The article discusses the issue of balancing energy processes in turbine engines in operation in aeronautic and PDULQHSURSXOVLRQV\VWHPVZLWKWKHDLPWRDQDO\VHDQGHYDOXDWH EDVLFRSHUDWLQJSDUDPHWHUV7KH¿UVWSDUWSUHVHQWV the problem of enormous amounts of energy needed for driving fans and compressors of the largest contemporary turbofan engines commonly used in long-distance aviation. The amounts of the transmitted power and the effect RIÀRZSDUDPHWHUVDQGFRQVWUXFWLRQDOSURSHUWLHVRIWKHHQJLQHV RQWKHLUSHUIRUPDQFHDQGUHDOHI¿FLHQF\DUH evaluated. The second part of the article, devoted to marine applications of turbine engines, presents the energy balance of the kinetic system of torque transmission from main engine turbines to screw propellers in the combined system of COGAG type. The physical model of energy conversion processes executed in this system is presented, along with the physical model of gasodynamic processes taking place in a separate driving turbine of a reversing engine. These models have made the basis for formulating balance equations, which then were used for analysing static and dynamic properties of the analysed type of propulsion, in particular in the aspect of mechanical loss evaluation in its kinematic system.
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- Publication version
- Accepted or Published Version
- DOI:
- Digital Object Identifier (open in new tab) 10.2478/pomr-2014-0041
- License
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- Category:
- Articles
- Type:
- artykuł w czasopiśmie wyróżnionym w JCR
- Published in:
Polish Maritime Research
no. 21,
pages 48 - 56,
ISSN: 1233-2585 - Language:
- English
- Publication year:
- 2014
- Bibliographic description:
- Balicki W., Głowacki P., Szczeciński S., Korczewski Z., Kozakiewicz A., Szczeciński J.: Balancing energy processes in turbine engines// Polish Maritime Research. -Vol. 21, iss. 4(84) (2014), s.48-56
- DOI:
- Digital Object Identifier (open in new tab) 10.2478/pomr-2014-0041
- Verified by:
- Gdańsk University of Technology
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