China and the Chinese in the modern world. An interdisciplinary study - Publication - Bridge of Knowledge


China and the Chinese in the modern world. An interdisciplinary study


This monograph is a collection of chapters devoted to modern China on various approaches. There is no future without a past and a modern China is a country that skillfully combines the new with the old and the authors have attempted to present this phenomenon in this book. It brings to light issues such as a honorificativity in Chinese administrative and legal documents, a comparison of Chinese and Western legal traditions in the past and now, modern Polish and Chinese civil law perspectives on the principle of good faith and finally, the Chinese government’s efforts to end gender discrimination in the workplace, discovering the roots of the Hanfu movement development, a brief overview of constructing Sino-Polish bridges and last but not least the perspective of Chinese and European about mianzi and guanxi concepts in the 21st century. The interdisciplinary research field thus marked out enabled authors to present contemporary China and its inhabitants in a differentiated way. The thematic scope of each chapter is an inspiring reflection on the unique variety of China.

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ISBN: 978-83-66709-18-8
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