Zdolni z Pomorza - Politechnika Gdańska - Project - Bridge of Knowledge


Zdolni z Pomorza - Politechnika Gdańska

The project aims to support talented students from the province. Pomeranian Voivodeship in the field of developing knowledge in the field of exact and natural sciences, including: in the following subject areas: biology, chemistry, physics, computer science, mathematics and related sciences. The project includes the implementation of academic forms of support, enabling gifted students (UZ) to acquire specific key competences, as well as contact with the academic community, getting acquainted with the scientific and teaching, learning the methodology of scientific research and current trends in the development of a given field of science. The activity is carried out in cooperation with 4 units of the Gdańsk University of Technology (PG): Faculty of Electronics, Telecommunications and Computer Science (WETI), Center of Mathematics (CM), Faculty Chemistry (WCH) and the Faculty of Technical Physics and Applied Mathematics (WFTiMS). The project planned activities in the area of support for gifted students, which are a continuation of the evaluated activities carried out in 2016-2023 in the project "Talented with Pomerania – Gdańsk University of Technology” as part of the strategic project “Zdolni z Pomorza”. Various forms of academic support for students are planned: meetings full-time and remote academics, Olympic rings, e-learning courses, mentoring and scientific supervision. The selection of implemented forms of support will correspond to the current ones conditions and will serve to properly plan the educational path and make the right choice of further education by students supported in the project.

W rezultacie, co najmniej 600 uczestników projektu nabędzie lub podniesienie kompetencje w wymienionych obszarach.

Projekt, którego kierownikiem jest prof. Barbara Wikieł, prorektorka ds. studenckich, będzie realizowany przez najbliższe 4 lata, do 30 września 2028 r. 

Łączna wysokość wydatków kwalifikowalnych projektu: 1 867 658,18 PLN.

Wysokość dofinansowania ze środków europejskich: 1 680 892,36 PLN.

Link do strony internetowej projektu, zawierającej w szczególności harmonogram wsparcia: Zdolni z Pomorza - wspieranie uczniów | Politechnika Gdańska

#FunduszeUE   #FunduszeEuropejskie 

Illustration of the publication


Project's acronym:
Financial Program Name:
European Funds for Pomorze
Urząd Marszałkowski Województwa Pomorskiego
FEPM.05.08-IZ.00-0161/24-00 z dnia 2024-10-29
Realisation period:
2024-09-01 - 2028-09-30
Project manager:
dr Barbara Wikieł
Team members:
Realised in:
Strategic Projects Office
Project's value:
1 680 892.36 PLN
Request type:
European Founds
Domestic project
Verified by:
No verification

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