Structural change in New Member States (1995-2005): shift-share analysis of productivity growth and its determinants - Publication - Bridge of Knowledge


Structural change in New Member States (1995-2005): shift-share analysis of productivity growth and its determinants


The chapter focuses on the latest developments in ten New MemberStates (presented vis-à-vis EU-15countries), seen from the perspective of structural change and quality upgrading of their economic structures. In particular, recently released disaggregated labor statistics are used,allowing to analyse the process of labor reallocation and productivitychanges associated with inter-and intra-industrystructural change. Since the mid-1990s NMS have gone through a rapid process of sectoral restructuring.However, despite rapid economic restructuring, the tendency for labor reallocation towards sectors with higher productivity has been rather weak in NMS-10 (but still stronger than in EU-15 countries).The results, put together, indicate that even though NMS-10 and EU-15 economies have gone through a labor reallocation process (more rapid in the former group of countries), within-sector developments, rather than inter-sectoral movements, have contributed positively to the labor productivity growth process in the years of East-West EU integration.

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Monographic publication
rozdział, artykuł w książce - dziele zbiorowym /podręczniku w języku o zasięgu międzynarodowym
Title of issue:
Public Investment,Growth and Fiscal Constraints. Challenges for the EU New Member State strony 229 - 249
Publication year:
Bibliographic description:
Parteka A.: Structural change in New Member States (1995-2005): shift-share analysis of productivity growth and its determinants// Public Investment,Growth and Fiscal Constraints. Challenges for the EU New Member State/ ed. ed. M. Florio. Cheltenham: Edwar Elgar Publishing, 2011, s.229-249
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Gdańsk University of Technology

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