Testing of Software for the Planning of a Linear Object GNSS Measurement Campaign under Simulated Conditions - Publication - Bridge of Knowledge


Testing of Software for the Planning of a Linear Object GNSS Measurement Campaign under Simulated Conditions


The precision of a linear object measurement using satellite techniques is determined by the number and the relative position of the visible satellites by the receiver. The status of the visible constellation is described by DOP. The obtained geometric coefficient values are dependent on many variables. When determining these values, field obstacles at the receiver location and satellite positions changing with time must be taken into account. Carrying out a series of surveys as part of a linear object GNSS measurement campaign requires the optimisation problem to be solved. The manner of the inspection vehicle’s movement should be determined in such a way that the surveys are taken only within the pre-defined time frames and that the geometric coefficient values obtained at subsequent points of the route are as low as possible. The purpose of this article is to develop a software for the planning of a linear object GNSS measurement campaign to implemented in motion and taking into account the terrain model and its coverage. Additionally, it was determined how much the developed program improves DOP values on the planned route under simulated conditions. This software has no equivalent elsewhere in the world, as the current solutions for the planning of a GNSS measurement campaign, e.g., Trimble GNSS Planning, GNSS Mission Planning, or GPS Navigation Toolbox, allow the satellite constellation geometry to be analysed exclusively for specific coordinates and at a specific time. Analysis of the obtained simulation test results indicates that the campaign implementation in accordance with the pre-determined schedule significantly improves the quality of the recorded GNSS data. This is particularly noticeable when determining the position using the GPS and GLONASS satellite constellations at the same time. During the tests conducted on the road along a three-kilometre-long route in Gdańsk, the average value of the obtained PDOP decreased by 22.17% thanks to using the software to plan a linear object GNSS measurement campaign. The largest drop in the geometric coefficient values was noted for an area characterised by a very large number of field obstacles. Under these conditions, the PDOP value decreased by approx. 25%. In areas characterised by a small number of field obstacles (single trees in the vicinity of the track, clusters of trees and buildings located along the track), the changes in the PDOP were slightly smaller and amounted to several percent.


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Digital Object Identifier (open in new tab) 10.3390/en14237896
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artykuły w czasopismach
Published in:
ENERGIES no. 14,
ISSN: 1996-1073
Publication year:
Bibliographic description:
Figiel S., Specht C., Moszyński M., Stateczny A., Specht M.: Testing of Software for the Planning of a Linear Object GNSS Measurement Campaign under Simulated Conditions// ENERGIES -Vol. 14,iss. 23 (2021), s.7896-
Digital Object Identifier (open in new tab) 10.3390/en14237896
Verified by:
Gdańsk University of Technology

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