Mechanical EngineeringField of study: Power Engineering
Specialization: Pro-Ecological Energy Technologies
Diploma/Final Project
Faculty of Mechanical EngineeringField of study: Power Engineering
Specialization: Diagnostics and Operation of Energy Systems
Heat Transfer
Faculty of Mechanical EngineeringField of study: Mechanical Engineering
Specialization: Computer and Experimental Methods in Mechanical Engineering
Professional Communication in English
Faculty of Mechanical Engineering and Ship TechnologyField of study: Power Engineering
Specialization: Energy Systems in Distributed Economy
Thermography in medical and engineering applications
Faculty of Mechanical EngineeringField of study: Medical and Mechanical Engineering
Heat Transfer
Faculty of Mechanical EngineeringField of study: Mechanical Engineering
Specialization: Computer and Experimental Methods in Mechanical Engineering
Professional Communication in English
Faculty of Mechanical Engineering and Ship TechnologyField of study: Power Engineering
Specialization: Design and Modeling of Energy Systems
Thermography in medical and engineering applications
Faculty of Mechanical EngineeringField of study: Medical and Mechanical Engineering
Diploma/Final Project
Faculty of Mechanical EngineeringField of study: Power Engineering
Specialization: Pro-Ecological Energy Technologies
Diploma/Final Project
Faculty of Mechanical EngineeringField of study: Power Engineering
Specialization: Diagnostics and Operation of Energy Systems
Diploma/Final Project
Faculty of Mechanical EngineeringField of study: Mechanical Engineering
Specialization: Thermal-Hydraulic Systems and Industrial Apparatus
Diploma/Final Project
Faculty of Mechanical EngineeringField of study: Mechanical Engineering
Specialization: Power Engineering Systems and Machines
Diploma/Final Project
Faculty of Mechanical EngineeringField of study: Mechanical Engineering
Specialization: Thermal-Hydraulic Systems and Industrial Apparatus
Diploma/Final Project
Faculty of Mechanical EngineeringField of study: Power Engineering
Specialization: Diagnostics and Operation of Energy Systems
Diploma/Final Project
Faculty of Mechanical EngineeringField of study: Power Engineering
Specialization: Pro-Ecological Energy Technologies
Heat Transfer
Faculty of Mechanical EngineeringField of study: Mechanical Engineering
Specialization: Computer and Experimental Methods in Mechanical Engineering
Environmental Protection Engineering
Faculty of Mechanical EngineeringField of study: Mechanical Engineering
Wymiana i wymienniki ciepła
Faculty of Mechanical Engineering -
Heat Transfer
Faculty of Mechanical EngineeringField of study: Mechanical Engineering
Diploma/Final Project
Faculty of Mechanical EngineeringField of study: Power Engineering
Specialization: Pro-Ecological Energy Technologies
Diploma/Final Project
Faculty of Mechanical EngineeringField of study: Mechanical Engineering
Specialization: Thermal-Hydraulic Systems and Industrial Apparatus
Diploma/Final Project
Faculty of Mechanical EngineeringField of study: Power Engineering
Specialization: Diagnostics and Operation of Energy Systems
Thermography in medical and engineering applications
Faculty of Mechanical EngineeringField of study: Medical and Mechanical Engineering
Heat Transfer
Faculty of Mechanical EngineeringField of study: Mechanical Engineering
Specialization: Computer-Aided Production Engineering
Diploma/Final Project
Faculty of Mechanical Engineering -
Thermography in medical and engineering applications
Faculty of Mechanical EngineeringField of study: Medical and Mechanical Engineering
Specialization: Design, Operation, Diagnostics
Diploma/Final Project
Faculty of Mechanical EngineeringField of study: Mechanical Engineering
Specialization: Thermal-Hydraulic Systems and Industrial Apparatus
Environmental Protection Engineering
Faculty of Mechanical EngineeringField of study: Mechanical Engineering
Heat Transfer
Faculty of Mechanical EngineeringField of study: Mechanical Engineering
Specialization: Computer-Aided Production Engineering
Diploma/Final Project
Faculty of Mechanical EngineeringField of study: Mechanical Engineering
Specialization: Power Engineering Systems and Machines
Diploma/Final Project
Faculty of Mechanical EngineeringField of study: Mechanical Engineering
Specialization: Thermal-Hydraulic Systems and Industrial Apparatus
seen 4922 times