Rendezvous of Heterogeneous Mobile Agents in Edge-Weighted Networks - Publication - Bridge of Knowledge


Rendezvous of Heterogeneous Mobile Agents in Edge-Weighted Networks


We introduce a variant of the deterministic rendezvous problem for a pair of heterogeneous agents operating in an undirected graph, which differ in the time they require to traverse particular edges of the graph. Each agent knows the complete topology of the graph and the initial positions of both agents. The agent also knows its own traversal times for all of the edges of the graph, but is unaware of the corresponding traversal times for the other agent. The goal of the agents is to meet on an edge or a node of the graph. In this scenario, we study the time required by the agents to meet, compared to the meeting time T_OPT in the offline scenario in which the agents have complete knowledge about each others speed characteristics. When no additional assumptions are made, we show that rendezvous in our model can be achieved after time O(n T_OPT ) in a n-node graph, and that such time is essentially in some cases the best possible. However, we prove that the rendezvous time can be reduced to Θ(T_OPT) when the agents are allowed to exchange Θ(n) bits of information at the start of the rendezvous process. We then show that under some natural assumption about the traversal times of edges, the hardness of the heterogeneous rendezvous problem can be substantially decreased, both in terms of time required for rendezvous without communication, and the communication complexity of achieving rendezvous in time Θ(T_OPT ).


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materiały konferencyjne indeksowane w Web of Science
Title of issue:
Structural Information and Communication Complexity strony 311 - 326
Publication year:
Bibliographic description:
Dereniowski D., Kuszner Ł., Kosowski A., Klasing R..: Rendezvous of Heterogeneous Mobile Agents in Edge-Weighted Networks, W: Structural Information and Communication Complexity, 2014, Springer,.
Digital Object Identifier (open in new tab) 10.1007/978-3-319-09620-9_24
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Gdańsk University of Technology

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