The Analysis of Working Parameters Decrease in Photovoltaic Modules as a Result of Dust Deposition - Publication - Bridge of Knowledge


The Analysis of Working Parameters Decrease in Photovoltaic Modules as a Result of Dust Deposition


The aspect of dust accumulation on the surface of photovoltaic (PV) modules should be thoroughly understood in order to minimize possible obstacles affecting energy generation. Several elements affect the amount of pollutant gathered on the surface of a solar device, mainly its localization, which is irreversibly linked to factors such as annual rainfall, occasional snow coverage, or, in a dry climate, increased blow of dust during sandstorms and higher concentration of soil particles in desert areas. Other than weather conditions in the region, PV installation type also plays an important role as a more horizontal position is favorable for the accumulation of soil. The research carried out and presented in this paper was done for dust accumulated naturally on PV modules kept in outdoor conditions and dust artificially sieved onto the front glass cover of modules. The experiment performed by the authors, including artificially deposited dust, defined the linear relationship between surface dust density of different types of contaminants and efficiency decline up to 10% for two different PV modules. The additional field study carried out in external conditions for a coastal region in Northern Poland concluded that, after one year, exposition photovoltaic conversion efficiency can be over 10% lower, with a slight performance improvement for the autumn season characterized by heavy rainfall.


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artykuły w czasopismach
Published in:
ENERGIES no. 13, pages 1 - 11,
ISSN: 1996-1073
Publication year:
Bibliographic description:
Klugmann-Radziemska E., Rudnicka M.: The Analysis of Working Parameters Decrease in Photovoltaic Modules as a Result of Dust Deposition// ENERGIES -Vol. 13,iss. 16 (2020), s.1-11
Digital Object Identifier (open in new tab) 10.3390/en13164138
Verified by:
Gdańsk University of Technology

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